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We have far more power available to us

We’re sitting here in another World Race training conference in Georgia. We’re challenging the naturalistic worldview that young people get by osmosis growing up in the American culture. Ron Walborn just told the story of a witch who became a Jesus-follower and came into his church. She tol…
By Seth Barnes

We’re sitting here in another World Race training conference in Georgia. We’re challenging the naturalistic worldview
that young people get by osmosis growing up in the American culture. Ron Walborn
just told the story of a witch who became a Jesus-follower and came into his

She told him about how she could see people’s auras or
spirits. “You Christians,” she said,
“have such power radiating from you. I
can see a Christian coming from a long way off.
But what’s amazing is how little power you actually use.”

Several months ago I was on my jogging route, the sweat
rolling off of me. I saw my neighbor
sitting in his parked jeep in front of his house and prayed for him as I passed
by. I don’t know much about the man
other than the fact that he likes to hunt.
I knew next to nothing about his personal life.

As I prayed, a thought entered my mind about his
lifestyle. As I so often do, I dismissed
the thought as my own thought, not giving God credit. I rounded the bend and noticed my neighbor
running after me, looking distraught. I
paused and waited for him.

As he came up, he was at a loss for words. He struggled, and finally all he could gasp
out was, “I felt the power coming off of you as you ran by.” Then he began to confess his sin to me. He had accused his wife of something she
didn’t do. He had accused her of being
involved with another neighbor and had gone so far as to confront the neighbor.

He asked his wife to come over to us and began to cry as I
prayed for them both. He was so sorry
and wanted to show his wife that she could trust him. And since that time, I think he has begun to
re-establish trust.

My response to the whole exchange was to give God thanks for
using me, and at the same time feeling abashed that I don’t allow him to use me
like that more. I want to press into God
and allow the kingdom of heaven to intersect with my everyday reality all the

Power – you’ve got more of it than you realize. Do the demons know your name? Are you a threat to the enemy? You
can be.
Jesus gave you all the authority you need, but it’s up to you to use it.

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