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Your wildest dreams

Your wildest dreams
What are your dreams? How wild are they? Christin Chiles, a 22 year-old Florida native, was unaccustomed to dreaming wild dreams, but lately, she’s been learning how. Growing up in Florida, life was pretty tame. But this past week, while on the World Race, she found herself in the hinterlands …
By Seth Barnes
Tibet 1What are your dreams? How wild are they?
Christin Chiles, a 22 year-old Florida native, was unaccustomed to dreaming wild dreams, but lately, she’s been learning how. Growing up in Florida, life was pretty tame. But this past week, while on the World Race, she found herself in the hinterlands of Tibet.
As Christin reports, she ventured far beyond places her imagination had taken her.
in my wildest dreams could I have imagined my team horseback riding
through the mountains of Tibet to stay with a Tibetan nomadic family in
the snow (or as I called it that day, the Arctic Tundra).
After five
hours on a horse we arrived to the family’s precious little tent which
would be our home for the night. Then waking up in the morning and
showing them the first Bible they’ve ever seen and listening to our friend
read Psalm 23. Are you catching this?  We stayed with a Tibetan nomadic
family in the middle of the most beautiful mountains I’ve ever seen!

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined leading worship for two
hours in an underground bible college where 16 students risk their
lives to follow Jesus.

Never in my wildest dreams could I have even imagined what happened this month…I have experienced such heartache and brokenness here, especially for
the Tibetan people. I can’t imagine having the government control every
little detail of my life with such intensity and pressure.

Christin had to leave Florida to begin dreaming wild dreams. Sometimes our dreams are too tame. We get domesticated by our suburban environment. Trips to the mall and grocery story give us a break in the tedium, but may just be a kind of spiritual anesthetic.
Consider the possibility that Tibet 2God has wild dreams he wants to give you. His dreams shatter our sense of normal. They take us to the edge of our imagination.
So, let me ask again, what are your dreams? And are they wild? If not, what would keep you from exchanging them from the wild dreams God has for you?

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