Update on “What do you do when you see pain?”

A number of you responded to my blog and are praying. I received this email from the parents after we’d gotten in touch with a local pastor who called.
A number of you responded to my blog and are praying. I received this email from the parents after we’d gotten in touch with a local pastor who called.
Pastor Mel called our daughter yesterday and prayed with her. She appreciated that. She is starting to get very depressed since we are not being sucessful in finding her a maternity home that will accept her. I am so proud of her that she left the environment whe was in and decided to seek shelter elsewhere where she can get counseling, and eventualy treatment for her addicition. A lot of homes will not accept her on the methadone clinic, even though she is advised by her doctor to stay on the same dosage she was on prior pregnancy. I guess she is too “bad” to qualify for help. Her hopes are to find a place where she can have the baby and get on her feet and then get treatment for her meth addiction. We have been told it will take her 1 year to detox, since it is the hardest to detox from.
Our daughter is a beautiful and smart 26 year old who so much wants to live again. She has lost the last 5-6 years of her life to drugs. She is now very saddened by her actions and embarrassed to be around others. I want her to consider placing the baby for adoption. I do not think she can care for an infant on her own. I am not sure what she will do. I pray the Lord will guide her in making her decision. Drugs have taken there toll on her physically. She has nothing, no home, no job and poor health.
Please pray the Lord will provide her strength and guidance that she be successful soon on finding a place to go.
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well , pastor mel spoke w/ her. she’s addicted to methanol and the clinic waiting to accept her cannot take her in. methanol has the same withdrawal effects as heroin and she and her baby are addicted, so she cannot quit. but there are no local meth clinics (as her father said) and no program/clinic in NOLA will take her in with that addiction. pastor mel gave her a couple phone #’s to call and encouraged her tremendously. he also told her to call him every day and give him an update on the situation and how it was working out/what God’s doing for her.
he said she had not called today before 1130am. i’m going to call her now and see whats up, encourage her to cal him.
I missed this somehow. Am praying. Would so love to help physically but New Orleans is a long way from Pittsburgh. If there is anything we can do please let me know.
If there is anything will do please tell me i really want to know ,,,, i wana to be a part of your activities which have u did,,
i am a student i read thease all comments in ur blog i reall wana join ur group i dont know how can i help, but i ll try to do something ,, if there is anything we can do let me know please
whn i see ths blog m felng very sad sometimes nd m thnk y some peopl r suffered………
lov u al
Pooja aggarwal