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This blog and our blog community

Questions to Ask in 2021
I’m 51 today; it’s a season of reassessment. In the shower, I thought to myself, “I’m tired of writing blogs.”  For nearly four years, I’ve written a daily blog.  I wrote my first blog in the wake of hurricane Katrina. And since then, my voice, subject matter, and audience/community have develope…
By Seth Barnes
Radical Living in a Comfortable World I’m 51 today; it’s a season of reassessment. In the shower, I thought to myself, “I’m tired of writing blogs.”  For nearly four years, I’ve written a daily blog.  I wrote my first blog in the wake of hurricane Katrina. And since then, my voice, subject matter, and audience/community have developed and come into a tighter focus.
You, this blog community, have become a life-source for me and for others. People like Carol and Mark feel to me like Norm and Cliff in Cheers. Our digital conversation is a comfortable place.
It’s been a joy to see when the blogs land in a person’s spirit and to see the way the blog community has ministered to one another. Jessie had given up on God, overwhelmed by pain. When God spoke comfort to her, we got to join in the ministry. When Gail’s son Dru died and she asked for prayer that he might be raised, a number of you stood with her and her family. When Amy Spahr asked for prayer for her husband as he was dying with cancer, our blog community rallied around her.
It has brought surprises along the way. For example, this blog on the Lakeland Revival ignited huge interest for a couple of months, sending my Technorati rating soaring.
My blog on an orphanage in Delhi produced a record number of responses (437 and counting).
A blog on short-term missions being faddish resulted in the most views (over 51,000 so far).
Along the way, I’ve sought to disciple you from a distance through the slow drip-drip-drip of one blog after another presenting Jesus’ method of discipling. I’ve pounded away at the themes of true community and kingdom living.
During the life of the blog, I took you guys along for the ride as I pioneered a new ministry called the World Race.  We built it from scratch over the course of the last four years and have watched it grow into something that has produced incredible fruit.
You also watched as God gave us thousands of orphans to care for.  Many of you even engaged in caring for them personally.
And I’ve sought to open up my life along the way, bringing more of a 3-D view on the flat, impersonal medium of the web. So many of you have responded and brought a caring, human element to the community: Carol, Sue, St. Mark, Gabe, Heidi, Belinda, Jen, Andy, Wendy, Mark, Kathy, Kenny, Dan, Uche, Rob, Butch, Paul, Emmanuel, Jeff, Heather, Steve, and Kevin to name a few of the regulars.
People outside the faith struggle with what’s going on here. A reader with the email “Hater-hater” was sure I was making a buck somehow. Why would a rational person do something like this for free?
So, what now?  I could do like my friend Mark Oestreicher just did and stop writing them. Or, maybe push the pause button and wait for God to reinvigorate things a bit. Or, keep plowing ahead as a demonstration of the importance of perseverance.  If we can keep it relevant and vital, I’m inclined to follow the latter course of action. I think I need you guys too much.  But am open to your suggestions.
Thanks for coming along for the ride. I’ve enjoyed getting to know those of you who have joined our blog community and have come to realize that it brings me life.

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