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Your faith is worth what it costs you

faith is worth
Oleg, one of our Moldovan partners was preaching in a village a couple of years ago. The village people didn’t like his preaching, so they took him out and beat him. When asked about the experience, he told our team,  “Your faith is only worth as much as it costs you.” I like that. It sounds …
By Seth Barnes
3662017756 f183143f6f 2Oleg, one of our Moldovan partners was preaching in a village a couple of years ago. The village people didn’t like his preaching, so they took him out and beat him.
When asked about the experience, he told our team,  “Your faith is only worth as much as it costs you.”
I like that. It sounds something like what Paul wrote to Timothy: “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Jesus will be persecuted.”*
On the other hand, as I look at my life, frankly, my faith costs me little at present. I guess it costs me uncertainty. I’m believing that God wants to do more through me than I’ve seen so far; so I’m willing to abandon what is predictable and comfortable trusting that he has something better for me around a corner that I struggle to apprehend.
But what if what if in that “better place” they don’t like my preaching? What if my gifts aren’t appreciated? Can I with Oleg (and James) count it all joy? What cost am I willing to pay?
As we in the west practice our faith, we would do well to ask, “How much is my faith worth?”
How would you answer the question? What has your faith cost you?
*2 Timothy 3:12

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