Living well/dying well

“All men die, but how many truly live?” William Wallace asked in
Braveheart. The paradox is that to live well, we must make our peace with death. If death terrifies me, then I will forever be half-stepping, engaged in hedging maneuvers that compromise my dreams.
“Oh death, where is your sting?” asks Paul. Now there is a man who went for broke, had adventure after adventure, and changed the world. And God met him at each stage, rewarding his faith with miracles. The glory of God was his rearguard.
Long ago I made peace with death and determined to go for broke. Along the way, I’ve failed lots. I’ve shed my tears and then picked myself back up (see my story). I think God loves it. If you’ve been a hedger, you don’t serve anyone by hiding your best self. You need to get out on life’s stage and go for it!
I don’t know what your excuse may be for not pursuing your dreams. Maybe old tapes play in your head that say: “You’ll never amount to anything.”
Maybe when you have risked, you’ve been hurt. Your little adventure ended in shambles. Can I be your coach for a second? Stop the pity parties and the safe living! Money is not the issue. It’s probably pride or some dumb lie you’ve believed about your limited ability. It’s a load of garbage, man! God made you better than that!
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