Why do we have to go thru pain?

Today as you read this, Karen and I are en route to Africa – the land of great joy and great pain.
Just outside the Joburg airport where we’ll touch down are garbage dumps and vast neighborhoods of ramshackle huts, each containing its own particular story of pain.
AIDS stalks the land. Unem…
By Seth Barnes
Today as you read this, Karen and I are en route to Africa – the land of great joy and great pain.
Just outside the Joburg airport where we’ll touch down are garbage dumps and vast neighborhoods of ramshackle huts, each containing its own particular story of pain.
AIDS stalks the land. Unemployment rates are sky high, and the resultant poverty visits sickness and hunger on children, particularly. Maybe like me you’ve heard a lot of people try to address the question, “Why do we have to go thru pain?” Their answers usually exhaust me. Too many of them are armchair theologians who haven’t really suffered. I don’t care who you are, C.S. Lewis or my uncle, most of the answers I hear sound too theological and don’t quite help me when I’m at the bedside of someone who’s in agony. There’s so much more to be said here and almost inevitably, it falls short. We need to have great grace for one another given the pain that most of us carry around with us.
If we only knew just how heavy it feels, we’d have much more tenderness to give each other. Knowing that God does use our pain redemptively can bring a measure of consolation to our dry place of pain.

Here’s a practical suggestion: Please take a second to reach out to the orphans and grandmothers we’ll be touching in Jesus’ name in Swaziland in the days to come. Write a quick comment below and share a prayer or a word of encouragement and I’ll print them, cut them into individual slips of paper, and our team will read them to individual orphans and grandmothers in Swaziland. You can read about some of the the specific grandmothers here. Women like Philile are heroes – widowed and raising large numbers of orphans by themselves.
I’m asking God for a crazy number of you to write words of encouragement – maybe 100. So please get your family members and friends to write a comment too. I promise that I’ll print each comment out and give it as a gift to an orphan or widow. You may not be able to go, but you can encourage them as they cope with pain.
Update: Click here to see a video of the results of your prayers.
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Beloved, I know your name in my heart. Your name is the same as mine. Child of God, Beloved in the sight of Him who is Love. In this life, we all have pain. We have troubles and sorrows that we do not understand. But God is there. He is as close to you as the breath in your throat, as soft as the mist that settles on the plains, and as powerful as a volcano when it erupts. And yet, He is madly in love with you. If you turn to Him with your pain, He will give you peace. This, I promise you, is eternally true. I have watched loved ones die and family members struggle with disease, and every time I turn to God, He gives me courage and strength, and most importantly, comfort for my heart. He will do the same for you because He loves you. If you ask God for anything, He will give it to you. My prayers are with you and my heart is yours, my beautiful, holy sister.
Dear fellow Soldiers of Christ,
My words are meaningless when compared to your pain. There is no way i could ever imagine what you have been through, and I do not assume to be able to feel the hurt. But one thing I know.
I serve a God whose arms are wide enough, whose heart is big enough, whose love is deep enough, to cover and soothe everything you may encounter. If you will lean on him, reach out and grasp his ever present faithful hand, you will find the strength to go on. You will find the strength to smile, and reach out and give to others.
Rely on Jesus Christ. Call upon His name. Love others through His boundless love. Thank you for your simple strong faith, and know that your life is impacting those far beyond your country,and your faith is stronger than i shall ever be able to grasp. Press on. Love deeply. Serve passionately. hope faithfuly.
In the name of the all powerful, all loving, Father-God Jesus Christ,
Aaron Dodson
Dearest children and grandmothers!
I do not have the words to express how my heart aches for your pain. It is so overwhelming. But the Lord God of Heaven SEES ALL and HE is faithful and true. He sees your grief, your struggle, you joys and your victories. He knows how it is to be forgotten. While you may feel forgotten, remember, the TRUTH of God’s word. He said he would never, ever leave or forsake those who love him.
If you do not know this Jesus who heals the broken-hearted, I pray that you choose to know Him. Ask him to reveal himself to you. HE WILL! He promises that whoever seeks Him will find him.
Know that it may seem as though the world has forgotten you, it has not. People like me all over the United States groan with you and bear your burden to the sovereign God of Heaven and Earth.
Little children, Jesus loves you especially. He has a very, very special place in his heart for your cares. He will avenge what has been done to you. He will bring justice for you. And while you wait, he will hold you and tenderly comfort you. God promises to be the father to children without fathers. He is true to his promies.
With so much love to you from me – Carrie in Washington State
I haven’t forgotten you, I am praying for you, I love you, I pray for strength and peace for you
From one Grandma to another – I so understand how we love our grandchildren (and they do not even have to be ours!). Once we become grandmothers, we see grandchildren everywhere. The hardest thing is to see children suffer and suffering appears many different ways. There have been days when I would have given my life to end the suffering of a child. But God did not let me do that. He did put us there to be His hands and His heart and to love and touch.
May God strengthen you for the job at hand. May He provide for you and your children. His providence is boundless. May He comfort you on the sad days and may you in turn comfort those around you.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:4-7
Thank you for letting me pray for you this day. May you be blessed of all women because you know love.
Dear Ones,
Please know that the God of the Universe, the God who spoke a word and stars, sun, moon and earth were created, loves you and cares for you personally. He is touched by each smile and each tear that comes from you. He says, “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands: you walls are ever before me.” Isaiah 49:15,16. Be strong and courageous and have faith in the One who created love.
There are many around the world who are praying for you!
In Christian love,
Psalm 91:1
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Greetings Beautiful Lady.
May you find rest in His shadow as he watches over you.
I am praying that you will have a new song to sing to the children today.
connie in Canada.
Hello! About 4 years ago, I had the privilege of visiting your beautiful country, and the images have never left. There has not been a day since I came back to the States that I haven’t thought of someone or somewhere in Swaziland, and those thoughts remind me to continue to pray – to pray for you, for your King, for your land, for your neighbors. I pray that today you feel the love of your creator, your father in heaven, and the peace that only He can bring. It’s a prayer that has been spoken by me and countless others for a country that has touched our hearts to deeply, for a people with such beauty and strength that it’s impossible to forget. I’ve prayed all these years, and I won’t stop, and I can’t wait to get back.
With all my love,
Brittney Clark
Dear Sweet Child:
Life is full of trials, but you must never give up. Always remember how precious your smile is and know that happiness is contagious. Begin each day with a smile. Relish the sun shining on you. You are very unique and very loved. Children are special in this world and deserve each and every tiny moment of happiness that can be found in this world. When you wake each morning realize someone, somewhere, is thinking of you with love.
Sending happiness,
Breeona Trosper
Sometimes when life gets unbearable I repeat the words found in Nehemiah 8:10. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Sometimes when we look around there is just so much pain and hurt. It’s hard to have the strength to go on, but God’s joy helps. Instead of looking around, I look up to Him, if even for a moment.
May God Bless You!!!
thank you guys for being brave and not giving up i am very glad about the ones who survives … and i have already donated over 100 dollars to you guys and i hope you use it wisely because this money was just for you guys to use to help ur economy and to help ur city and to let u all know u guys are amazing ~@!!!GOD BLESS YOU ALL BE CAREFUL!~~~
I am praying for you in advance of your receiving this paper. God created you to be His precious child and you are so loved by Him. I want to encourage you to be as strong as you can be in your daily life. Just this Sunday our pastor preached a sermon on trials. He said that as our trials become weighty, we tend to let those trials become our identity. Instead, we should put our identity in Christ and become weighted down by God and his promises. God is our counterbalance in difficult times. He will set us upright when we can’t do it on our own. Praise God for that!
