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Youth leader from Jamaica trip responds

Last week on one of our projects to Jamaica, three thugs broke into our compound and held our young people at gunpoint.  The media called and wanted gory details.  All they got were Christians thanking God for the way he worked in what could have been a real tragedy.  I wrote one of the youth l…
By Seth Barnes

Last week
on one of our projects to Jamaica, three thugs broke into our compound and held our young people at gunpoint.  The media called and wanted gory details.  All they got were Christians thanking God for the way he worked in what could have been a real tragedy.  I wrote one of the youth leaders, Jon Parker, and here is what he said:

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One thing that I will say is throughout the week I saw the hand of God.  I remember tears flowing down my face on the first Sunday we met the blind kids seeing their determination and spirit and watching as the AIM kids interacted with them. In the school for the blind kids who didn’t use their blindness as a disability. They roamed all over the Salvation Army campus, at time bumping into things.

I’ll never forget partnering with a blind kid and doing “Lean On Me.”

I remember walking a 96 yr old and 100 yr old from the nursing home who loved Jesus and spent most of the time praying blessing over me.

The hand of God was all over the robbery as:

  • it happened on the last night after all the ministry was done.
  • the girls remained calm and prayed 2 things specific: one for
  • their safety and two for the robbers and God moving in     their lives.
  • while the girls were held by the robbers for 30 minutes, no guys woke up which could have escalated the situation.
  • they quickly left after going through all the guys rooms only 5
  • minutes before the cops came avoiding another possible     volatile situation.
  • and ultimately, no one was injured or killed. You can replace
  • money, phones, iPods but not the lives of adults and teens.

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When it ended, all 41 of us stood in a circle praying for safety as we left right after this for the airport and also for the salvation of the robbers.

God provided for us on the trip and will continue to provide for those kids and adults we ministered to.
Satan had much bad stuff planned for this trip, but God intervened and I will forever remember the beauty of Jamaica, especially those who love Jesus and want to see Him bring revival to the dark parts of that country.


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