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Where do place your trust?

Where do place your trust
It’s election day. It’s a day where a lot of people are putting far too much trust in our political system to solve our problems. Regardless of who wins, the new president probably is going to have a deficit next year that is north of a trillion dollars. He’ll still have Al Queda on one side, Ira…
By Seth Barnes
Voting BoothIt’s election day. It’s a day where a lot of people are putting far too much trust in our political system to solve our problems. Regardless of who wins, the new president probably is going to have a deficit next year that is north of a trillion dollars. He’ll still have Al Queda on one side, Iran on another, and an economy in shambles on still another.
In the last two elections, people put confidence in George Bush to solve our problems. He ran on a platform of lower taxes and lower deficits, yet as we vote in a new regime, here we are in a pickle.  And, bless his heart, George didn’t exercise the line item veto while growing the size of government every year.
Jesus didn’t come to bring a political solution.  That’s what his disciples wanted.  His answer of “rendering unto Cesar what is Cesar’s” was a terse political commentary.  “My kingdom is not of this world” is how he put it.  He was always talking about the kingdom, but not a kingdom that you could see.
So, it’s worth asking on this day in which the rusty gears of democracy grind to life, what do you trust in? If “it’s the economy, stupid,” then you may want to consider moving to China, where a 10% growth rate has been the norm over the last 30 years.  If it’s a conservative supreme court, then I ask you, what good has it done us with a more conservative court  since Justice Alito was voted in?
“Some men trust in horses, some men trust in chariots,” but as we enter the voting booth today, what do we really trust in?  Where do we get our hope?”
It’s 1:00 a.m. on election day as I write this, a day where our trust is called into question.  What better day to place our full trust in Jesus? He’s more trust-worthy than whatever else may capture your attention.

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