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Waiting 4 hours for a glimmer of eternity

glimmer of eternity -
In church yesterday, John Blair said, “When we were in Uganda, they took us into a room where 50 people had been waiting for us for four hours.” Then the pastor turned to John’s team and said, “These people all have AIDS. We want you to prepare them for eternity.” Timeout – what was that? P…
By Seth Barnes
JohnBlairIn church yesterday, John Blair said, “When we were in Uganda, they took us into a room where 50 people had been waiting for us for four hours.”
Then the pastor turned to John’s team and said, “These people all have AIDS. We want you to prepare them for eternity.”
Timeout – what was that? Prepare them for eternity?! How does a person begin to do that?
What would you say? I asked John and he said, “I was talking to God about it – I told him, ‘I don’t see where the goodness of God shows up in this room.”
God spoke to him and said, “You’re here – I’m showing my goodness through you. Show them love and they will get a glimmer of the light of heaven.”
So, that’s what John and his team did. They talked with them, encouraged them, sang a song for them, and prayed with them. They loved them.
Who in your life is struggling who needs to catch just a glimmer of the light of heaven? Who do you know who needs to be prepared for eternity? What will you do to help them?
“I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times.” Romans 8:18


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