There is a War On – Will You Fight?

Dave Eubank is a friend and partner who is working to bring aid to the wounded in Iraq.
Dave understands that there is a global fight for righteousness and freedom in progress. He’s not confused about the need to fight the good fight. He has heard Jesus’ call and responded. He wrote me an update:
“Today we treated over 30 civilians who were shot by ISIS as they fled and held a father as he cried for his two daughters shot dead just now by ISIS. He called out to God and wailed in anguish. I could only hold him and pray.”
There are not enough people like Dave in the world. Who will help him? People read the news about the fight. The world’s response is “be afraid.”
In contrast, Jesus’ constant message was “don’t be afraid.” He commissioned us to share good news in conflict zones.
God asked Isaiah, “Who will I send, who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8)
Who indeed? Recently I received an email from Zeb. He is a former racer who spent a couple of years with our team in India.
Zeb wrote:
“I’m with Dave now. We’re at the front lines in Mosul now. I’m driving an armored ambulance. We’re waiting for a colonel and his troops.
Under Dave’s leadership I’ve been able to help evacuate many wounded and elderly IDP’s (and some corpses) from the front. Just last night we had a family group come in. All the children were burned badly all over their bodies.
I prayed and wept for one little 8 year old girl as I carried her to the doctors gurney. She was wailing from the burns which were a couple of days old.
It’s rough work but I thank God for the opportunity to love and serve Him and others here. It’s all for Jesus and His Kingdom!”
Some things in life are worth fighting for. I was thinking about how we have to fight to establish safety in our families if we are to raise kids who thrive.
A majority of young people are raised in broken homes, often with absentee dads. We need to fight for them.
And around the world widows and orphans are in distress. The Bible says that “true religion is to care for them.”
Many of us here in America have made friends with fear. Some of us may not realize that we are worshiping at the altar of fear. Fear has scaled our fences and tiptoed past our gardens. It has slipped inside our homes and taken up residence there.
At our Adventures base this summer, we have trained hundreds of young missionaries. They have heard God’s question, “who will go?” And they are answering, “here am I, send me.”
They may be young, but most are not confused about what’s at stake. They have been wounded by an enemy who wants to kill, steal and destroy all that is good.
People are in bondage around the world. And God wants his kids back. His strategy is us. He sending us.
There’s a war on. Sometimes there are bullets. Yes, it is risky. I say, let’s go.
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