The Daniel fast is more than a diet
Earlier this year, Cricket posted a blog about fasting, which is something we encourage World Racers and other missionaries to do before going on a trip. It helps you focus and align with God’s agenda. This blog about the Daniel fast has brought in all kinds of visitors for various reasons (click here to read some of the comments), so I wanted to use it to encourage you to embrace the discipline of fasting and see what God would do through something like the following:
What is a fast?
A fast means to abstain from something such as a particular food, solid food, TV, music, etc.
Why fast
The purpose of a fast is when you desire the food or area you are not indulging in, to turn your focus to God by reading the Bible and praying, providing strength not from yourself, but God. This echoes the words of Job 23:12: “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.” This strengthens your faith.
What kind of fast to do and for how long?
Our team has been on a 30 day fast, which ends tomorrow. I have chosen the Daniel fast based on what Daniel ate in the first chapter of Daniel in the Bible. Daniel challenged King Nebuchadnezzar’s royal foods and ate vegetables and water for 10 days saying if in the 10 days he didn’t look better than the ones eating the royal foods, then they could do with him as they saw fit.
Daniel stepped out in faith believing God had called him to eat such a diet and would protect him. God did just that and Daniel’s skin looked healthier than those eating the choice royal foods. Daniel 1:17 clearly verifies that God rewards obedience by opening doors for young Daniel. Daniel continued with his diet and worshiping God while growing in favor with the Babylonians and God was glorified!
On the Daniel fast, I have been eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains only. Basically eliminating meats, dairy, sweets, fried foods, sugar, soda, etc. Eliminating cheese has been the hardest as it is a staple of my diet. I wanted to stretch myself by giving up something I truly enjoy-trust me everyone who knows me knows what a challenge giving up cheese is for me. This also caused me to fully rely on the Lord for strength to be obedient to this time of fasting.
Actually, the longer I go without foods I am used to, the less I want them. At first I wanted them all the time and thought about how long 30 days was. I decided to just focus on it one day at a time and not think about how much was left. Really in the grand scheme of things, 30 days isn’t that long at all. So how does that relate to everyday life and God? What I experienced was the more I indulge in my selfish desires, the more I want them.
But the longer I go without them the more I can grasp at how much of a want they are versus a need. Also, I find that the indulgences don’t always fulfill me in the way I had hoped for in the first place. The only thing that can truly fulfill me is an active relationship with God. I say active because a lot of times I find myself in a passive relationship caught up in the busy nature of my schedule.
It is not God’s responsibility to speed up to our busy pace, but our responsibility to be still, quiet, and listen to Him. When I am actively seeking God I am actively hearing from Him. When I am passive in my relationship I am either too busy or too loud to listen and therefore miss a lot of what God has in store for me.
Read this article on the Daniel Fast and others on simple living here.
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yes, obedience. even being still. knowing. it is wonderful all we truly need to do is love HIM and trust HIM to supply all our needs and Holy and Pure desires.
wow !!!
yes, obedience. even being still. knowing. it is wonderful all we truly need to do is love HIM and trust HIM to supply all our needs and Holy and Pure desires.
wow !!!
you know, we are all together the body of Christ and unified.
all of our obedience and faith affects the other.
so when we want to do something good for humanity or the world all we have to do primarily is retain our own Holiness and Faith in Jesus.
simple huh?
obedience sometimes means breaking out the checkbook as well…God will renew and resupply multiple times over.
We have done that before and found it a real blessing as God removed those extra things and let us focus on the basics of trusting Him.
i just returned from the onething conference at IHOP in Kansas City, where the last 12 hours of the conference was The Call, fasting and praying intercessory prayer for our nation. wow. what an amazing experience and my first real introduction to fasting. reading about the fasted lifestyle is something that has opened my eyes to a whole new level of my relationship to God. i am so excited to see what fruits come from making the choice to have a fasted ‘lifestyle’.
I love what you said, “It is not God’s responsibility to speed up to our busy pace, but our responsibility to be still, quiet, and listen to Him. When I am actively seeking God I am actively hearing from Him. When I am passive in my relationship I am either too busy or too loud to listen and therefore miss a lot of what God has in store for me.” too often people complain (me included) that we can’t hear God speaking. the thought then occurs, are we really listening?
blessings in this new year!
did you meet up with our team from the World Race at the conference? They are still there at the leadership track.
Very timely Seth. We at MCC have committed to a 21 day fast. Great words “It is not God’s responsibility to speed up to our busy pace, but our responsibility to be still, quiet, and listen to Him.” Its good to remind ourselves of these things.
Hi Jeff,
I was told about his page by one of the reader of The Daniel Fast Blog. God inspired me to develop the blog in early December and I never expected it to turn into what it is now!
You can access it at
The site has everything people need for a successful fast.
God bless and I hope the very best for you in all you do. I love your site!
Susan Gregory
a.k.a. The Daniel Fast Blogger
Amen, Lindsay.
YES!! The Daniel Fast is much more than a fast. To me it is an answer to many needs beginning with enriching my relationship with my God. I have been in love with Him so long but it seem that our intimatacy became common and I became liberated beyond His standards. I have so been like Job in many ways because I didn’t understand. Though I remain as Job (though you slay me, yet shall I serve you) in our relationship It is just within these few days that I have opened up my heart and allowed the Holy Spirit to continue renewing my mind in particular area of my life-style that I know now has been a hinder in exception of His will for my life. Since the first day I began this Fast small things have happened that seemed to have paved the way for me to see that the best things are on the way. I know that there are areas that God has yet to show me and things that he has yet to grow me. I am a changed Christian and want this time of consecration to never end. This will stay in my life all my life and I have no doubt about it. There will always be a time of consecration for me in our relationship all the days of my life. This is a time of renewal and revelation is so sweet. Please pray for me as we all seek a closer walk with God our father.
Thank you so much for being a burning bush of God chosing to enlighten me in becoming who He has been waiting for me to become. Now that I have gotten out of His way I know now that He will do all that He will as I prepare His temple for His Glory. Again I thank you so much. Ollie Hill
Me and soon to be husband have re-dedicated our lives to Christ 6 months ago, and are still celebrating our new found Love of God.
Have had our obstacles, highs and lows,(satan surely is a sore loser!) but the hunger for a closer relationship with our Saviour still prevails. this morning, spending some quiet time with the Lord, the words “be like Daniel” came to mind, I was a bit confused (my son is named daniel)so I read the book of Daniel, didn’t quite understand what God was telling me, until I researched on internet and found your website. Confirmation! We are both intending on doing the fast, let the Holy Spirit guide us. Thank you for allowing God to use you as His vessel! WE SERVE AN AWAESOME GOD!!! Sam
I just ended my fast over my support letters, and I have been put at peace over raising funds for the trip in October. It is amazing how when God asks you to do something all you have to do is trust, and he takes care of the rest. Sometimes I forget the simple act of obedience, and the benefit of fasting.