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Why I’m a fan of Scott Molgard

Scott Molgard
Scott is easy to underestimate. Not one to blow his own trumpet, he works hard to keep your expectations low. He calls himself “fat” and describes his attempts at running as “waddling.” When you learn that a few years back he competed in Strong Man competitions, it’s easy to write him off as a du…
By Seth Barnes

scott molgard 2Scott is easy to underestimate. Not one to blow his own trumpet, he works hard to keep your expectations low. He calls himself “fat” and describes his attempts at running as “waddling.” When you learn that a few years back he competed in Strong Man competitions, it’s easy to write him off as a dumb jock.

But once you start reading his blog, you see that Scott has a lot going on. He’s an acute observer of life around him and is unsparingly honest in describing it. Sometimes his honesty and raw observations make me wince. He takes on subjects like racism, ugly people, and AIDS. Sometimes he takes on things you’d expect him to keep private – you can’t believe he actually went there.

Scott doesn’t waste time worrying about offending people. He must figure that most people have seen it all by now already. He likes beer and he doesn’t understand it when people are offended by that. He really comes alive when talking about his wife Linnea or his dog Sequoia.

Scott is still getting over his fairly conservative background (having attended Liberty U.) and seems a little jaded toward people with some kind of religious agenda. It’s hard to begrudge him his mild bouts of cynicism, especially as he tempers that with a hunger for spiritual reality. We need more of that in the Church.

Scott has been on a concerted search for God for a while now. He and Linnea entered the World Race in January to travel the world looking for him. My bet is that he’ll find him.

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