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World Race news show – waddya think?

For over three years now I’ve seen the potential to bring the world of spiritual adventure as we encounter it on the World Race into your living room. We’ve done well with the blogs and the occasional video, but so far, that’s as far as we’ve gone. In 2008, we took a shot at producing a TV show b…
By Seth Barnes

For over three years now I’ve seen the potential to bring the world of spiritual adventure as we encounter it on the World Race into your living room. We’ve done well with the blogs and the occasional video, but so far, that’s as far as we’ve gone. In 2008, we took a shot at producing a TV show based on the race, but the challenges were too high.


The good news is that our technical abilities are approaching broadcast quality. Videos from our racers (like the one below from Australia) show that  we’re ready to take another stab at it. So we’re organizing a team spearheaded by former TV sports anchor, Rusty Jackson. The idea is that we’ll have a weekly news show that highlights the best stories of the week from the field – a show that illustrates how God is moving around the globe in places like the Philippines, Ghana, or Moldova.


To pull this off, we still face some daunting technical challenges, but to give you an idea, we did this pilot below. Take a look and let us know what you think. And if you have any ideas for us, we’d love your help in making this dream come true (comment below or email me directly).

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