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Why We Fast

Questions to Ask in 2021
A number of us are going to start fasting to start the new year. We fast to draw near to God. But why? Let’s look at the big picture.   You are composed of 37 trillion cells, almost all those cells have DNA strands composed of 46 chromosomes and about 25,000 genes. You are not a random acc…
By Seth Barnes
A number of us are going to start fasting to start the new year. We fast to draw near to God. But why? Let’s look at the big picture.
You are composed of 37 trillion cells, almost all those cells have DNA strands composed of 46 chromosomes and about 25,000 genes. You are not a random accident, you are fantastically intricate. Your physical body and your unique personality points to intelligent design.
Think about the various interdependent systems in your body – for example, the nervous system, endocrine system, the circulatory system – then think about the billions of planets in our galaxy and the billions of galaxies in the visible universe.
Is it harder to believe that all that complexity just happened or that it was designed by a Creator?
Yes, so many facts point to a designer who dreamed you up, who created you and wants you to know him.
And if there is a Creator who wants a relationship with his creation, what could be more important than knowing him?
God wants relationship. He wants intimacy. But he won’t make anyone come to him or prioritize him. We can be as distracted as we choose to be. He gives us freedom. But freedom is not always good. The Bible gives us perspective: “You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’ – but not everything is good for you.”
God wants to be first in your life. But that won’t happen if you’re not hungry. In our modern, supersize-me world, we need more hunger. That’s one reason we fast. Our physical hunger can ignite spiritual hunger. It gives us the gift of focus.
To know God more deeply, we must focus. In other words, we must wean ourselves off the habits that distract us and press into him in prayer. We need to begin by fasting. 
It’s an awesome thing to grow in intimacy with God. He says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:13) We seek God by fasting and praying.
What are the things that you need to fast from in order to seek God with all your heart? Here are some possibilities:
relationships that distract
social media
More than 70% of Americans are overweight – we eat more than we need – so why not start there? Or cut out anything that would help you grow in your relationship with God.
A number of us will be fasting for three weeks beginning January 3rd. You choose your own fast, but whatever you’re fasting, let us encourage you in it. Here’s our Facebook Group for the fast if you want to sign up.
2015 and all its disappointments and failures is behind us. “old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Cor. 5:17) In this new year, why not press in to a God who made you and wants you to know him?
Let me encourage you to start by fasting and seeking him as he has sought you.

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