Greetings! I hope you’re having a good day today wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. I pray that God will bless you and keep you. He is a strong tower and a refuge that we can run to whenever we are in need. Praise God for that! Thank you for the hard work that you do though it may seem unnoticed. God sees and He knows. Continue to fight the good fight. Though you are only one, God is the God of the whole universe and if you are in Christ, He is on your side. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and sustain you!
This is for the grandmothers and other women who serve and work at Timbali crafts. I wanted to say thank you so much for blessing us with 4 of your Timbali bags we got for Christmas presents. You all do such beautiful work and the colors are so vibrant, so thanks for sharing part of yourselves when you make such beautiful bags. We appreciate how God has gifted you with being creative women. We have had so many people ask us where we got the bags and they are such a treasured gifts.
I am praying for you all tonight, that God would give you extra strength and extra energy as you continue to serve, love, and provide for many in your homes and at the carepoints. God tells you that you are beautifully and wonderfully made and He loves you so very much. I believe God must be so glorified as He watches you serve, love and provide for your children. I am praying that when you feel worn out and tired, that you turn to God and that He will be your Resting Place (Jer. 50:6) and your Shade from the Heat (Isaiah 25:4) and your Restorer(Psalm 23:3). Blessings!!!!!!!!
To my Dearest Child,
First of all I want to thank you for caring for my precious little ones. I know it has not been easy for you. I want you to know you are not alone. I am with you every step of the way. I love you so much. You are so precious to me. Please trust me and seek me with the desires of your heart. I delight in spending time with. You are my child, and as your Father I sing and dance over you!!
I do have a plan for your life and lives of the children you are caring for, for good and not evil, for a future filled with hope.
I am your husband and a father to the children. I am your refuge, your safe place, you can come to me, I am here for you. Come away and be with me, in my presence is fullness of joy. I will be your strength. I am interceding for you my beloved.
With all my heart,
Your Heavenly Papa
I am praying for you this day, and know that the Lord hears the prayers of those believe in Him. While your burden may be too heavy…His burden is easy…and he wants to take yours. Find refuge and rest in Him!
My heart breaks for the suffering you go through. I have no answers.
I love you….whomever you are…and Jesus loves you so much more!
I, the Lord, lift the fallen and those bent beneath their loads. The eyes of all mankind look up to Me for help; I give them their food as they need it. I constantly satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing. I am fair in everything I do, and full of kindness.I am close to all who call on Me sincerely. I fulfill the desires of those who reverence and trust Me; I hear their cries for help and I rescue them. I protect all those who love Me, but I destroy the wicked.
(a paraphrase of Psalm 145: 14 – 20)
May the orphans of Swazy live to see a nation changed before their eyes, through the Power of the Gospel of Christ our Lord.
May they see hunger, fear, and desperation give way to life.
The LORD says that He has created you. He has formed you, O precious children of God! Fear NOT! for the LORD your God has redeemed you! He has summoned you BY NAME, and you are HIS!When troubles seem to come and you have no hope… the LORD says, “I am with you!” He is the Lord your God! He says that you are precious and honored in His sight and He loves you! Do not be afraid, for He is with you throught everything! He has created you for His glory so that you may enjoy His wonderful grace and amazing mercy! (Isaiah 43:1-7 paraphrase)
I am praying for you, precious child of God, so that you may have abundant joy!
I met you five years ago and have loved you ever since! I have not stopped praying for you. Though I have had many trials of my own, I can’t imagine what you are walking through. In that, I pray God’s strength to fill your soul! I pray His hand of blessing to pour out on your life. I wish that I could wrap my arms around you and tell you how much I love you, but instead, I pray that the Spirit of God would take my place :-)!
You are God’s most precious child. For you, He set the Earth spinning and each night- for YOU, He spreads stars across the sky so that you will not be afraid in the dark. Even as I pray God’s blessing on you, He looks down and smiles because He already knows you and loves you and takes such great pleasure in just thinking about you. He has prepared a special place for you in His house where he will tend to you for eternity.
Even tho we may never meet each other, God who knows each of us by name, connects your heart and my heart and I am blessed in this moment.
I wish you God’s peace this day and every day.
Your sister in Christ, Pat
Hello, sister!
You are beautiful inside and out, and God smiles when He sees your face and your wonderful self. I have a lot to learn from you, even though I may never meet you, but I get excited just thinking about the Creator who made you perfect, the way you are.
A sister, lorraine
Child of the most high King, God’s masterpiece!
You are not alone. Never. The spirit of God dwells in you everyday, no matter where you are or how you feel. You may always approach God with freedom and confidence. God is pleased with how He made you. You have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. May you rest in His loving arms, today and for eternity.
Your sister Andrea
Dear one,
You are so precious to our Father God. He wants to hold your heart and your pain in His own heart. He knows what it is like to hurt, to suffer. His love for you goes far beyond the highest star. It is deeper than the worst hurt you have buried. His love embraces and covers every worry. One day, when you see Him, everything that was wrong here, will be made right. If I could hug you for Him, I would. I wish I could hug you, precious one. I am praying for you. Peace!
Know that the Lord is a Mighty Warrior for you! Exodus 15:3 – “The Lord is a warrior, warrior is his name!” In Africa you have warriors, but ths Jesus Christ is the Chief of all Warriors! There has never been one for whom so much has been asked on behalf of the people. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost and this is either you or your neighbor. Take courage in the fact if you choose this Mighty Warrior as your Lord is able to do more than you can even conceive. He is the Great Shepherd who is able to lead and able to know the pains of mankind. Take this opportunity to ask and know all about the Son of God, Jesus Christ the Lord and He will bless you, your life, your village, your tribe and ultimately your nation with his boundless grace and mercy.
In Him,
Precious child, He is here. In the midst of your sorrow, He is here with you. In the midst of your pain, He is here. In the midst of your suffering, He is here. And in the midst of your joy, He is here. Always, even when it feels like He is not. We may lose sight of Him, but He NEVER loses sight of us! He IS HERE, and He knows you BY NAME. HE IS HERE, and He loves you more deeply than we can ever imagine. He loves you so much that He suffered with us, for us, because of us, so that we may experience true love, true joy, and true FREEDOM. He sees. He knows. He cares. He loves. And one day, He will make it right. He will. He has promised that He will, and He always upholds His promises. In the meantime, please know that He will never leave youyou are His BELOVED. “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” -Zephaniah 3:17
If I could sit with you right now I would tell you that you have tremendous value to God. In fact, you are His beloved. He has picked you out as being very special. He has a plan for you that is filled with love and hope. He in present in your days of challenge and even discouragement. He feels you pain with you and He cares very much for you. He is the giver of Life and He will keep breathing life into you as long as you open your ears and listen to what He has to say. IN fact even now you could stop and ask him, “God, who are I to you?” And I would imagine His answer – He may whisper to you that indeed you are His beloved – the one He has chosen from the foundation of the earth. Keep your faith in Jesus and believe God for His very best for your life and call out to Him in times of trouble – He is there!
May the hand of the Lord be upon you today and always. I pray that you would know the deep Love that your savior has for you.
You are not forgotten! God has brought you to our attention and we are fighting for you because you are God’s precious children.
Trust in the Lord, He hears your cry!
If I could be with you right now I would want you to know how much you are loved and valued. God loves you and so do we here at AIM. You are precious in His sight!
As I prayed for you today, the Spirit of the LORD brought this verse to my mind for you. I am asking the LORD to make this verse a relity in your life.
