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Why not take a risk and begin searching?

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Yesterday I shared an excerpt from my book, The Art of Listening Prayer; today, I share another excerpt: Growing up in America isn’t easy; we’re a nation of skeptics. It’s easier to take potshots at something than it is to embrace it. We’ve been disappointed so many times, seen so m…
By Seth Barnes

Yesterday I shared an excerpt from my book, The Art of Listening Prayer; today, I share another excerpt:

Growing up in America
isn’t easy; we’re a nation of skeptics.
It’s easier to take potshots at something than it is to embrace it. We’ve been disappointed so many times, seen
so many promises come to nothing. We’ve
read the papers, every day hearing a new story of some naïve soul getting
duped. And in our own lives, we’ve
prayed a hundred times for
art of lp 2something and not once did God reach down out of
heaven to answer us. The idea that God
speaks to humans, that in fact he may be speaking to you this very day, may
seem to contradict your experience. It’s
a wonder anybody is willing to consider the possibility! If you’re a skeptic, you’re in good company.

But if we’re honest, many of
us will admit a couple of things. First,
who wouldn’t want to be able to talk with their creator and hear him talking
back? Wouldn’t that be the most
wonderful thing imaginable? Don’t you
hope against hope that it’s possible?

And second, this “personal
relationship with God” that we as a Church advertise to nonbelievers may not

feel very personal at all. Somewhere along the line you may feel as
though you’ve been sold a bill of goods.
We’re so saturated with doctrine that has little or no basis in our experience
that we look and act like hypocrites.
It’s time you face the issue; trifling with God doesn’t serve him – if
our friends can see the unreality of our faith, then he certainly can.

So what if you could set your
skepticism aside for a month and try listening for God’s voice, just like Moses
did? Or Samuel, or David, or the
disciples, or Paul, or many of Christendom’s greatest saints did down through
history? What if they understood
something that you’ve missed? And, what
if God was just waiting to break out of the box you’ve had him in to show you
that he does still talk to people and wants to talk to you?

You may not be that far away
from it even now. Chances are you

do hear the Lord’s voice and
just struggle to admit it. You may find
yourself in the position of the woman who, when reflecting on her journey of
faith said, “God used so many people to reach me over the years. Each time it

like God was saying, ‘I’m still here.’ It was obvious that running into
these people was not a coincidence.”

Well, if it was as obvious as
she says, then why doesn’t she just go ahead and give God credit for what he
was saying through all those people? Why
was she (and why are we all) so tentative in crediting God when he speaks?

Maybe God has been talking
like that to a lot of us, but we’re just not listening. We don’t know how to listen. When he speaks, we say,

“It’s almost as if he were speaking.”
We don’t want to dishonor him by attributing words to him that he
never uttered. But we never consider the
disrespect of appearing deaf before the Almighty.

God has said in Scripture
that he loves faith, that without faith you cannot please him [Heb.11:6]. He implores us over and over to seek
him. Why not take a risk and begin searching
for the still, small voice of God that may be speaking to you, even today?

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