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Debriefing in paradise

not being a victim
If you can do it, find a nice place to debrief cheaply. One of the things I like about the World Race are the cool places they get to do their debriefs. Like, on the island of Brac, Croatia. Amazing that you can go around the world, serve God, have an adventure, wake up to your identity & ro…
By Seth Barnes

bracIf you can do it, find a nice place to debrief cheaply. One of the things I like about the World Race
are the cool places they get to do their debriefs. Like, on the island of Brac, Croatia. Amazing that you can go around the world, serve God, have an adventure, wake up to your identity & role in the
Kingdom, and do it for so little money.  I don’t know why everyone between the ages of 21 and 31 doesn’t do this.

What I like most about leaving home and living simply for a year is that it teaches the possibility of the abandoned life Jesus lived and taught as opposed to one built around the accumulation of things and the building of a bigger, more comfortable home.  How else do we do this stuff?

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