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How do I choose someone to disciple?

not being a victim
Some new disciples grow at a faster rate than others. Those that grow fastest possess the following four biblical FAST characteristics. The first is that they will be Faithful. That is, they w ill follow through on the direction they’ve been given. Here’s what Jesus said about it: “Well done, …
By Seth Barnes

Some new disciples grow at a faster rate than others. Those that grow fastest possess the following four biblical FAST characteristics.

The first is that they will be Faithful. That is, they w ill follow through on the direction they’ve been given. Here’s what Jesus said about it: “Well done, my good and faithful servant!’ his master replied. “Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of five cities.'” Luke 19:17

We waste too much time throwing “pearls before swine.” Eager to invest in people, we impart truth and spend time without pausing to consider whether or not the person we are giving our time to will ever follow through on what we’ve given them to do. Ultimately, when we’ve been repeatedly disappointed by those who were unfaithful, we can begin to lose heart and decide it’s not worth the effort.

In tomorrow’s blog, I’ll explore the other three criteria:

Available Available on a regular basis; periodically for longer times.

Seeking Eager to know God – motivated.

Teachable Can be led in new and sometimes difficult directions.

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