May 2009 ministry newsletter

I wish I could show you the difference that the year has made in the lives of our racers. Every one of them is returning a different person. They’ve learned the importance of living simply and living sold-out for Jesus. At least 75% of them are making plans to go into full-time ministry.
Along the way, they’ve become spiritual sons and daughters to Karen and I. We’ve poured ourselves out for them and believe in them. We’ve coached them through many a tough issue or growth area. And now that it’s done, I can’t lie, it’s been exhausting, and we’re glad for the break.

This is the most emotionally and spiritually exhausting place I have ever been. I’ve had to peruse the files of my deepest pain over and over, journal about it, talk through it, grieve it, and lay it down.
But you know what? On top of being the most unbelievably hard place you could imagine, this place has such a freedom. This place has such a healing. And this place has freed and healed me. Let me just say this plainly: I was delivered this week of demonic influences, strongholds, mountains, and pain that has plagued me for my entire life. I did not know it was possible to feel the lightness, freedom, peace, and joy that I feel now.

The situation that one of the local Swazi women whom we help, Nomsa, faces illustrates the very real danger we face. Nomsa reported that her mom was missing. They finally found her last week in the woods, where it was evident that she had been murdered. As we make good inroads with the Swazis, others become jealous or antagonistic. Please pray for us.
Transitions, Transitions!
We not only said goodbye to our World Race team, when we returned home, we also had to say goodbye to our family dog, Abby. We’re looking forward to a little stability in our lives, but we’re not sure when that might come. Probably many of you are going through transition of your own in the current economic downturn. We’re praying for you.
So, we welcome your prayers as we consider God’s leading in this new phase of life!
Seth and Karen
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please put me on your list. i am a supporter. i just havent sent any support yet.i will at the middle of the month.
congradulations to LEAH
i love you mama and daddy!
Hey friend- thanks for the transparent update. Sorry things have been so hard, but praise the lord for freedom! He brings such amazing things out of our pain and weariness and questions. Makes me love Him all the more.
We love you all deeply and pray for continued healing, joy, peace and direction in this new season.
lisa & scott