“The LORD your God is with you; He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)
May you always know His all-consuming love for you even when the days are difficult,your circumstances trying and your emotions changing. You are not forgotten!
When the Lord thinks of you, He smiles and He is pleased. He knows about your struggles and He knows about the pain in your heart and He has an answer. One day all of us who love Him will watch Him wipe away every tear. There will be no more death, no more sorrow, no more crying, no more pain. Then we’ll all get to hear Him say, “It is done!” In that moment we’ll be sons and daughters of His forever. You and I will see each other on that day and we’ll rejoice in the goodness of our God.
I pray that the Lord will bless and keep you and remove all the pain and suffering you are enduring for we are children of god and even though we may not know his plan I do know that as long as we remain faithful in him we will have eternal life in his kingdom.
God Bless you,
I just want you to know that you are a beloved child of the Lord. He created you and knows everything about you. He loves you..and will always love you..no matter what. In this life we may feel pain, and we may struggle, and we may not even want to wake up somedays but once we are in Heaven with our Father all of this will go away and we will live in complete Harmony with our Father, His Son, and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It will be a beautiful day that never ends. Thank you for everything that you do for His Kingdom. You are loved!
I just want you to know that you’re loved. I don’t know what you’re going through right now, but my hope is that you know that God loves you, that he cares for you, and that you belong to him.
I also want you to know, even though we’ve never met, that I love you. I pray that the Father who created both you and me would bless you today with every spiritual blessing he has in store for you.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face shine on you. May He comfort you and give you peace. You are not forgotten, your brothers and sisters in Christ are praying for you and sharing your burdens on this other side of the world. Thank you for your heart. May our sweet Lord allow you to rest near Him- His burden is easy and His yoke is light. Continue to shine the light and love of our Savior- you are my hero.
Even though many miles separate us, know that there is a sister in Christ who asks our Father to shower you with love and affection, give you peace that passes all understanding and that He will give you a spirit of perseverance and courage to face each day.
I pray that you will lay every burden at His feet and receive the joy knowing you are His precious one, beautifully and uniquely made by our Father and He delights in you! Live today knowing you are loved by the Creator of this universe!
Dear God’s child,
Though there are MANY things in life we may not understand, God does! God promises us that He will never give us anything we cannot handle, that includes you. I wish so badly I could be there with you right now to just give you a big hug, but unfortunately I am many many miles away. I hold a deep place in my heart for you, and have for years. I pray for you and your family that you would turn to GOD for your comfort and to know that everything happens for a reason. I was once told, “God is the slowest person I know, who is always on time.” God’s timing is more perfect than we can ever imagine. “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free” (Psalm 119:32).
In His LOVE,
Jeanine Dillard
Beloved Child of God,
Although you don’t know me I want to share with you my favorite Psalm! God says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! He knew you before you were even born and loves you dearly. He knows all that you are, do and say. He is with you where ever you go! Do not be afraid when trouble comes because God will protect you though any storm. Continue to trust in the Lord and you will truely live a blessed life. My heart is with you!
In Christ’s Love,
Victoria Maynez
you are so beautiful. the Father delights in you and is smiling upon every single sacrifice you daily make! you are not forgotten, you are no small thing in this world. i pray you would feel His love lavished on you and be blessed with even more strength than you already have. always remember that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted [psalm 34:18], and that i pray for you continually. :]
You are beautifuly and wonderfuly made, says the Lord. He sees you in EVERY trouble, and EVERY pain. He not only sees you, He is WITH you! He is going through it with you by your side. He will NEVER leave you. you are HIS beloved.
I pray that one day I will be back in Swaziland. I miss you ALL very much, and I am blessed to have been there with you all.
Philile, you are a strong, beautiful, corageous woman of God. Your family is beautiful, and your son “Moses” touched many peoples lives. He was a JOY to hold and take care of for the short 2 weeks we had him. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you all. I love you. I know that God has you in His arms. I put my trust and faith in him everyday that He IS taking care of you all. You are daily in my prayers and thoughts. Thank you for being strong, and touching so many people’s lives. I hope to see you again someday soon.
Love your sister,
Dear sweet lady, thank you so much for giving so lovingly of yourself. I pray that as you show so much love to others that you remember how much God loves you. He loves you more than you can even imagine. Although I do not know what you are going through in your life, I hope that you turn to God and His love for strength and comfort. He has promised to be our comfort and refuge and God will never go back on His promises. I love you my sister.
A few years ago i was visiting my 95 year old grandma in a nursing home. Since her mid 80’s she has had Alzheimer’s Disease so bad that she doesn’t even recognize her own son but she has the most wonderful personality in the world. When my family and I walked into the room the first thing she said was, “I don’t know you and I don’t think I have met you but I know you are my family and I know I love you,” and that is exactly what i want to say to you. I don’t know you and I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you, but I love you and i know you are my family.
“Father, right now i just pray for love. God, I pray that who ever is reading this may soon have an over flowing amount of love in their life. I pray that the love that You and others give this person is so great that the only way to hold it all in their heart is to share it with others. God when they receive love i pray that they just want to give even more love to others, Father. Shower them with your blessings, Father, and let Your will be done in their life. I pray that You cover and protect them when they are in danger and comfort them in the rough times. And God, in these hard times i pray that they remember Psalm 46:1-3 which says “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling.” In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
Greetings to you all in the Lord Jesus Christ! I pray the Lord’s richest blessings to pour down upon you. To give you strength both in your spirit and your work. Thank you for taking care of the children in need of parents. It is amazing what you do for them and I am blessed for having the opportunity to know about the provisions you are giving for the children of God. I will continue to pray for the health and strengthening faith for you, both children and caretakers! Thank you for your love and commitment!
Dear noble lady,
As I sat here today reading your bios, I am experiencing many emotions. One minute I want to cry because of the pain I know you are all experiencing is very very tough, and the next minute I am smiling and happy that through these tough times you are willing to not give up. YOu are volunteering and taking care of so many people! As I read your bios, I am reminded of the Proverbs 31 woman. “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting: but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”- PRoverbs 31:27-31 This whole chapter reminds me of the hard work you ladies do!
Please know that I am praying for you. The trials you have faced and are still facing are very tough. I pray thanks to God for being an ever present God and carrying us through our trials, even when we think He has left. Let me assure you that HE has not left. Cling to Him and He will give you rest. I pray that God will keep the devil away from you in the stillness and darkness of night. I know the devil jumps on you then, it is just easier for him that way. But there is hope in Christ. Cast your burdens on HIM. I pray that you women continue to show God’s love to people that need it. Thank you for all that you do! We love you and are praying for you all.
In God’s Hand,
Dear Sweet Child of God,
I know not who you are, but God has known you since He knit you together in your mother’s womb. As you face difficulties, remember God’s promise to you . . . “Do not be afraid for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
Thank you so much for all that you do for the little ones who need you so much. You are being Jesus with skin on, and for that, I am truly grateful. My prayers are with you always, may God bless you greatly!
Your Sister In Christ,
To all the teachers and go go’s.
You guys are strong towers and beautiful representations of God’s love. I met you all back in May and every day since then, I pray for you!
To the beautiful children. You are beloved children. Give your pain and hurt to your heavenly Father. No matter what is happening. He is Good!
I pray for all of you every day that God would provide protection. Show you His love more and more everyday. Bring healing to your body. And give you all the strength and joy you need.
Blessings in Christ!
Nate Evans (World Race January 08)
Dear one, you are so precious to the Lord Jesus. He knows everything you feel and feels it with you. He knows your pain, He knows your joy, He knows you and His love for you is big and beautiful.
