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Foundations of missions: local, national, regional, global strategies

Questions to Ask in 2021
…in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)   Our strategies should be multi-faceted, encompassing unique strategies for targeted peoples. A multi-faceted geographical strategy 1. Jerusalem: A Local strategy to reach your own commun…
By Seth Barnes

…in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth.



Our strategies should be multi-faceted, encompassing unique strategies for targeted peoples.

A multi-faceted geographical strategy

1. Jerusalem:

A Local strategy to reach your own community

Mobilizing strategies: The entire church should participate periodically.

Evangelistic strategies: The entire church should participate periodically.

Disciple-making strategies: The entire church should participate. The called and committed should participate weekly.

Sending strategies: Everyone should be sent periodically according to the Matt. 10:5.

2. Judea: A National strategy to reach your countrymen

Mobilizing strategies: The majority of the church should participate.

Evangelistic strategies: The majority of the church should participate.

Disciple-making strategies: The called and committed should participate.

Sending strategies: Everyone should be sent periodically according to the Matt. 10:5.

3. Samaria: A Regional strategy to reach those outside your culture

Mobilizing strategies: Only those who have been mobilized and are considering a call should participate.

Evangelistic strategies: Only those who have been mobilized and called should participate.

Disciple-making strategies: Only the called and committed should participate.

Sending strategies: Everyone should be involved in sending.

4. Ends of the Earth: A Global strategy to reach those outside your nation

Mobilizing strategies: This in an inefficient venue for mobilization.

Evangelistic strategies: Only those who have been mobilized and called should participate.

Disciple-making strategies: The called and committed should participate.

Sending strategies: Everyone should be involved in sending.


To read the beginning of the series, go here: 5 Foundations of our missions mandate

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