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Twittering my Ukraine trip

not being a victim
I’m en route to Ukraine, and, at the suggestion of a friend, I decided to twitter the whole trip. Twitter is an online social media tool, and aside from being a really short blog, it has some great applications, like the ability to track what someone is doing in real time. Plus, it’s free and com…
By Seth Barnes
I’m en route to Ukraine, and, at the suggestion of a friend, I decided to twitter the whole trip. Twitter is an online social media tool, and aside from being a really short blog, it has some great applications, like the ability to track what someone is doing in real time. Plus, it’s free and compatible with facebook and text messaging.
If you twitter, this is a good way to keep up with me while I’m gone. You can follow me here.
Also, even if you don’t twitter, but want to see how the trip is going, you can find brief trip updates by typing “sethukr” into Twitter Search or by clicking here.
I’m still very new to this, but I hope it helps keep more of you connected with what I’m doing.

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