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The kingdom of God is like a flash mob

not being a victim
We’re in Spain this morning. I saw this over on Sara Choe’s blog and loved the idea. if Jesus were around today, i wonder if He’d compare the Kingdom of heaven with flash mobs: they come out of nowhere starts small rather odd but very intriguing contagious (and this is where i…
By Seth Barnes
We’re in Spain this morning. I saw this over on Sara Choe’s blog and loved the idea.

if Jesus were around today, i wonder if He’d compare the Kingdom of heaven with flash mobs:

  • they come out of nowhere
  • starts small
  • rather odd
  • but very intriguing
  • contagious (and this is where i betray my lack of flash mob
    knowledge), getting others in the crowd to catch the vision (well,
    probably the mob is scattered throughout the greater mob)
  • initially members of this mob blend in but eventually distinguish themselves
  • people take notice
  • some are impacted, changed for good
  • others just pass by, oblivious
i wanna see an actual Kingdom flash mob.  like someone were to be
sick.  and out of nowhere God’s people rise out of the woodwork, lay
hands and pray and God answers with healing.
Here’s a suggestion: Why not get with some friends and organize one in a place where the gospel shows up as a surprise, say in Angola, India, or Swaziland? That’s what missions is about.

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