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Answer to your prayer for our team

Questions to Ask in 2021
Thank you for praying! Amazing answer to this request for prayer. I cut & pasted a portion of the leader’s skype report below. Your prayers made a huge difference! ———————————– I was going to write a post tonight. Instead I got caught up in a Skype counseling call w…
By Seth Barnes
Thank you for praying! Amazing answer to this request for prayer. I cut & pasted a portion of the leader’s skype report below. Your prayers made a huge difference!
I was going to write a post tonight. Instead I got caught up in a Skype counseling call with one of the field leaders of the ministry I lead – Adventures.
The country the team lives in is tough in many ways. The church is small and the darkness it fights is pervasive.
Our leader not only faces discouragement from without, but conflict from within. The enemy seems to be busy there.
The only thing that keeps you together in such times is the backing of your team. And when that goes, you’re in a bad way.
So, if you think of it, please pray for this leader. Pray that the team comes into unity and backs her. Pray that they confront the forces of evil together and that they put into practice the words of Hebrews 13:7 & 17: “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”
From the leader (11:30 a.m. today)

the Holy Spirit broke through tonight.

we started by praying. i was silent until absolutely i knew what the Holy Spirit wanted me to say.

then spoke out things i was truly repentant for.

then one by one went around and from a place of humility repented of things and i forgave, then they forgave me. then we prayed. and one by one that happened.

then i finished with washing their feet. and it was so so so sweet.

they all committed to fight for community, oneness, and against dissension. we concluded by eating cupcakes and singing the Doxology and praying the Lord’s prayer, while hugging each other.

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