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Receive updates on the latest posts as Seth Barnes covers many topics like spiritual formation, what if means to be a christian, how to pray, and more. Radical Living blog is all about a call to excellence in ministry, church, and leadership -as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Hey friend…I appreciated our call tonight and before I went to bed wanted to tell you as a friend your “words” match the Jesus ethic of your life and actions in my experience. I personally trust you and Karen– as a man who trusts few people. Shalom.
thanks for the reminder. i should write this on my wall in bold letters haha
Amen. This is the true mark of a disciple. Share the Gospel; we need to also boldly proclaim these words, but use words in our lives only as necessary. As my friend Peggy Stranges, In Roatan, Honduras has said, “If you can’t tell I am a Christian by my actions and how I live my life, there is a problem.”
hi seth, thx for such an impt reminder that our words are indeed cheap- it is our actions that count i believe.
anyway i was thinking what does the heart of worship means to you??how does it look like??
good question, Cornelyus. sounds like fodder for another blog.
just some thoughts to share on this. while i can understand why a lack of transformation begs the question, are we really saved?, i don’t think we are in a position to judge a person’s heart. only god knows what is going on in there and what he is doing. all of us are in different stages of spiritual growth. i have heard of stories of people who seemed to have abandoned their faith and God but only to come back decades later because of that seed that was in there many years ago. i believe if we are genuine in coming to God in the first place, God is already at work in our life and continues to do so. in his own time and in his own way, he will try to bring about his purposes for each one of us. if we choose not to cooperate, then we wld be christians living in borderland, never experiencing the fullness of life that he has for us, but saved nonetheless. the thief on the cross didn’t have time to prove his faith with a transformed life, yet the Lord says, today you will be with me in paradise.