May He bless you today and every day, and may you always know your name is written on the palm of His hand, and that same hand holds your hand now and will bring you through.
Blessings on you in Jesus’ name,
love Carol xxx
Hello Beautiful Child!
In the name of Jesus our heavenly father, i want to tell you how beautiful, wonderful, important, and loved you are! Through all of the pain of our world there is a loving father, who can, and WILL always be with YOU. Never question that he cares specifically for you, and that as he says, his thoughts of you alone, out number the hairs on your head!
i wish badly, that i could give you a hug and try to share some of the amazing love that has been given to you and me by God, but for know, i ask you to remember the words of this note, and await the day when Jesus will come and get us!
Love from your sister in Jesus,
I greet you in the name of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus. My name is Elysa MacLellan but my Swazi name is Thandeka Lom Khulu Dlamini. I now live in the United States of America, but from 1988 to 2000, when I was a young woman just out of university, I lived in Mbabane teaching and ministering to children and youth at the International Baptist Church and Preschool in Checkers. Those two years were very, very precious to me. I quickly learned to love the Swazi people and it was hard to say goodbye when it was time for me to leave and return to my home here.
Last year, God began to do a new work in my life and He made it possible for me to travel with a group led by Tom Davis back to Swaziland. I met many new wonderful Swazi friends such as the young adults who work on the D-Team with Jumbo and Krieke. I also met beautiful, laughing children and befriended people in the marketplace and those who worked at our hotel in Manzini.
I was saddened and shocked to see the toll that the drought and HIV/AIDS had taken on the mountain kingdom of Swaziland, but I was so blessed to see that despite the struggles, the beautiful and warm Swazi spirit still lives.
I visited many carepoints and saw so many precious children and caretakers. I heard their stories. They made a home in my heart. Because when I was in Swaziland, I truly felt like I had gone back home.
Not one single day goes by now that I don’t miss Swaziland. Most mornings I wake thinking about you there and often my last thoughts at night are of Swaziland. My children and I pray for your country…your leaders, your orphans, your widows, all those in need…every single day. We ask God to give you food and loving, safe homes and that your leaders will be filled with God’s wisdom and love. I also ask that God will let me one day return to my other home that is too far away from me.
I miss Swaziland. I often weep because I wish I could be there holding a baby, playing with an orphaned child, encouraging a young make, helping a gogo. I love Swaziland and I love you, even though I’ve probably never met you.
But as much as I hurt for Swaziland and love it’s people, I know that God does so very much more.
Romans 8: 38-39 promises us this:
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anyting else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
May you know God’s passionate love for you in very real and tangible ways. May you have His peace that passes all understanding. May you have His joy that never ends. May you have strength to all things through Him. May you always, always, always know that He is with you.
I’ll be praying for you today, tomorrow, and in the days to come.
Sala Kahle,
Elysa Thandeka MacLellan
Greetings my family in Christ!
Give thanks to the Lord, He is so good! I pray that you let the Lord take away all of your pain. We pray for you now that God meets all of your needs! I pray now that God comforts you, and that in everything you and I do we bless and thank Him! God is so good! He loves you so much! Pray to Him and He will meet your needs! God can do anything!
Blessings in Christ
To the precious gogo’s, mages and children of Swaziland. I love you more than you know. My heart aches and cries out to our Sovereign Lord for you. Know that you are lifted up in prayer and you are beautiful people. The Lord is preparing for revival in your land. Be ready for his mighty out-pouring…just hold out your hands! I pray that you will feel his presence in time or need, struggle, pain, joy and in the storms of life. He is there, he is listening, he loves and adores you. I lived in your land for a short time and fell in love with everything and everyone. Be encouraged, stand strong in the Lord and worship him with all of your heart. He calls you beloved and rejoices over you with singing. (zephaniah 3:17)
Dear Ones,
I cannot know what it must be like to not have. I cannot relate to the burdens you go through each and every day and the pain you must feel. But what I do know is that God is good and God provides and that God will BLESS you richly. Remember how much He loves you and how much He is smiling at you for the love you show each other. You are being His Hands and His Feet!
My favorite verse of the Bible comes from Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” I take great comfort in knowing that this is temporary and that being with Jesus is going to better than anything we can imagine.
I love you, I pray for you, I can’t wait to be able to come and hug you in person.
Love and Many Blessings,
Dear Beloved,
I want you to know just how much the Lord loves you. He is smiling down on you right now and has not forgotten you. In fact the very hairs on your head are all numbered by him.
I would like to share a Psalm with you to let you know just how much he loves you!
Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
He desires to know you personally and hold you close. I pray that you would give your struggles over to him because he can carry that burden for you and your load will be lightened.
In his love,
Hello friends in Christ,
I am and will be praying for all of you. Always remember that the Lord DOES NOT give you a spirit of fear. The Lord is always with you, He is everywhere. He loves you all so much. Always keep your heads up and keep going on no matter how hard it is. You all are loved so much. “submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7.
You can do all things through Christ-phil 4
So always keep your heads up and focus on God!
Hello brothers and sisters In Christ,
May you have a beautiful day in the Lord.
I don’t know your circumstances or what you are going through today, whether joy or pain. But our God knows and He is big enough! I hope you know that you are in my prayers and even on those lonely days when you feel like nobody is listening or cares about you, Jesus will always be there- you can always call upon Him! And this world is only temporary, soon we will be with Him for eternity!
Love and prayers,
One day we will meet in heaven 🙂
Over the past few weeks I have been praying for you all. Reading stories, and seeing pictures, I know your situation is not an easy one. Thinking about what I could say as just a word of hope and encouragement, I thought back to a time in my life last year when it seemed I had no hope. A friend of mine called one day, and in my sobbing she said to me, “He is our Strength, and our Refuge.” While I want you all to know that I am praying for you all, I more importantly want each of you to know that God does care for you. There are times when it seems He might not be listening, but I promise you He is. Sometimes it takes the attitude and actions of one to change a whole nation. Maybe you will be that person today. Whether you are a small child, or an elder, your life can be a testimony to those around you! Please remember there are many here praying for you all, that your situations might become easier. I love you, and so does He.
In Christ,
Sawubona!! Unjani?
I am writing to you today to remind you that hundreds of people are praying for you. Know that you are a precious child of God and that He has great plans for your life. The pain that surrounds you is great, and though your heart may be heavy trust that the Lord is carrying you. Take comfort in those around you and know that God has placed them in your life for a reason.
Swaziland is such a beautiful county – I wish I could be there to see a sunset. Know that God created this beautiful country that you live in and He created that beauty for you to enjoy. The sunrises and the sunsets should be a reminder to you that no matter what God is looking out for you. I can not begin to understand what you are going through, but I know that Lord knows the deepest desires of your heart, whatever they may be and I pray that He will guide you and protect you wherever you go.
Sala Kahle!!!
In His Holy Love,
Dear precious, precious children of God,
You are so loved by Him! He knows all the pain you have and He sees every tear you cry. He knows your name and has engraved you on the palms of His hands. He will not forget you. God DELIGHTS in you!
Your beautiful smiles have lit up my life and the lives of many other people, and your praise and worship to God are so inspiring. Thank you, GoGo’s, for all the work you do in taking care of the children God has placed in your lives. May He continue to bless the work of your hands.
with love from your sister in Christ,
Dear Brother or Sister,
You are loved. Do you know that? You have a heavenly Father who loves you more than you can ever imagine. He sent his only son to die so that you could be saved and live forever with Him. Isn’t that incredible? And I love you. Even though I don’t know who you are or where you are, I love you. Because we are both children of God. And that makes us family. Have a Blessed Day. Remember that you are loved and that I’m praying for you.
