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Thanks, Seth, for the reminder of the simplicity of Christianity. And this from one who came to Christ in his 30’s. I am forever sighing at how complicated my brothers and sisters make of being a follower of Jesus. It is recognition of Jesus as Savior, submission to Jesus as Lord, then gratefully sharing His love in doing the good work he has prepared for me.
Of course that last part can be tricky. Pride causes me (chief amongst sinners) to do the good work I have prepared for me. Then expecting to feel the reward of a Godly smile. NOT!
I encourage you to keep sharing. Your insights seem to break into my work/life routine at just the moments when I need to remember “what is important in life”.
Steve Miller
I appreciate the encouragement! It is simpler than we realize and I struggle as much as anyone with making it too complicated.
There are many ways that I have made love a focus in my life including career, future goals and current education, ministry involvement, and general social interactions. Where my scorecard falls apart is in the little details. I have much room to grow in my daily interactions with neighbors, co-workes, family, and the random people I encounter—or ignore (ouch)—throughout my every day activities. There is a huge margin for growth in those areas, and probably some other ones I am blind to. We all need to be reminded to do a little self-check on our love meter from time to time. Thanks for bringing it to focus.
Glad to hear that you’ve brought love into focus, Kim! And you are not alone in feeling like you fall short – “all of us fall short of the glory of God.” That is the human condition!
Thank you for sharing this blog; this subject has been on my heart a great deal lately. This verse is a simple, straightforward call to action. And yet I find myself missing so many opportunities by focusing on the wrong things. Be kind. Do nice things. That should not be so difficult.
Right – it shouldn’t be. It should be easier.