Foundations of missions: local, national, regional, global strategies
…in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth.
Our strategies should be multi-faceted, encompassing unique strategies for targeted peoples.
A multi-faceted geographical strategy
1. Jerusalem:
A Local strategy to reach your own community
Mobilizing strategies: The entire church should participate periodically.
Evangelistic strategies: The entire church should participate periodically.
Disciple-making strategies: The entire church should participate. The called and committed should participate weekly.
Sending strategies: Everyone should be sent periodically according to the Matt. 10:5.
2. Judea: A National strategy to reach your countrymen
Mobilizing strategies: The majority of the church should participate.
Evangelistic strategies: The majority of the church should participate.
Disciple-making strategies: The called and committed should participate.
Sending strategies: Everyone should be sent periodically according to the Matt. 10:5.
3. Samaria: A Regional strategy to reach those outside your culture
Mobilizing strategies: Only those who have been mobilized and are considering a call should participate.
Evangelistic strategies: Only those who have been mobilized and called should participate.
Disciple-making strategies: Only the called and committed should participate.
Sending strategies: Everyone should be involved in sending.
4. Ends of the Earth: A Global strategy to reach those outside your nation
Mobilizing strategies: This in an inefficient venue for mobilization.
Evangelistic strategies: Only those who have been mobilized and called should participate.
Disciple-making strategies: The called and committed should participate.
Sending strategies: Everyone should be involved in sending.
To read the beginning of the series, go here: 5 Foundations of our missions mandate
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Under # 4
Mobilizing Strategies: This is an inefficient venue for mobilization.
Please explain this statement in more depth. I do not understand what you are saying.
By efficiency, I’m talking about spiritual return on investment. For example, I’ve seen many people spend $3000 on an Africa mission trip – their first mission trip ever. They get their hearts broken and they are mobilized to the kingdom – a great result, but they needed to have gone some place closer to home initially. Prove themselves stewards in little and then later, prove themselves stewards in much.
too many churches are allocating large buckets of money to helping fund short term trips that are expensive and generate little fruit relative to their cost. the issue is – what is the purpose of the trip? if it’s mobilizing participants for the Kingdom, then, we need to be thinking about stewardship as a criterion.