Update on the Swazi baby we found

I woke up, got coffee, prayed a bit, then flipped on the computer and found my boy SKYPEing me from Swaziland. Got some more info on the situation from his team relative to the blog I wrote a few days ago on a tragic situation over there. The news is more hopeful. Turns out that the mom they found was “only” on the verge of death, and that while the baby hasn’t been able to eat, they are taking steps to bring help. Here is Aaron Bruner’s report:
This past Monday I visited the Mbutu Care Point in Nsoko Swaziland. This is the central Care Point in Nsoko for G42 ministries. The day started out quite frustrating as Seth, Pastor Gift, and I were unable to gather firewood for the gogos (grandmas) to cook for the children. The military had decided to deny us entry into the bush because they were afraid that it was too dangerous for us “Americans”. So after a somewhat discouraging morning at the Care Point, Pastor Gift approached me about making a house visit. Of course I agreed and off we went.
The day was very very hot and we were out in what seemed like the desert. We quickly came upon a house (I’m reluctant to call it a house because it was merely held together by sticks, rocks and what smelled like dung).
Once inside my eyes adjusted to the horror that most people hear about but rarely see. My worlds collided as I entered to find a young mother shriveled up on a blanket. Her body lay half-bare as 5 of her children stared at Pastor Gift and me. She could barely move. Pastor Gift began to speak with her and she informed us that she had been sick for a while. I looked beyond her for a moment and my eyes caught the form of an abnormally small infant. The infant sat resting beside his sick mother. Almost in a peaceful serene sleep he rested. Pastor Gift continued to ask her questions concerning the child.
The baby was 4 weeks old. Upon seeing the mother, it was obvious that her breasts had shriveled up and she was no longer able to produce milk for the baby. The baby had not eaten in a couple days. He had grown accustomed to the hunger and was no longer crying for food. He slept. The mother had no money to buy formula let alone energy to physically go and get it.
So Pastor Gift and I prayed for the mother and for the child. I had no clue what to do. I was dumbfounded. How did our world get like this? I mean, sure we can call it sin and pawn it off, but the Lord calls us to care for the orphans and widows, right?
This is how the other half lives. It is my earnest hope and prayer that we do not forget this story but that we take initiative when we hear or see these injustices occurring in our world.
On Tuesday night, I sat in our team meeting just thinking about it. I told Traci about the situation since it was the Care Point that she visited frequently. Immediately, thoughts ran through her head she informed me. The next day, after a full day of serving at a different Care Point, we arrived to see Traci holding the baby. She and Pastor Gift had visited the home and Traci had asked permission to watch and care for the baby for a few days in order to nourish him back to health. The mother agreed and it became apparent that she cared more for the health of her child than she did about being with him.
So Team Ignite has taken on this responsibility because of Traci’s obedience to the Lord. It is ironic that the very person who says that it is difficult for her to be with children is the very one that God chose to act. No coincidences. Currently, the baby is in bad shape. We have taken him to the clinic and he has received some medication but he is extremely malnourished and dehydrated. He is not eating much, but we are hoping and praying for the future for this child. We ask that you pray for Team Ignite as we listen to the Lord’s leading about this precious one. Please pray with us against the possibility of him having HIV/AIDS and that his body would be healed. Pray that it would be a testimony to God’s goodness and that he does not turn a blind eye to the marginalized and the destitute who are crying out to him. The verse rings true that the Lord receives those who have been rejected and neglected by the world. For Americans, it may be easy to forget and not be affected by this story. For us, this is reality. Every day we see this suffering in its various forms. I ask that you be affected by it. I ask that your heart is broken so that you are prompted to act. May these images burn in your mind so that you will not forget. Thank you for allowing me to share this story.
Father, forgive us of our sins. Give us eyes to see the world as you see it. Forgive us for not doing something for we can no longer do nothing as now our eyes have seen.
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Thank you so much for bringing me to tears this morning. I am so thankful for Tracy who was called and commissioned to help this baby. I am praying for TeamIgnite and this baby and mother. Thank you Lord for saving this one…for directing this team’s steps so that they encountered this sick mother and her dying child, just in time. Spare this one Father….spare this one that he/she may life. in Jesus’ name…