Necessary change vs. the march of folly

Newsflash: We’re moving Talia and Joe’s wedding start time from 4 pm to 6 pm. We’re experiencing record heat here in Georgia and rather than baking our guests in the 100 degree sun, we’re making the change. My sense is, if we don’t make it, most people will be focusing on the heat rather than the…
By Seth Barnes
Newsflash: We’re moving Talia and Joe’s wedding start time from 4 pm to 6 pm. We’re experiencing record heat here in Georgia and rather than baking our guests in the 100 degree sun, we’re making the change. My sense is, if we don’t make it, most people will be focusing on the heat rather than the wedding.
Of course such a move, two days out, creates havoc. Everyone involved in the ceremony has an opinion and some felt it was too late to make the call. We have to contact all the vendors and the 250 guests, and yeah, we don’t have phone numbers for many. It’s going to be fun.
But it’s the right call and someone had to make it. It’s the sort of decision I’ve had to make often over the last two years at AIM as many ministries like ours have struggled to survive. While they were tough decisions, they positioned us to continue growing. With the world changing all around you, you either adapt or die.
The problem is that most folks temperamentally hate change (especially the 40% of the population that are SJ’s – the guardian temperament [and in deference to Joy’s comment below, I say that with great appreciation for them]). And around the world, whole cultures are set up to venerate the status quo. We’re creatures out of the book Who Moved My Cheese, the classic fable about change.
My dad is reading a book called The March of Folly. It’s about this dynamic of seeing the need for change, but continuing in a straight line like lemmings over the cliff anyway. It’s especially true for governments and bureaucracies. The author makes the point that “when incapacity is joined by complacency, the result is the worst possible combination.”
On a personal level, the key, I think, is to know how you respond to change and to manage yourself. Let others help you with it.
I don’t have the time to puzzle out why we resist change so – maybe you can help me with your own thoughts. I have to get busy calling the guests.
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I’m sure emotions are accelerated on a number of levels but this is a bold, brilliant, and important decision – one that will make the wedding way more of a celebration and less of a mentally-absorbing contest to survive (the heat). Bravo!
Good call…
Our son was concerned over change coming this week that involved his family. I told him hold steady, as his girls will take their cue from him, if he is calm, they will be calm…well, mostly, haha. All is well with our soul.
Blessings to a cooler, wonderful event!
Funny how our kids wedding plans don’t always go as planned. Our daughters wedding was supposed to be on the beach, it rained all day. We set set up last minute in a different location, ahh what fun.
Seth, please don’t judge SJ’s it is a lot harder to change last minute for sure, I can atest to that.:))
Congratulations, Lord bless your day.
I think this is great news. Hate to say I was already worried how we were going to not roast and really worried how overheated the bride might be. Great, consider the McCormick’s notified and we will be there to celebrate our golden girl’s big day.
Much love! See you Sunday
It was harder for me to imagine Talia dripping in sweat (vs. the guests). Not exactly your dream wedding!
Great call. Consider us notified also! Praying for all!
You made the right decision Seth. And I pray the day is splendid for all who attend. Love from the Colorado mountains…