Kat 🙂
“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
I will not forsake them.”
Isaiah 42:16
God promises not to forsake us. Instead, he will keep us from tripping when the ground is uneven, and he helps us to see what to do even when nothing really makes sense.
He has definitely done this for me many times.
I am praying for you, that God would bless and protect you, and that you will allow him to lead you in paths of righteousness.
Jesu Uyukutsandza!
You are loved. First, know and believe that. I do not know what life is like for you on a daily basis. Full of various emotions…but one thing is certain. God loves you and will be a silent guide beside and within you.
May you feel His peace, and the love of others, including me.
Your Father in heaven loves you. He is ALWAYS with you, even when you sleep, watching over you like a loving father, leading you and guiding you when you are awake.
I am your brother. Even though I live a long way from you, I think about you often, and pray for your safety. You are not alone!
You have another brother named Jesus. He lives in your heart, as well as my heart. He connects us in a wonderful way.
You truly are my Hero’s…all of you!! You face unspeakable amounts of pain for eternal purposes I can’t begin to understand, but I do believe that because of what you suffer, you are first in His kingdom. You are precious in Hiis sight, and His promise to you, is that your present set of unspeakable circumstances of pain are not even worthy to be compared to the glory that you will receive! You are storing up incorruptible treasures of immeasurable worth…you are rich!
My prayer for you is that the peace of God which passeth all understanding will rest on you.
Please know that I wait with great anticipation to stand behind you as you are honored with being the first and the greatest in His kingdom…I cannot wait to see Him wipe away the tears from your face and the pain from your body as He makes all things new!!
Dearest Child of God,
I am praying for you today that you will hear the Good News that Jesus brings as the Son of God. I pray that you will learn of Him, who gives all things and cares for all that He has made. May you have great joy, great peace and great love. May all of your needs be met.
With love!
Blessed creation of the Almighty God.
May you and I live our lives in light of our creator looking forward to the day we shall be forever with Him. Trust in Him through all the pain and joys, let God be your safe place, your confidant, and your encourager. As part of the family of Christ I encourage you as well. God has created good works before hand that we may walk in them (Ephesians 2:10) May you live in faith pleasing God knowing your future is secure. Someday we shall meet in that glorious place and share our stories. May God’s truth abide in you that your joy may be full (John 15:11) Through the darkest of times their is Christ at our sides, knowing this is not the end, and I have a savior who loves me so much he died and rose again for me, this truth brings fulfillment to my heart and will to yours as well.
Numbers 6:24-26 “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.â€
Hello fellow child of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God shine his blessings upon you and lift you up in the face of your trials. May you know the peace that only comes from our loving Father, his Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I can not imagine what it is like for you today or what trials you face, but be encouraged, that you are not alone.
Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
This is the day that the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad!!!! I know it might seem like there is not always much to be glad about in this world. The good news is that we don’t have to find our happiness in the world around us because Jesus is always with us and he provides a happiness that is greater than any other. May God bring you his everlasting peace and eternal joy today and may you carry it around in your heart always. I recently learned a lesson from God. That lesson is that some of the darkest hours in our life can also be some of the greatest because that is when we truly see God’s sweet love shinning through. May you see God shine in your life too!
Peace and Love!
Sawbona sisi,
You are prayed for and thought of. You are beautiful. God cares for you and sees you as the precious daughter that you are. Embrace Him. Live in the freedom of His Name! ( if going to Timbutini please include:You are loved and I dearly miss your sweet face and spirit. My time with you is not forgotten!)
Your sisi,
Megan (Nokukhanya)
To the one who receives this,
Know that as you were chosen to receive this letter, that you were chosen before time began by our Creator. I pray that you may take joy in knowing that even in the midst of hardships that Jesus is by your side, that you are not enduring anything alone. I wish that I could be by your side carrying the burden that may plague you, but the Lord is faithful and will always be right alongside you. I will pray for you even though I may not know your name. I hope you know that you are loved by a fellow brother in America but even more so by the one who created the stars and land around you, the one who gave up his life for you and me. I pray that you may see the flowers among the thorns in life. God bless!
In Christ,
My heart aches within me when I think of the suffering God’s loved creation endures around the world everyday. But I want you to know that it is your soul, not your body that is inherently you. So although these trials you are going through may take a great toll on your body, your mind, and your strength, rejoice in the fact that as a child of God your soul can never be touched. It belongs to the Lord of all the universe, and he cares for each pain of your heart. Cast your cares upon Him, He is your shelter.
Dear Child of God,
Please know that I prayed for you today and that I hope Jesus will send comfort to you today. I pray that you will come to know Him personally as your Savior and that He will lead, guide and protect you and yours.
Beloved Child of the King,
Please know as this paper reaches your hand you have been prayed for, you are being prayed for and you will continue to be prayed for. My prayer for you is an understanding of the love that surpasses all, the love that is Jesus. Nothing can separate you from Him. Romans 8 tells us that nothing, neither height nor depth, nothing in all of creation can separate you from His great love. I pray that His love encompasses you and brings you comfort. I pray that a peace surrounds you and you feel the warm arms of the Father surrounding you. And I pray that you remember
The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing.
He is with you, He delights in you, He loves you and He rejoices over YOU.
In His Great Love,
Dear Friend,
Take courage. God is a Faithful God and He thinks of You and holds you in His hands everyday. Psalm 68:5 says that God is “a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows”. Take courage, my friend.
much love,
(Ponce, PR)
My loves,
I’ve been away from you a year now, and I miss you. You changed my life in so many ways, and my heart breaks for ways that I can give back a fraction of what you’ve given me.
I’ve always longed for home. When I returned to America, I took a little African soil with me, so I’d have you nearby, but you are in me. In my soul, and in the darkness of my skin. You are in my history and in my future.
I will not forget you.
I’m praying that God show will you His faithfulness, and me how to serve you better.
Much love,
claudia mair nothondo burney
Hello To You in Swaziland,
I want you to know that I am praying for you and for God to provide food, medicine, employment and all that you need to bloom there in Swaziland.
I am a high school teacher here in the USA and I have told my students about you and your needs. My young 14 and 15 year old students gave me some money to send to you to feed those who are hungry.
May the God of all glory be with you and may you worship him with hands lifted high!
My heart is with you. I am praying that I can bring a team of people to come and help you feed those who are hungry, play football (soccer), laugh with you, worship with you and minister the love of Jesus along side you.
God is using you to change me and many others. Thank you.
Bless you in Jesus’ name.
Kenny in Boise, Idaho USA
You are my heroes! You suffer much, yet you serve deeply. You see so much pain, yet you live relieve pain. You have so little, and give so much!
The Kingdom of God belongs to these children, and the precious way you labor for his body impresses and humbles me.
You are my teachers, and I am honored to be a student to your lesson. You are journeymen of this kingdom, and I am honored to study as an apprentice of your work.
I look forward to joining you soon, to once again see the the hands and feet of Christ, in your hands and in your feet.
Kevin J. Bowman
A father to the fatherless,
a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families … Psalm 68:5-6
Dear Child of the Father,
I pray that you will know how much Your Heavenly Father loves you! I know that you are hurting. My earthly father died when I was very young. It was hard and painful to bear. But I have learned that my heavenly Father is especially close to those whose earthly fathers die. May that be your experience.
I also pray that you will know that you have many “brothers” and “sisters” of your heavenly Father. He calls us into His family the Church. You are not alone. Though I cannot see you, I love you. There are millions of people who are thinking about you and praying for you.
