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The next generation carries our dreams

At some point, the next generation will carry our hopes and dreams. Everything we do that is of any enduring value must be handed off to someone younger and more vigorous than us or it will die. That is just a reality and it’s why it’s so important that we disciple young people. Handing your drea…
By Seth Barnes
At some point, the next generation will carry our hopes and dreams. Everything we do that is of any enduring value must be handed off to someone younger and more vigorous than us or it will die. That is just a reality and it’s why it’s so important that we disciple young people. Handing your dream to someone without character or connection to God is a recipe for disappointment.
So, we who follow Jesus must have some kind of a plan for discipling the next generation. What is yours? What is your church’s plan? It’s one of the most important strategic questions you’ll ever answer. And if you fail to address it, you’re probably leaning the ladder of your life up against the wrong building. It’s the question Jesus asks his listeners in the parable of the two sons in Matt. 21. He’s serious about our long-term stewardship.
We at least need to wrestle with the question. Let me encourage you to go back over yesterday’s blog and ask the question, “What is my answer? How will I disciple the next generation?” I’m hoping some of you will encourage others to wrestle with the question through your comments on the blog and your honesty.

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