‘Who will care for my orphans?’

God wants to expand our hearts so that his orphans will fit.
Several years ago, he confronted me with the proposition that his orphans were going to start taking over my life. He informed me that he wanted them on my porch and in my kitchen. He wanted to begin by making room in my heart for th…
By Seth Barnes
God wants to expand our hearts so that his orphans will fit.
Several years ago, he confronted me with the proposition that his orphans were going to start taking over my life. He informed me that he wanted them on my porch and in my kitchen. He wanted to begin by making room in my heart for them.
The problem is that I like the privacy of my front porch. And by and large, Karen likes children out of the way when she cooks.
But God wanted me to understand that he is more interested in his orphans than my comfort.
The other day I was talking to Scott Borg, our director in Swaziland. The ministry there has grown. We didn’t used to feed orphans, but these days, with partners like Tom Davis and CHC, we feed thousands More and more orphans are showing up at our centers looking for food and love. I asked how many we feed.
“5000,” he said.
That blows my mind. AIM is not an orphan ministry per se. We minister to a lot of orphans as we seek to engage in “true religion” around the globe. But I’m learning to make room in my heart for them.
Churches in Uganda are not orphan ministries per se, but many of them devote the lion’s share of their tithes to the work of caring for orphans.
And I suppose a lot of us might say that “I’m not an orphan ministry person.” But the problem with that is that God has got lots of orphans and he’s an orphan ministry God.
Have you made room in your church for the agenda of an orphan-loving God? He wants to make room in our hearts for his orphans. As long as our hearts are filled with our own stuff, they can’t accommodate God’s orphans (or other objects of his affection).
If you struggle with that, I have good news – he wants to perform heart surgery to expand your heart’s capacity to love. All you have to do is ask him. And I guarantee you, it will be worth it.
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We were all orphans and foreigners until the Spirit of Adoption moved us into the arms of a loving, giving, never-leaving-or-forsaking Father. We are never alone.
Well done, Seth Barnes, I remember the prophetic word God gave me concerning you, your family and His ministry in you. Well done.
Daddy as you know through your kind help we are supporting to orphans kids in Pakistan.God gave me vision to build orphanage for Pakistan orphans.We are praying and we do hope in Christ in future we will build orphanage in Multan.Becasue in south Punjab there is noe any orphanage in that area.Please continue support and stand with us for this big task.May God bless you.
I love this a lot.
Someone said to me the other day that taking care of orphans and having places where they are loved, fed, and cared for (orphanages), that this was not a good thing, and that we as Christians need to let their own people and relatives take care of them!
“Lord, come break our hearts with the things that break yours…”
I like the way you pray. It’s dangerous. Praying alongside you.
“Lord, perform heart surgery and expand my heart’s capacity to love. Amen.”
Here we go…
I like your way for the poor and orphanage.
and i pray to god that one day i can be like you.
Love this, Seth! The first time I worked with orphans (WR in Romania) it broke my heart and changed me.
Well you know I’m an orphan ministry person, so of course I love this. Surrounded by 80 of them now here in Haiti. Thanks for being willing to open your heart to them and may He expand it until it breaks (cause He can give us new hearts).