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The mind-blowing power of God in India

power of God
Ruth Wilson is a typical American young lady in many respects. She’d never seen the mind-blowing power of God up close and personal. But when we take people on the World Race, we expect miracles. We send them out as Jesus sent his disciples in Luke 10. And we’ve seen that his power to heal, often…
By Seth Barnes
ruthworldrace 1Ruth Wilson is a typical American young lady in many respects. She’d never seen the mind-blowing power of God up close and personal. But when we take people on the World Race, we expect miracles. We send them out as Jesus sent his disciples in Luke 10. And we’ve seen that his power to heal, often in dramatic ways, is real.
So, what would you do if you saw the lame walk, blind eyes opened, and demons fleeing as you prayed? Here’s what it looked like for Ruth as she walked the villages of Andhra Pradesh, India:
In the past 10 days we have got to 27 villages. 3 a day. It has been so intense. Most have never ever heard the name of Jesus. It has been such a time of growth in my life. In each village we have talked to about 100 give or take each time. If my math is correct… we proclaimed the name of Jesus to about 2700 people.
Blows my mind how the Lord rescued me from my out of control life and placed me right where He needed me. I feel so overwhelmed and blessed to be where I am. Coming into the village I didnt know how I felt about preaching… that changed super quick. In the beginning I prepared a message and “notes and quotes” but I soon found out that even if I have a huge plan– the Lord will speak through me and I will not say one thing I planned. Its weird how crazy He is like that.

Last thing. I have never been the charasmatic crazy type of girl…. thank you Lord for showing up anyway. I have seen the craziest things in my life recently. As soon as I prayed this little prayer to the Lord he took it very seriously and has showed up for sure. It went a little like this… “uhh God I don’t comprehend this heal the sick raise the dead make the blind see kind of thing… I am just your weak little vessel but Lord if you need me here I am. Forgive my unbelief.”

Legit 2 minutes later a man we were praying over who had a stroke two years ago and hasn’t got off his mat since then got up and walked around!!! Are you freaking kidding me.

From there the Lord continued to show his power and the next day I women who had been blind since birth could see!!!!! whatttt. One lady was hunched over and walked over and asked for prayer.. we start praying and yet again my first words are forgive my unbelief… she needed prayer for her back… and her legs. The freakin lady ran off praising the Lord. I felt as though I was in the bible times!!!

Another old women said she had demon… naw dawg that stuff creeps me out. We prayed… she started convulsing… and shaking and freakin out…. In Jesus name it was freaking gone and she immediately recieved the Lord.
There’s a dark cloud of cynicism and unbelief over America. For Ruth, seeing was believing. Some of us need to join her in places like India. Our faith may be like hers – as small as a mustard seed. But Jesus says, that faith is enough.

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