May your Heavenly Father bless you with a sense of His presence …
With His peace that passes all understanding …
With His strength to endure all trials and pain …
With His joy that endures in spite of everything …
With His hope … that He will make all things right one day …
With His promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you …
With His love … that lasts forever, and ever, and ever!
Your “brother” of Our Heavenly Father,
Robert Brown
I’mm praying for you right now and want you to know that someone on another continent cares about you. I am asking God to hold you since I physically cannot. I know that the pain and hardship that we go through here are nothing compared to what you are having to deal with. I pray that God not only surrounds you with His arms and love but that He does so in such a supernatural way that you feel His very presence in your life. I love you, friend, and I am praying for you daily. As I do God knows who you are and is ministering to you.
Sawubona Beautiful! God has put you on my heart. You who care for the children, you who are serving the King! Jesus told us over and over the importance of children and so I thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus. My prayer is that you will continually feel the love of your Father around you and that in the moments when you may feel like you can’t go, or you are too frustrated that His Spirit comes over you and is your rest. You are caring for His precious children and know that He will care for you and guide you. Your heart astounds me and even far away your stories of strength and love are an encouragement to me and teach and challenge me to be more like our Father, you’re my hero! Thank for allowing God to work through your life and not only for the children, but for those you’ve never even met. I don’t think thatI have enough words to fully express the heavenly beauty I see your life. I see Jesus in you sister!
Your sister,
Thank you and may God bless you for serving and caring for others even in the midst of your own trials.
I pray that from God’s glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (Ephesians 3: 16-19)
Oh how I miss all of you. Your sweet smiles and your tender hearts bring joy to my life. To see the work that you do inspires me to be a better man and to love my wife more. I await the day that that Lord allows my wife and I to come back to Swaziland and sit with you. I pray blessings of peace upon you and I thank the Lord for everything that you do. I believe you will be towards the front of the line in heaven, love and blessings.
Chad Mast
Though we have not met, I send you greetings with the love of the Lord, the God of heaven and earth. He loves you with an everlasting love. He offers you peace and joy. I pray that you will know his abundant love more each day. He is near to all who call upon Him. Draw near to Him and gain your strength from Him; he will sustain you. You are precious to Him.
Greetings in the Name of the Lord,
May God bless you and bring you comfort. I don’t know who you are or what you’ve gone through, but God does, and He cares for you. He is a Father to the Fatherless, a Defender of widows; and He sets the lonely in families.
Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.
In Christ’s love,
Dear children,
Even though I will never meet you, I love you. I love you because you are a living, breathing child of God and you are my sister or brother in Christ. When you find yourself surrounded by shadows of doubt, hurt, and pain, let your soul cry out to God and he will hear you. He will hold you in His arms. You are a precious and beautiful person. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
Jesu uyakutsanza! Kute lofana na Jesu, ngisite ngisetinkingeni. Ngatsandza kuhlala eSwatini. Ngisikuhluma kancane Siswati. I wish I could write this entirely in your own language. After only a few months in Swaziland my siswati is not that good.
God loves you. There is none like him, he is your help in your troubles. I worked in Ezluwini in 2008. I saw the hurt in so many in the eyes of so many in your country. But, I also saw such joy. I learned just how much a Swazi’s can understand the joy of the Lord. It comes in and it helps you to face another day. He gives hope when school fees are high. It is the promise that someone out there does love you. Know that God brings this from an American all the way across an ocean… not because we are anything great for sending this. No, that shows you just how deeply God loves you. I have never had something/someone sent to my country from the other side of the world to just love one me. Yet, God is doing that for you today. That doesn’t make the trials in life less… but o the mduduzi of Jesu! Remember he is you litsemba. He is full of umusa and kubeketla.
I am praying that today you feel his love. The you may understand it is a love unlike human love. I pray you will be comforted when there is no one. I pray he will strengthen you… even when weak and weary. I pray that when you life may seem too much, you allow God to step in and take over. I pray God will teach you more about himself. That you will find the Inkhulukeko of living for God. Siyabonga Jesu!
-Siphiwe, umfundisi dD
(Denise Eckert)
You are loved! More than you can ever know. God will never be more impressed by you than He already is.
Today He calls you His son. So Son of God, rise up and take the rightful place by your king’s side! Serve Him with your life! Further His Kingdom! You are a King in training!
To my family far away,
I know there’s nothing i can say to make anything better, but i will try. You have gone through so much, i don’t know if there’s any other family you have, but if you do have other family.. be brave for them. And if not, be brave for yourself. I know through all of this it is hard to believe in a God, especially a God who is love. I should know, i’ve lost love ones close to me as well, have been beaten, have been in rallies to stop injustice for different causes, and i’m only 17. But there is, i believe in Him because it gives me a purpose, no matter what i lose or the trials i face. God works. Trust Him, things happen for a reason. Through this, you may be able to help someone else, even through this, think of others. That is the ultimate love. I hope you find pace, by God. There’s hope. Always hope.
Your friend,
Christine Suhae Kim
Greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ!
In the book of John, Jesus says “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”. He says that others will abandon the sheep when danger comes because they are only hired and not the owner of the sheep. “I know my sheep and they know me, just as my Father knows me and I know my Father; and I lay my life down for the sheep”.
Jesus did lay His life down for us, I pray that you may follow Jesus everyday as you listen for his voice. May He bless you with ears that are very sensitive to the King! And may He give you peace, boldness to stand for righteousness, and love for all.
Your Brother-
There are many lying spirits gone out into the world to cause pain and deceive hearts. I’m grateful that God is filling many hearts in America with the pain of Africa so that they come and speak His peace and show His love. My friends are coming, too, and are His hands, and hearts, and faces. In heaven, we will laugh together.
I want to take just a minute to thank you for all that you do to care for and encourage those around you in the love of the Lord. Your efforts are not without notice. Your loving Heavenly Father beams with approval each time you reach out to comfort those around you. He sees the sacrifices you make and hears your every prayer. He loves you and is pleased at how you seize each opportunity to touch others by being His hands and feet on this earth. He wants you to rest in Him while serving so that you will be aware of His presence and enabling. May you walk in joy, even when the weariness is great, and fall asleep knowing that you are in His arms and deeply loved. Thank you for all you do.
You are a precious child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are loved by your Father in Heaven. Never forget that you have a Father who fights for you!
In ancient times, this blessing was given to the people of Israel. As a descendant of Israel, I also place this blessing on you and your people:
The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Sweet one,
You are loved. I wish I could hold you and rock you, to read you a story and keep you safe. I wish I could bake you yummy food to fill you uo and make you happy. I cannot ,but my Father in heaven can. I pray HE will give you love and hold you tight to Him. Climb in HIS lap today and let Him love on you. I am praying for you.
Love and hugs, Jackie
Dear child of God,
I want to encourage you and remind you of how much God loves you! No matter what the circumstances are, God reminds us in His word, “For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.(Isaiah 41:13). He also says “Cast all your anxiety on him (God) because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7). As I write this, I am praying for you, that God will show you his love and power and strength! You are so precious to Him and I wish I could give you a hug in person, but I hope God’s love comes through these words, for NOTHING can separate us from his love. Take heart, be encouraged, press on, and may God bless you and keep you in his loving arms forever!
Love, Heidi
Hello!! I hope you are doing well, and having an amazing day. This summer I went to Africa, and I wanted you to know that I admire and look up to you, for all that you do. The way you see life amazes me, you are the most grateful people that I have ever met in my entire life. Thank you for teaching me to be grateful for all that I have. I pray that Jesus will give me the same heart and faith that I saw in Africa. I just wanted to remind you to keep putting your whole trust in Jesus, He is always there, and will never leave you. “Find rest, O my soul in God alone; my hope is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6 You are an amazing woman keep going and thank you for all that you do. I am praying for you!! God Bless!
