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I am on a 40 day fast as the time I am writing this to you I have one more day before a week time I have juice and water and I was wondering how to end it with what and how
I have done water fasts for twenty days before and I am currently doing a forty day water fast as well. If you have been drinking juices along the way your digestive system is still working. Paul Bragg in his book the Miracle of Fasting suggest to end a ten day water fast by taking a fresh tomato and stewing it for your first meal as this will activate the digestive system again with an acid content buy I have found that on longer fasts the tomato will pass straight though. Allan Cott in his book Fasting: The Ultimate Diet suggests that the first few days that you sip a 50/50 of orange juice and distilled water throughout the day. Then move on to straight Orange Juice 4oz at a time. then start to add whole foods such as plain yogurt and cottage cheese as these have healthy bacteria in them. Then Shredded Apples and Carrots mixed with Plain Yogurt I would add Walnuts with cottage cheese with ground pepper. Then salads etc… Remember after Jesus had fasted for Forty days he hungered, not thirsted, and was tempted of the devil to turn stones into bread. As we trust in the Lord and listen to the Holy Spirit it will teach us what is good for the body. The main thing I have learned is that we eat way to much food . Hope this helps and God bless.
You aren’t fasting if you are still drinking juice. 😉 Calories are calories.
Not true. Abstaining yourself from some basic practices and routines for the purpose of getting closer to God involves discipline and is fasting. If you feel that this is not fasting, then try it yourself and belief God, for you will see some miracles happen in your life. The key is denying your body of some basic necessities and laying your supplications to God in prayer.
Due to work, school, and medical conditions, not all can practice water fast. The closest to water fast is the juice fast. Don’t underestimate the power of denying yourself of what you like in seeking the presence of God.
The juice in my previous posting is not the processed one from the store, but raw fruits like apples, grapes, watermelons, strawberries, lemons, etc. They can be made into smoothies or juice drinks.
I am on the thirteenth day of a forty day water fast and have never felt better except for some of the upheaval it has caused within my family with their concerns for my health.
This is why I`ll go away for the remainder and stay in touch to soothe their worries.
I`ve read of a three day process after the forty days are up.
I`ll be starting with fruit on a small scale.
I`ve read about kidney failure being a danger.
Could you expand on this possibility?
I done many fast I always have a food in mind when I come off .
The heart problem we all have .
You might think that but there are different fast .Daniel 21 days was no a fast without anything .He forsook some food .I kind of one who say only water .But water lacks taste so I take green tea .Remember Daniel had a angel appear after his fast .Note I am 55 years old fast becomes far more difficult with age .
The heart problem we all have .
Fasting is a partial or total abstinence from not just only food but all natural carnal desires such as water, sex & other human pleasures. (Isaiah 58, Lk4:2, 1corth7:5) so whether u eat lightly or not, all of them are fasting.
From what I’ve learned and witnessed, if you put ANYTHING digestible in your water fast diet, the digestive system does not shut down and instead of ketosis, you go into starvation mode.
It’s a kind of fast, but a body maintains an active digestive system if you put in anything digestible. From what I’ve read, this is going to keep one in starvation mode. If one only drinks water, then the digestive system shuts down and ketosis kicks in. It’s a pretty amazing process. Thanks God!