What I wrote the AIM board

“We are seeing the kingdom advance on a number of fronts. We are reminding the Church of what it means to minister based on listening prayer, and what it means to disciple as Jesus did in our contemporary culture and in other cultures around the world.
One of the key reasons, I believe, that we’ve been able to do this is the steady way in which you, the AIM board, have supported me and helped me sharpen our ministry focus over time. Those of you who have rotated off will never know the difference that you made when things were not so encouraging. There were days when I was ready to throw in the towel. And there were decisions I was ready to make that you pulled me away from.
You have prayed for me and my family. You have supported this ministry with your time, wisdom and money, and it is bearing fruit that we could never have foreseen. Thank you. Thank you for holding my arms up. You’ve maintained the fiduciary balance between sound governance and help that becomes inadvertent meddling which is required of board members.
As I was meditating on what you’ve meant to me this morning, I began to almost wax maudlin. Some of you have ministry hearts, but you have a chosen a field where your ability to minister is restricted. You’ve invested in me and allowed me to be an extension of you. And countless lives have been touched as a result. They are being touched now as you read this around the world – it’s an amazing thing. Please know how much I appreciate you.”
When was the last time you really thanked the people responsible for your success?
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