Love Rachelle
Loved one,
You a such a precious child and so very beautiful in God’s sight. I think about you very often and I pray to Jesus for you and your friends every time you cross my mind! Jesus Christ thinks about you all the time, and HE knows you by name. He watches you everywhere you go, smiling with each step you take. Today, I am thinking about you and I am so thankful for your smile. You have a beautiful smile that makes me think of God’s love for you! You are loved more than you could EVER EVER know!
In Jesus Mighty Name,
Haley Crimi
Dear sweet child,
I love you. God loves you. I am praying for you today. I am sorry for the hard things in your life, and I am praying that God would touch your heart in a very special way. I am praying that you would know how special you are, and that God loves you so very much. I am praying that He would provide for all of your needs and will continue to pray for you. I have never seen you, yet I know you are absolutely beautiful.
With much love,
Andie Baird
To the precious children of God that live in Swaziland – greetings and encouragements from a brother in Christ!
I have been praying for you and will continue to pray that your physical and spiritual needs are met by our Father. You are precious in his sight! I am so encouraged by your faith and the love that you show for your country and your people. May God bless your faithfulness and obedience.
Much love in Christ our Redeemer-
Brett Oliver
Georgetown, KY
Jambo! My God loves you more than you could ever know! No matter what your circumstances, God will always love you. “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” (Isaías 49:15-16a). People may let you down, but God never will! I am praying that you will find strength in God in any circumstance. Filipenses 2:12-13.
Mary Beth
Sawubona, Ngiyajabula kubhalela wena. Ungami wami ngu Denise. Ngahlala la kaNweni 1987 ku 1993. Ngahlala eMbuluzi (kaDlamini) and eMatsapha sodva (alone?). Nceci, kodvwa namuhla angisakhumbuli (remember? kahle siSwati.
Nkulunkulu Uyakutsandza kakhulu. My favorite Psalm – Sihlabelelo 62:1,7-8 watsi.
“Umphefumulo wami uithulele kuNkunlunkulu kuphela, insindziso yami ivela kuye… Insindziso yami neludvumo lwami kusetandleni taNkulunkulu. Nkulunkulu usiphephelo sami nelidvwala lami lelicinile. Nine sive, yetsembelani kuye ngato tonkhe tikhatsi, tfululelani kuye tinhlitiyo tenu, Nkulunklulu usiphephelo setfu.”
I pray that God will give you all the grace you need to stand firm in Him no matter what you face and that you will grow in the knowledge of Him! It is through Him that we live and breathe and have our being!
Dear child of God,
I am praying that this letter reaches you and encourages you today. You are precious to me and precious to our awesome, loving, merciful, and joyful heavenly father. I am praying that He provides quickly and graciously for your every need. I have read some of the stories of people just like you and I smile at each and every one because I know that when I see you and smile, God smiles even more. He cherishes you he cries when you cry, he laughs when you laugh. He hurts when you hurt, and he rejoices when you rejoice. The hard work you are doing for the good of your family and friends makes me admire you, and I know God is smiling upon His child and is proud of you.
Today, I hope you experience great joy from our Heavenly Father. I pray that you will find comfort in coming to Him for help and for strength. I know that I am strong when I rest in Jesus, for the Lord says of his child in Psalm 91:15-16,
“When he calls to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
I pray that you feel the joy of the Lord today with this message. Peace be with you, child of God.
Dear young brothers and sisters,
What an honor to greet you from across the ocean via technology!! Just as God sent His love-letter to us in the Bible, today I send my love and prayers for you. May you know how deep and high and wide the love of God isit is greater than anything we can see, and more enduring and beautiful.
Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save, he will rejoice over you with joy, comfort you with his love, and rejoice over you with singing”
Blessings in Christ,
Dear Beautiful Child of God,
I cannot imagine the trials and suffering you endure, the battles you must face and the way in which you persevere. I ask that you trust in God and that you know His love is complete and perfect in all the ways that humanity and being human falls short. We are made whole, we are made perfect in Him.
You are loved and I do not know you but I love you and I will pray for you everyday and yours so that you can feel the great cloud of witnesses surrounding, and look to Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.
You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
May the Peace of God’s love be in your heart and sustain you
Love always and in Him, your sister in Christ,
Everything belongs. Our pain belongs. Our joy belongs. Everything. Because at this moment, here… right now… Christ is with us. He, who went through the pain of death, is with us in our worst pain. He, who knew the joy of life like no one else, is with us in our highest moments.
Let this be a reminder to you that right now, even as you read this, Christ is beside you, lifting you up in prayer to His Father in heaven. He wants to embrace you. Even now. Be open to his love, seek it, and he will find you.
Be encouraged. God is with you. He will take care of you. His words through his prophet Isaiah are his promise to you…
“Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
I love you and pray for you every day.
In our Lord Jesus,
Dear child of God, my brother or sister in Christ!
I am so grateful to be able to send this message to you! There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t pray for you. You are a child of the King of all Kings, our God who is our loving Father. You are precious in His sight, He delights in you! He loves you and has a plan for your life. He will never fail you or forsake you.
“The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save! He takes great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing”. Zephaniah 3:17
I pray you feel Him with you in real ways, and that He richly blesses your heart, mind, body and soul with His joy and peace. You are so deeply loved by me and by Him!
In Him, with love,
Your sister, Deb
Dear child of the King!
I feel honored to be able to right and pray for you. I am praying that the Lord would do big things through you becuase he has put you on this earth for His Glory. Sometimes that is hard to believe when hard times face us during our lives, but you must remember that you are “A child of the Kind!” Jesus loves you greatly! He loves you so much that he died for you, so that you could know him as your father or papa. I am Praying that you will remember this through the good times in your life and through the bad times.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. But in all your ways acknowlege him and he will direct your path.” Provers 3:5-6
With love and prayer
Your sister in Christ who is praying for you,
My Dear Friends,
I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus and pray His blessings and promises to be poured out on you, who are His beloved….
You are a child of God, He is your Father (1 John 3:1-2)
You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)
You are an heir of God (Romans 8:17)
You are blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3)
You are a child of promise (Romans 9:8 / Galatians 3:14)
You are free from condemnation (Romans 8:1-2)
You are a child of light, not darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:5)
You are one of God’s living stones (1 Peter 2:5)
You are born of God and the evil one cannot touch you (1 John 5:18)
You are to be light in the world (Matthew 5:14)
You are chosen of God – holy, beloved (Colossians 3:12)
I love you!
I do not know you but I know of you through others and through my experiences with others like you. I want to express love and support for you and your brothers and sisters but most of all a special peace that passes all understanding.
We have not been to visit you or your land but we have visited other lands where children face many of the same daily obstacles and opportunities. Our heart and support is with you in these choices you must make each day.
God has a plan for all of his loving children and you are being looked at to accomplish much through faith in him and support of your brothers and sisters.
In Him we pray for you.
Tim Taylor
This is God’s promise to you: Psalm 37:23-25
The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken, nor seen their children begging for bread.
You have been made godly and righteous through the Blood of Jesus and all His promises are for You! Oh how He loves you and will never let you go… He is so faithful! You are His prize!
Psalm 17:8 says He guards you as the apple of His eye and hides you in the shadow of His wings. You are His precious little chick that He holds close and keeps safe.
How precious you are!
Noel Clark
Though we have never seen you, we are thinking of you today, grateful for a friend who can read these words to you and hopeful with you for what your future may hold.
