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I’d better get a good tip for this!
Don’t let the girl from the last picture see this food!
“It will be your head being served if the wine spills, but remember, blessed are those who serve.”
Order up!!
“The lady asked for it on the side”
“Right, then.”
“Hey Larry, what movie are they showing after dinner?”
“Gone with the Wind.”
Man standing on side of road: “Please drop it…PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE drop it!”
“CAN you pass me that plate? No, really, CAN you?”
Bob didn’t mind hanging off the side of the train at 70mph, but the goofy hat made him feel awkward.
Fast food….with style.
“spine-tingling synergy”
Hang on, the food is coming!!!
You forgot the sugar……
do you really think this is going to work on Americas got talent Surginder?