World Race news show – waddya think?

For over three years now I’ve seen the potential to bring the world of spiritual adventure as we encounter it on the World Race into your living room. We’ve done well with the blogs and the occasional video, but so far, that’s as far as we’ve gone. In 2008, we took a shot at producing a TV show based on the race, but the challenges were too high.
The good news is that our technical abilities are approaching broadcast quality. Videos from our racers (like the one below from Australia) show that we’re ready to take another stab at it. So we’re organizing a team spearheaded by former TV sports anchor, Rusty Jackson. The idea is that we’ll have a weekly news show that highlights the best stories of the week from the field – a show that illustrates how God is moving around the globe in places like the Philippines, Ghana, or Moldova.
To pull this off, we still face some daunting technical challenges, but to give you an idea, we did this pilot below. Take a look and let us know what you think. And if you have any ideas for us, we’d love your help in making this dream come true (comment below or email me directly).
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Great idea, love it! Watched both videos, well done! The one of Byron Bay is amazing.
I enjoyed both of them. Keep them coming.
This is awesome!!! I’m soo proud of my team leader Trev!!
I think it’s a great idea! However, I think it might actually be more successful on YouTube than on TV. Your target audience is more concentrated there, plus it’s a whole lot cheaper to broadcast and there’s a greater chance of it spreading virally. It also makes your videos available on-demand and has the potential for a lot more user interaction, all things teens and young adults prefer over TV.
While the quality of these videos are pretty high, if your audience is teens and young adults, this isn’t quite what that audience is attracted to anymore, especially online. These two videos were edited more for adults (by adults?).
If you think you wanna jump into YouTube instead of TV, watch some of the videos from the top YouTube stars who are reaching your audience. Learn from what they’re doing. You’ll notice their videos are much more raw, “unprofessional,” and they are very personable. It’s what I was trying (rather poorly) to imitate with my videos in Haiti.
Seth we have talked about this in passing and there are many thoughts–some of which I shared with Jeff.
The starting point for anything needs to be the vital “end” question…
“To what end?”
There can be no doubt you would have de facto branding value for the WR which you need to focus on in the face of potential “pretenders” grabbing the same model and trying to take it to a new level.
The adage “be first…be biggest…be best!” applies here and to some degree and I’d argue based on the data I have seen you are all three.
But things are rarely static as you know and the status quo never sits still.
I’d suggest the following:
1. Create a partnership with a broadcast group.
2. CBN-TBN-DayStar. Perhaps NRB is the “holding group”.
3. You have content. They have delivery.
4. The value is they have “eyeballs” albeit 50+ typically.
5. You could generate names with a two step conversion.
6. I like the You Tube viral approach for recruitment.
7. The established TV distribution is for names/donors.
8. The You Tube content would be viral for “Racers”.
9. You leverage your strong current digital presence.
10. Radio should be put in this mix as well.
In essence the TV partnership is the “Air Force” and the YouTube execution would be the “Army and ground forces”.
The measurements:
1. Fortify the brand with somewhat unmeasured impact.
2. Increase your WR inquiries by 30% over 12 months.
3. Create a team of 100 aggressive lay viral marketers.
4. Generate 10,000 new names from a collateral giveaway.
5. Convert 20% of those names to donors over 12 months.
6. Annual giving of $80-100 per new donor.
7. Launch a “WR Team Sponsorship” model with price points.
8. Integrate all of this (and more) into a plan.
9. Create a WR “marketing czar” under current structures.
Bottom line metrics have to be:
1. New partnerships created through new awareness.
2. More inquiries from potential racers converting.
3. More names inquiring about the organization.
4. More donors coming on board financially.
Those are some quick thoughts.
Have a blessed Easter.
Sounds like a good idea.
I have some video production experience and am in the Gainesville area most weekends if you want my help.
Me and my daughter watched Rusty’s video all the way through – it seemed shorter than 6 minutes because it was done so well. I would love to see one of these videos each week…
We need to stop using Vimeo ASAP and switch to YouTube exclusively as YouTube codes the videos in formats compatible with iPhones and iPads. I couldn’t watch these videos on the iPad.
Also, YouTube has a built in traffic base that can make your video go “viral” very quickly. Vimeo does not.
Regardless – The World Race News Show would be a winner!
I loved the news show. Do it. Not to long. kept my interest. Should be a good recruiting/ viral promo vechile.