Answer to your prayer for our team
Thank you for praying! Amazing answer to this request for prayer. I cut & pasted a portion of the leader’s skype report below. Your prayers made a huge difference!
I was going to write a post tonight. Instead I got caught up in a Skype counseling call w…
By Seth Barnes
Thank you for praying! Amazing answer to this request for prayer. I cut & pasted a portion of the leader’s skype report below. Your prayers made a huge difference!
I was going to write a post tonight. Instead I got caught up in a Skype counseling call with one of the field leaders of the ministry I lead – Adventures.
The country the team lives in is tough in many ways. The church is small and the darkness it fights is pervasive.
Our leader not only faces discouragement from without, but conflict from within. The enemy seems to be busy there.
The only thing that keeps you together in such times is the backing of your team. And when that goes, you’re in a bad way.
So, if you think of it, please pray for this leader. Pray that the team comes into unity and backs her. Pray that they confront the forces of evil together and that they put into practice the words of Hebrews 13:7 & 17: “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”
From the leader (11:30 a.m. today)
the Holy Spirit broke through tonight.
we started by praying. i was silent until absolutely i knew what the Holy Spirit wanted me to say.
then spoke out things i was truly repentant for.
then one by one went around and from a place of humility repented of things and i forgave, then they forgave me. then we prayed. and one by one that happened.
then i finished with washing their feet. and it was so so so sweet.
they all committed to fight for community, oneness, and against dissension. we concluded by eating cupcakes and singing the Doxology and praying the Lord’s prayer, while hugging each other.
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Praying for this precious person and the team strongly! May peace, unity, love, and patience reign in their hearts and minds and may they walk in Your Holy Spirit and see with Your eyes oh Lord
Father, bless this brave servant. Fill her with the revelation that You, Lord have given her authority over all the powers of the enemy; those that battle from without and those that distract from Your will from within. Nothing will by any means harm her or cause her to be deterred from Your goal, Holy One. No weapon formed against her will prosper.
She has been made to have dominion over the works of Your hands, O God and all these things have been put in subjection under her feet.
She will not fear, therefore,or be afraid. She can be victorious over the enemy of her soul. It is Your will to deliver her and to set her feet on a solid rock.
Go before her and scatter the enemy. Go behind her and be her rear guard. Go beside her to protect and encourage her heart. Let her witness shine forth to strike fear in her foes and to ignite hope and passion in her team.
Let them rise up and be the support she needs. Let them rise up and fill their places with joy. Let them grow in Your calling and honor the servant You have chosen to lead them. Amen
Must be up for some reason. Praying.
Praying for this leader. May God grant her as well as the rest of the team wisdom to move forward. May the team’s eyes be opened to what the enemy is trying to do and may they take a stand against him by uniting and standing strong as The Body of Christ.
Praying for this child of God. Father, we ask that You would hold Your hand out to this child and that You would walk with them through this troubled time. Father we ask that You would protect them and that the enemy would not get a foot hold within their camp. Heavenly Father You hold the key to this story and we ask that this be a story of Glory for You. “Let them grow in Your calling and honor the servant You have chosen to lead them. Amen” (Z)
I know from personal experience(s) that victory is on the other side of every challenge we face. Satan would have us give up and go home. Stand strong sister. God is with you every step of the way. You are a beloved child of the Most High God. Many prayers are being lifted to strengthen you.
Got a specific request from the one of whom you speak. Praying!
Father, I ask that you would place a hedge of protection around this leader, her team, and the church in this country. Remind her that “Greater in He who is within us than he who is in the world”. You alone Lord have the victory, encourage your children today and show her that the battle is already won! Please Lord, let her know that there are those who do not know her or her team that are lifting up prayers on their behalf to you today and that Your Son who is seated at Your right hand intercedes for His saints. In the mighty Name above all Names, Jesus Christ I pray this. Amen and amen!
PRAYING for those leading with a servant’s heart. Praying for peace, comfort, strength and grace to sweep over them and carry them from one step to the next. Asking that the Father send His LIGHT in the darkness and that His glory will surround them. May we be the “body” that quiets ourselves to continually hear the whispers of the Savior and the “nudges” to pray faithfully for these.
May Abba strengthen you and your team with might by His Spirit in your inner. May the exceeding greatness of His power be manifest in and through you and yours. May the LORD be delighted in your broken parts and bring perpetual healing to you and yours. May He lift you to here only His wisdom and word can sustain you. May you experience the warmth of His presence in quiet and lonely moments. In JESUS Name! Amen!!
Abba smiles on you… REJOICE!!
Way to round it out, God! Woohoo!