I got a text this morning that said, "We're doomed." And if you're a hard core Republican, maybe you feel that. Perhaps as well, the election is a wakeup call concerning where your loyalties lie. Maybe you need a readjustment about which kingdom you invest in.
When random people would show up and ask to follow Jesus, he would ask questions that would reveal where their loyalties lay.
He uses things like elections to do the same thing today. They show us what causes our spirits to rise and fall, what gives us hope.
Democrats who stayed up too late partying may want to do a gut check. Jesus tells us that we're citizens of another kingdom. This was as confusing to his disciples as it is to those of us who voted yesterday. Jesus wasn't about to overthrow the Roman government, and in 2012, he's still nonpartisan.
It's a fool's errand to look for hope from an inherently flawed political system. Better politicians, even those who vote for more efficient or fairer policies, will never give us the hope our souls yearn for.
Because I studied economics, and because I care about efficiency, I'm tempted to think otherwise. I can begin to invest emotional energy in things that won't last, things that require political power to accomplish.
Jesus has in mind a different economy. His enemies asked him an economic question. "Is it right to pay taxes to Cesar?" And of course his answer left his questioners scratching their heads.
The currency of his kingdom is relationship, not economic or political power. Prioritize that and you'll stop looking to elections and candidates for the hope that they can't give you.
Jesus turned away those would-be followers whose loyalties were divided. Where are your loyalties?
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love it… amen… and… amen!
More than ever before, even before yesterday, it is JESUS ALONE!
Amen to that! What really upsets me is the billions of dollars that were spent on this election! Think of how many mouths that would feed!
this is encouraging to read this morning. love you dad!
Thank you Seth for your grounding words and pointing my heart back to the right direction. Waking up to the reality of ‘four more years’ and the immoral initiatives that have been voted into place by some states was more than my heart could handle. Do you think the evil one is joyful today?
I’m going to try to focus on Jesus’s Economy of building relationships starting with brunch with a person who voted opposite of me. I need prayer to get me through this day.
Thank you Seth…..
Serving the King as citizens of HIS Kingdom has varied consequences in different nations. When I read or hear of those severely persecuted in Muslim, HIndu or atheist nations, I can recognize how different my life is here as a believer in the USA. If I were persecuted to the degree my brothers and sisters are in other places, would I stand? While we serve an eternal Kingdom, we believers are still on different spots on the planet, experiencing various levels and kinds of persecution for following Christ. (He did promise us that!) We may take the same steps of obedience all over the globe, but some will be tried severely, suffering greatly for those steps. Yes, our hope is in Him; we continue to walk with Him and have the joy of seeing His Kingdom increase in new citizens! Yet, I say, we need to be soberly aware of the changes for us ahead and be ready to rise to tougher consequences here for our obedience.
Seth I really think you should think about running for President in four years, you have mine and Steve’s vote! 🙂
Wanda – ha! I’m happy with this little part of the kingdom that I’ve got to steward.
Thanks for the great reminder.
Thank you, Seth. I so needed to hear that this morning as I try to reassess and adjust. What Diane and Kathy each said resonates with me as well. I’m still trying to work out some things. I feel a genuine grief that I confess I do not understand. What I’ve been hearing this morning is “Be still, and know that I am God.” I then refreshed myself with the remainder of that passage, “I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” That is reassuring. Bless you, Seth.
Seth, your words were like a soothing ointment to my soul. As I think of my daughter,Cassie, in Africa I am humbled. This morning, I believe that God gave me a good old-fashioned spanking!!! He told me that it was time to reassess where I have been placing my loyalty and where my treasures are stored. He has blessed us and I am thankful for His ever present mercy, love, and grace. Thank you for your candid words. I feel the ripple…
Thanks, Seth. I knew I could find sanity and wisdom here.
Heard that! That articulates my gut emotions here without the cynicism I sometimes come across with.
This seems to be a logical and biblical explanation for what I’ve been feeling. It’s funny cause I used to be so passionate about politics. My stance was have an opinion and vote because you have the freedom to do so. I still believe our country has been abundantly blessed. But I’m not willing to spend the energy to wade thru all the political propaganda that totaled a billion dollars per candidate. It seems we have been good stewards of all we have been given. I’m a 3 time combat vet of Iraq and Afghanistan and I love America. But my attention is focused on the Kingdom now.
Thank you so much for this! It was so encouraging to read. All the social media has been, frankly obnoxious and so negative. It’s sad to see Christians post that they’re “diappointed in America’s voters”. They have been putting too much hope. Whether the country turns around for the better or worse, the Bible is clear…this world will continue to get worse until Jesus’ return. There’s no preventing it and all the breath they use voicing their political opinions “in His name”, could be used to reach out to draw others closer to Jesus and not further away from Him. PS- thanks for letting me rant here. 🙂
To all of you, I am far from the Glory of God, and his absolute presence. I would crumble to dust. I am a sinner, but I can tell you that the Lord Almighty above is in me. I have felt him a few good times before that brought me to my knees with a feeling of a Glow on me that I have no words for. I dont know why he still loves me after I have pushed Him away so much only to come back in tears. I am a father that is struggling and I want to be a Good man in Gods eyes for the rest of my days. Last night was not one of them and I am Guilty and ashamed of myself. I need Good friends and hope and support from true hearts. I am a mess and im askin for a little compassion . Just a little for my heart is Good and I kmow its in my heart to live Godly. Forgive me for letting our Father down and you all as well. Please pray for me and dont throw me away. PLEASE
Todd –
Hi Todd my name is Ryan and I work with Seth here at adventures in missions. I would love to talk with you through e-mail, skype, or phone. Know that you are not alone in this fight and journey brother. God has been showing me that he pursues us and loves us more than we could ever pursue or love him. Know that he is for you and that he is fighting for you!
You are not alone and that you have friends and family to help you, you most of all have your God that will never leave you and never stop fighting for you. He will see you through brother
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters,I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;” – Isaiah 43:1-3
“I will never leave you, I will never forsake you – I will be with you until the end of all time” – Jesus Christ, Your Lord and your Savior – I will not give up on you! – Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:8, Philippians 1:6
Looking forward to hearing form you brother, just give me an e-mail at ryanotto@adventures.org
A needed counterpoint and voice of reason in the face of the seeming number of Christians who have banked on this election to turn the tide in our nation and culture.
“Jesus tells us that we are citizens of another kingdom.”
Amen, amen, amen.
I, for one, am relieved that this election is over and pray that Christians everywhere, of all political persuasions, can get back to a focus on the true kingdom we belong to and should be invested in.
Thank you for this clarion call to Jesus’ “economy” and priorities!
Much love,
This is well said, Seth. Really puts things in persective for me. I was so disgusted and disappointed in some of the ‘doom and gloom’ comments posted on social media over the past couple days…most by people I know to be Christians but have me questioning the depth and strength of their faith. If something as flawed and fragile and wordly as the political system can shake that faith…how sad, how tragic! (how telling…) God has been, is and will continue to be sovereign and on HIS throne. That is all we have to concern ourselves with, being subjects and citizens of His Kingdom and putting our resources, energy and strength toward the work of transforming lives with the love of Jesus Christ.