Here’s a Way to Make Those Resolutions a Reality
How many of you just made some New Year’s Resolutions? Resolutions are changes that you want to make to your life. Yet, if you’re like most people, you know from experience that it’s hard to change.
The chart above explains why this is so. To change anything, we need more than just a goal or a vision, we need the capacity to make the change, the desire, the resources, and the plan.
Vision – Let’s take a common resolution as an example: “I’m going to lose 20 pounds in 2017.”
Capacity – Awesome! But, if you have a hypothyroid condition, you may not have the same capacity to lose weight that normal people have. You may just end up being anxious about hitting the wall just like you did last time you set some weight-loss goals.
Will-power – You maybe you just lack the will. You get three days into the new year and find yourself wanting to finish off the Christmas cookies.
Resources – You may need to eat more vegetables, but live in a part of the world where they aren’t available.
Plan – Everything else may be there, but without a plan the result – failure – will be the same.
I’ve found the above chart to be helpful in mapping out change. Let me encourage you to make a resolution, seeing it with the eyes of faith. Then ask if you’ve got each of these change agents before committing to your resolution.
The status quo in Latin means “the mess we’re in.” Past doesn’t have to be prologue. Are there parts of your life that aren’t working for you? Why not take a fresh look at the resolutions you need to make and give yourself a fighting chance to make them a reality.
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On the second day of a new year I find myself (Seth) remembering (again) why I love you so much. If I’m ever in hospice be assured you will be called upon to have AIM and the WR install a white board in my room where with fresh dry erase markers you delineate “The 12 Steps For Butch To Die Well & With God’s Assured Dignity.” Linear and fractal. Those two loving Beagles in your brain with the corpus callosum moderating trans-hemispheric communication. 🙂 Happy New Year! You are loved amigo.
Ha! The two loving beagles in my brain make me crazy sometimes! My goal is to let the poet have his day as I get older.
This is good!
This is wonderful! I can’t wait to share with my co-workers
Kristina – you are exactly the type of person who will get optimal use out of this! Let me know how it goes.