Random blog notes for the community
Random Blog notes:
We’re in the midst of re-launching the blog. Do you like the new format? We should add the faces & bios of our blog team in the next few days. They will help pray for those of you needing prayer, counsel with others, and disciple others. The hope is that this site will con…
By Seth Barnes
Random Blog notes:
We’re in the midst of re-launching the blog. Do you like the new format? We should add the faces & bios of our blog team in the next few days. They will help pray for those of you needing prayer, counsel with others, and disciple others. The hope is that this site will continue to become more of a community. I’ll continue to write blogs and hang around.
Travel: Just back from a trip to visit the Bullers in Minnesota. They were an inspiration. I hope to write about it soon.
The photo contest resulted in over 3,000 photos submitted. The judges have spent the week picking the top 30 photographers. We hope to complete the judging process and announce Round #1 winners on Monday. In the next round, each of the 30 photographers will submit and be judged on a portfolio of 20 pictures.
Thanks to our wonderful judges who have been working hard even while traveling to places like Argentina and Alaska.
Grant Miller – Bush White House photographer: http://www.grantmillerphotography.com/
Greg Thompson – Director of Corp. Communications, Chik-Fil-A
Donna LaChance – http://www.lachances.com/
The Barnes family is going to a family reunion this next week in Savannah. The new blog team will take a shot at managing things while I’m gone. Should be interesting as we’re not entirely organized yet.
World Race parents blog
Another little project that I hope to launch over the weekend and before the reunion. If you’re a WR family member, please email me for a blog address and password.
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i like the new format!
Hey there,
I have been giving some thought to the reworked blog effort and want to make sure that people who are dealing with addictions of any kind have the opportunity to interact with someone who (by the power of Jesus) is walking that road. My intention is to be “real” without being gratuitious. And I am building an inventory of responses which can become a menu for ongoing inputs. Like the question, “Why do I keep falling and sinning?”
Just want you to know I’m taking this seriously.
L0ve you friend…..828-640-6893 (cell)
looks great! it’s brave Butch giving out your number online!
I like the new look!!
LOVE IT!!!! How appropriate and very attractive!