Where are you anchored?

A lot of pundits are saying that 2012 is a pivotal year. Around the world there is plenty to get you worrying. I find myself tempted to worry every day.
Pick your reason: The European debt crisis keeps getting worse. Our own debt levels are unsupportable. Iran is close to developing nuclear wa…
By Seth Barnes

Pick your reason: The European debt crisis keeps getting worse. Our own debt levels are unsupportable. Iran is close to developing nuclear warheads. The Arab street may open the door for radical elements in the middle east. Etc.
This article compares 2012 to 1932. Read it and your worry level will increase.
The alternative for those of us who are trying to follow Jesus is to recognize that when worry levels increase, people are going to be looking for the one thing we have to offer them – hope.
When things are going smoothly, we, as Robert Bork said, “slouch toward Gomorrah.” We become frogs in the kettle, slowly boiled alive by a toxic culture that sneers at what we call hope.
People will anchor their souls to whatever feels secure: a good job, a nice home, or a 401k. But put that stuff at risk and they’ll look for something that looks more solid. Hebrews 6:19 says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul.” It’s the hope that Jesus does in fact love of us and have a plan for our lives. Nothing touches us that hasn’t first past through his hands.
When our anchors are beginning to scrape along the sea bottom, we look around for other anchors that are holding against life’s storms. And for those of us anchored against this hope, it’s a cause for optimism. We have an opportunity.
Of course, if it’s not working for us, if we’re just as worried about what 2012 will bring as our neighbor is, then maybe we should take a fresh look at what we’re anchoring against.
Where have you lodged your anchor? What gives you hope?
Photo by Giorgio Montersino
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Jesus is my anchor!
Colossians 2:6-7
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
More than ever, Jesus is my anchor, especially against the current of fear.
Jesus is my anchor .
Easy to say “Jesus is my anchor” when we have all the other “Stuff” still… it will be interesting as all of the above begins to unravel – the question Jesus asked, was, “Will I find faith on earth?” Time and circumstances will tell…
I like what Black said. Adversity reveals.
I believe this world is short-lived, time is winding down…and the events of which St. John foretold move ever closer on the horizon.
This world is not our home and though we quite naturally become attached to it we must always keep at the forefront of our minds and hearts this ultimate truth: Our world, and history as we know it, are going to end. Violent birth pangs will precede the glorious ushering in of Christ’s new heaven and earth.
In the study of Biblical numerics, 12 is a perfect number, signifying governmental perfection. It is found as a multiple in all that has to do with rule.
I believe this year, 2012, God will be perfecting His “government” here on earth: His invisible, spiritual, Kingly government.
This is a year for Christians to walk in confidence, hope, and faith. But that is only possible if we separate ourselves from this world and the mistaken belief that our major investment is here.
Without doubt, in the last few years, the world has clearly turned a corner and there is no going back.
Our mandate now: “Prepare ye the way for the Lord!”
We must reject fear, worry, attachment to all things of earth that hold us, and seek to know, in the biblical sense of the word, His “perfect love that casts out fear.”
Those who do not know Jesus and walk in darkness, without faith and hope, will increasingly fray and fall apart as the world becomes more chaotic.
In these end times, we must, as the chosen Bride of Christ, become living stones, steadfast rocks of peace and compassion that will usher in HIs Kingdom, His Government, His Reign for all eternity. Our one, urgent calling now is to draw the lost into His Loving Fold.
It’s crazy stuff and hard to wrap your head around…at least it is for me. But it’s our commission and time is of the essence.
The trumpet is sounding. We are being called to walk wise as serpents, gentle as doves, taking up the shield of faith, shod in the shoes of peace, with open hearts of love, compassion, and mercy for all. We are the only hope for millions who do not know Him and His great love for this world!
As the Bride, what will we be our response? I believe we will rise to the call and this will be our finest hour! Praise God!