Today you are speaking with a person who I know has a heart for you, I know this because they are my brother or sister in Christ. They care deeply about you because you were beautifully and wonderfully made by a Heavenly Father who created you uniquely.
So may today be a day of hope, may you share your story with others and find how you are connected to the story of our God. Wishing we were there to hear your story to see your smile. Knowing that both are beautiful and unique.
Many blessings,
Liza and Andrew
As I listen to people that say all things happen for a reason, I agree, but there is still the question of WHY? Why do these things happen to me and why do they do this to me are questions we all ask ourselves at one time or another. As I was seeking the Lord’s response to this, He gave me this verse at one time to remind me of His love for me and for all of us during the tough times. 1 Peter 4:1-2 “Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.” The Lord has not forgetten His children, so let us be encouraged in the word of the Lord as He continues to guide us through every single “suffering” we live!!
Dear person that is so near and dear to me.
I know that we do not know eachother, but we do share so much in life. I know that we both love, hurt and want to see this next generation grow up in the sight of God. That we together desire to see His kingdom grow and cant wait for the day that together we can stand before him and watch His glory. Today i am praying for your ministry. That in whatever capacity you will be blessed. That today you would see God moving, loving and working like never before. And finally that your eyes would be opened to his enduring love for you. So although we do not know eachother. i love you and will continue to pray for you. Hopefully we will meet one day.
With much love, Emily.
Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.
May the King of Kings and Lord of Lords bless you and keep you safe all the days of your life. No matter what happens know that our God is a just God. He created you and he loves you. He has a plan for your life. Though it may be hard now, remember that in time God will reveal his pleasing and perfect will to us. I Love you and I am praying for you.
Your sister in Christ,
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:13
No matter what you’re going through, emotional, physical or both, God is always there. He WILL get you through anything. You can always turn to Him to help. He loves you and wants the best for you. He has a plan for your life. Trust Him, and you will be healed. Just remember that the will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you.
with much love and many prayers,
Dear Brother or Sister in Christ,
Dear brother or sister in Christ,
You are loved and cared about by not only me but also by our Heavenly Father. He loves you more than you could ever imagine and He is always there for you. When everything seems to be going wrong and when your world seems to be crumbling around you remeber that God is with you. God is there by your side helping you all the way. No matter how badly your hurting or how deep you’re in trouble you can be sure that with God you will find healing and you will find rest. Never fear the things of this world because Jesus overcame the world! I love you and you are in my prayers!! 🙂
In Him,
Rebecca Carraher
Dear Child of the King,
This is my prayer for you: Heavenly father, I praise you that each one of your children is fearfully and wonderfully made. I praise you that you created them in their inmost being, and before the world began you knew them. I pray now for this child. I praise you for your truth which is eternal that I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread. I pray that you will fill him or her to the fullest, for we know that in Christ the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and that fullness has been given to us in Christ Jesus. I pray that you will daily provide for him or her daily bread as he or she seeks you and that he or she may see you working in ways beyond what he or she can expect or imagine. I pray that you will give him or her a hope and a future as you unveil the plan for his or her life day by day. Most of all, I pray that you will provide for him or her a church body where he or she can grow in you. I pray that you would touch this child in the deep places that need to be healed, and that he or she may put full confidence in you our rock and redeemer.
God Bless,
Through the years of trials that I have experienced, I have come to the conclusion that although God does not WANT us to suffer, he uses the suffering that we go through as the flail to remove the chaff so that he can we can be refined to the essence of our soul. The trials pare us down like the knives they feel like. What is left afterwards is who we truly are. If we rely on Christ, what is left is gold. If we do not, what is left is burned up with the chaff in the lake of fire. Place your trust in Jesus. I know that times can be hard, believe me, I know. I suffer from severe migraines and fibro-myalgia, and am in pain nearly every day, but if you focus on Christ, and keep HIM as your goal, your burden IS lessened. I cannot say that it is ELIMINATED, because it is not, but it becomes bearable. Help sometimes comes from unexpected places, and you need to keep yourself open for God’s miracles from whatever source.
Dear Beloved Grandmother,
I cannot begin to know the pain of seeing sickness, suffering, and death all around you, every day. My husband will arrive in Africa today for the first time, and he’ll get a glimpse of your world. He won’t ever forget what he sees, because he truly loves people wherever he goes.
God sees your pain, because He is “El Roi,” the God Who Sees. Nothing escapes His notice, and He hasn’t forgotten you or your grandchildren. He says,
“I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you from your birth. Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you. I will carry you and save you.” Isaiah 46:3,4
He loves you so much, and I pray that you feel His arms wrapped around you.
Your sister in Christ,
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added to you if God be for us who can be against us.
While your pain may be felt so deeply within you it makes it difficult to breathe at times, know that you are not alone.
I realize it feels like a lonely journey with people saying they understand (when you know they couldn’t possibly) or people you expected to reach out to comfort you that never showed up.
But no matter how painful your situation, God is with you. We don’t ever fully understand why we (or anyone) must suffer…I suppose that is a question that only God can address.
As a child of God you are being watched by Him, angels and other wonderful spirits that are holding you as you travel through your journey.
No matter where your journey takes you remember that you are loved and your life has and will always matter…
Be strong and remember to love…only love.
May God bless you all. Remember: No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
I pray that this reaches you and inspires to continue the spiritual warfare with vigor!
God is love. Love is truth.
May God encourage you as He uses you as a vessel of honor. We need more guys like you.
May God touch me and move me to feel with others
Bless You
god bless u all
i try to donate as much money and hope as i can i pray and everything dont give up someones is out there and they will bring you happieness you just got to believe i love haiti!!!!
God loves you. You may have heard it before, but its true.
You are not a mistake. Your pain is not an accident. Rise from the ashes my dear brother/sister. Just call out his name and he will be there for you, I promise.
I`m praying that not only will you come out of your suffering and be successful. But also that you will go back and help those in need.
There is no suffering without purpose.
God Bless You, See you someday.
You are God’s child. Remember GOD never leaves you. GOD loves you very very much. No matter what trust GOD. I pray that GOD keeps you safe and healthy. How are you? I hope you are good. Bless you and everyone you know
You are God’s child. Remember GOD never leaves you. GOD loves you very very much. No matter what trust GOD. I pray that GOD keeps you safe and healthy. How are you? I hope you are good. Bless you and everyone you know
Lord, I don’t know why I am going through pain right now. I am from South Africa but am living in the UK, and miss my home so much, and now I am heartbroken. But I think this pales into insignificance compared to a little orphan who may be hungry – I would do anything to give a cuddle to one of these children, God’s beautiful spirits, and would love to sit and share some food if I could, but in the meantime I pray that God’s angels find the strength, to shield the children of Africa. I pray that I will be back in Africa, my home soon, and that I can share the spirit of Africa with my daughter and that we can too share our love with the orphans. And also that we can help to look after the beautiful animals as well, some more of God’s precious spirits!!! And God’s blessings to Seth! Amen!!
Sweet Precious Child of God,
I’ve prayed for you today. I pray you will know how very much you are loved by our Heavenly Father. I’ve asked the Lord to meet your needs so that you can know in a very real way the amazing provision of our God, who loves to meet our needs and to provide for us more than we ever knew was possible. And I pray for you to have His joy and peace and love in abundance!
Your sister in Christ,
You are a precious and beautiful child of God. A masterpiece of the highest quality. Everything about you was planned perfectly and created just as our Heavenly Father wanted! The sound of your voice, the blink of your eye, the beat of your heart is known by God and makes Him smile in the heavenlies!
May you understand how very much you are loved today.