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love your suggestion, seth. it echoes with tiff’s comment to start one, right where i am…
This hallelujah! occasion tears me up every time I see it. Thanks for posting it, Seth. The post-Christmas re-viewing is highly appropriate.
And yes, serving our Lord in this flashy way is a strategy for present and future development. We’ll work on it wherever we are and wherever we go.
My wife Pat, Katie’s mother, is in Haiti now flushing the cholera out of people. It’s a flush-mob, not unlike a flash mob.
Your sharing the video of this glorious event has already made my Monday a great day, even at 7 a.m. Merci beaucoup!
I believe you’re on to something…
I like that, I spent the next two hours looking at flash mobs that have been put on and people’s reactions to them. It seems many people smile and are warmed up. I also like your idea of putting one on to share the Gospel but I think we need that here too (at home)…
Hmm…sounds like something to do locally with the youth in their subculture. Great idea!
Thanks Seth…Whenever anyone who follows Jesus connects with others sharing that same passion the genesis of a flash mob is there. Love is the ignitor.
Have you seen this one:
it’s my favorite one
Love this.
that’s a good one, Lisa.