The great Cuban revival of 1988

For 30 years there was no witness in many parts of Cuba. The worst region was Matanza. In 1988, a great revival came to the town of Madruga. It spread through Cuba and destroyed the spirit of atheism.
It began when an evangelist came to preach and many were healed. After four days, he left. The pastor was left wondering how he could possibly keep this going. That day, some people brought a man who had been paralyzed all his life to receive prayer for healing. This meant a confrontation and the people knew it. They gathered around to see what the pastor would do.
There were so many, that instead of praying, he preached. At the conclusion of his message, he knelt beside the man’s cot and prayed. Then rising he exclaimed, “Just as Peter did, I command you to rise up and walk!”
The man jumped to his feet and began running around the church. As more people gathered around, he ran up a nearby hill.
Seeing this, the crowd was awe-struck. People began bringing the sick to the church in droves for healing. It got to be so overwhelming that the army had to help keep the crowds that streamed to the church in order. Twenty four services were held per day, with up to 400 in each service. One service was held on the flat church roof, and one in the church.
The pastor and leaders became so tired that the young people preached. Each service lasted 40 minutes each. The lines were four blocks long. So many miracles took place. The blind could see. Impacted teeth were removed. Many other miracles took place. The revival lasted two months before the government shut it down.
The evangelist who had triggered all this went on to the city of Santiago. Together with two pastors in the area, he began to hold services there. The miracles continued. As people heard about the many healings, they came by the thousands. After five days, the police stormed the church in the middle of a meeting. They drug the people out and beat them. They smashed the piano and pews. They put the leaders in jail.
Undeterred, the young people of the church continued to carry on with the meetings before they too were put in jail. This kind of bold resistance fueled a revival in the church nationwide in Cuba.
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It’s coming Seth, it’s coming! I really believe in my heart that there is somewhere in US that is rising up… Or at least, that is my desire, and that is what I pray for daily!
The closest I’ve seen is First A/G in Gainesville, FL. It is amazing what they are doing. As a result, many miracles! Almost 700 salvations last year, hundreds baptized in the Holy Spirit, grown in size from 250 to 1500. They are on fire.
You ask how… PRAYER! I miss MY church! I am praying for revival in KY now…
and yes, they are Kingdom focused! Missions and poor are BIG!
keep praying
I have been to the Madruga church many times–I married a women who was raised in it and experienced this revival. The word of God is STILL being proclaimed in Madruga…! You can find some of my amatuer video of this church by doing a search on youtube for AMDRUGA CUBA CHURCH….
typo there…MADRUGA CHURCH !!
Could you tell me how I can find a book or books that goes into more detail on this Cuban revival?
I saw that in Stuart Robinson’s book, “Praying the Price”, he mentions that his source for this revival was: Greg O’Connor, “Miracles in Cuba,” New Day, May 1990, 7-9.
All my efforts to find an author of “O’Connor, with a book with that title has failed. Do you know if that is a magazine, or periodical?
Any help you can give would be appreciated.
Chet Swearingen
Sorry, Chet. All my information came from people on the ground, not from reading books. If you find that book, please let me know.
Greg O’Connor worked with Open Doors, as I did and still do. I visited Madruga as well in 1991. I do not know about the book you have mentioned but I will try to find out. Cuba para Cristo!
Peter – good to hear from you. I’d like to hear more about your work and what you’ve seen God do in Cuba.