You were made for his presence
Chloe is an afterthought in the Barnes family. Back when the kids were growing up in the era of a feline population explosion that got out of hand, Chloe was the lone survivor. In a family that loves pets, Chloe is the last in a long line of Barnes cats who didn’t fare so well in the Darwinian environment here.
Some cats are invited into a family’s home and grow into fat, lazy fur balls, not ours. They fend for themselves, supplementing their diets out in the woods with mice and birds.
The interesting thing is that in her middle age, Chloe is turning from a rugged outdoor survivalist animal into a soft, purring, lap sitting indoor cat. For some reason, she has developed a routine of waiting by the front door in the morning. When I let Whimsy out, she darts in and begins to stalk me until I sit down, whereupon she jumps on my lap and begins to purr.
Whimsy, returning inside, is invariably put out by the challenge to his spot on my lap, so both animals jump up and park themselves side by side, Chloe purring and Whimsy occasionally growling his displeasure at having to share leg space.
I wrote about Chloe earlier. A lot of us as humans are like her. We grew up as survivors, our self-sufficiency honed by not having our needs met in normal ways. We were made to fit in the curves of our heavenly father’s lap as it were. He longs for our company while we roam the outdoors trying to fill our stomachs.
We may not realize it, but the opportunity to become a different kind of cat is always there for us. If we’ll wait at God’s front door in the mornings and stalk him until he invites us up on his lap, we’ll find that we fit there and our spirits will soften. Our hardened habits of self-reliance will begin to melt away. We’ll begin to feel at home and comfortable in his presence.
Take an inward look for a moment. It is normal to grow up independent and far from the lap of God. But you weren’t created for that. Your past doesn’t have to be prologue. All it takes is a decision. Our destiny is to become indoor cats. When we die, Jesus tells us, he has prepared a place for us. But we don’t have to wait to spend time in his presence.
Take stock of your survivalist ways. It’s time for you to begin feeding your spirit more and not just your stomach. Choose Chloe’s path – wait by his door in the morning and in his presence, slowly you’ll find yourself changing.
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Like this. Such a helpful image. Last year, when I realised again I was in and out of His presence mentally, not always sure of my welcome, I asked Jesus about it and He said to me “you are learning to stay.” I trust Him yet there are still layers in which I struggle to trust Him and be sure. Coming back again and again is the only way I have ever found to grow more trust. It takes time to retrain your heart, to lose your past, to lay everything down truly. Like you say there, slowly you’ll find yourself changing.
How wonderful! To rest in the Lord and cease from all these years of laboring to make God love me. Yes, Father….”pet” me and hold me in your lap…I just want to be where you are….dwelling daily in your presence. It is really where you wanted me all along, I just got lost as the alley cat wandering about with no where in particular to go. Now, open the door – I am hungry, coming quickly to sit at your “lap/throne.”
Good word!
that’s a good little blog daddy.:) lookin forward to crab legs on friday!
Though I would never admit it in public…I’m a little like your cat. Good stuff.
Ahhhhh, such good truth. so simple, so true, so easily we forget, so good to be reminded of His want of our being with Him.
cats rule … dogs drool!
seriously, i can’t believe you are learning from your cat – you are finally seeing the light! I think cat’s know how to enjoy the presence of their master and they help us to slow down and savor life. they also help us by lowering our blood pressure.
thanks for a great metaphor.
Well as much as I agree with your analogy, I’m not sure I’m thrilled to think that my destiny is to be a furry little indoor cat. Can’t we be noble savages who find peace and wisdom upon the burning fire of our Father’s hearth. mmm… that sounds better to me.
Loved this image and analogy :-). Thanks, Seth!!
This is a great blog. I love that…. stalk the Lord until he invites you into his lap….and you’ll find yourself softening and growing comfortable in his presence. After watching you with the animals all these years it’s such a great picture!
good reminder to fill up on the word of God instead of unholy derivatives