This blog and our blog community
I’m 51 today; it’s a season of reassessment. In the shower, I thought to myself, “I’m tired of writing blogs.” For nearly four years, I’ve written a daily blog. I wrote my first blog in the wake of hurricane Katrina. And since then, my voice, subject matter, and audience/community have develope…
By Seth Barnes
I’m 51 today; it’s a season of reassessment. In the shower, I thought to myself, “I’m tired of writing blogs.” For nearly four years, I’ve written a daily blog. I wrote my first blog in the wake of hurricane Katrina. And since then, my voice, subject matter, and audience/community have developed and come into a tighter focus.
You, this blog community, have become a life-source for me and for others. People like Carol and Mark feel to me like Norm and Cliff in Cheers. Our digital conversation is a comfortable place.
It’s been a joy to see when the blogs land in a person’s spirit and to see the way the blog community has ministered to one another. Jessie had given up on God, overwhelmed by pain. When God spoke comfort to her, we got to join in the ministry. When Gail’s son Dru died and she asked for prayer that he might be raised, a number of you stood with her and her family. When Amy Spahr asked for prayer for her husband as he was dying with cancer, our blog community rallied around her.
It has brought surprises along the way. For example, this blog on the Lakeland Revival ignited huge interest for a couple of months, sending my Technorati rating soaring.
My blog on an orphanage in Delhi produced a record number of responses (437 and counting).
A blog on short-term missions being faddish resulted in the most views (over 51,000 so far).
Along the way, I’ve sought to disciple you from a distance through the slow drip-drip-drip of one blog after another presenting Jesus’ method of discipling. I’ve pounded away at the themes of true community and kingdom living.
During the life of the blog, I took you guys along for the ride as I pioneered a new ministry called the World Race. We built it from scratch over the course of the last four years and have watched it grow into something that has produced incredible fruit.
You also watched as God gave us thousands of orphans to care for. Many of you even engaged in caring for them personally.
And I’ve sought to open up my life along the way, bringing more of a 3-D view on the flat, impersonal medium of the web. So many of you have responded and brought a caring, human element to the community: Carol, Sue, St. Mark, Gabe, Heidi, Belinda, Jen, Andy, Wendy, Mark, Kathy, Kenny, Dan, Uche, Rob, Butch, Paul, Emmanuel, Jeff, Heather, Steve, and Kevin to name a few of the regulars.
People outside the faith struggle with what’s going on here. A reader with the email “Hater-hater” was sure I was making a buck somehow. Why would a rational person do something like this for free?
So, what now? I could do like my friend Mark Oestreicher just did and stop writing them. Or, maybe push the pause button and wait for God to reinvigorate things a bit. Or, keep plowing ahead as a demonstration of the importance of perseverance. If we can keep it relevant and vital, I’m inclined to follow the latter course of action. I think I need you guys too much. But am open to your suggestions.
Thanks for coming along for the ride. I’ve enjoyed getting to know those of you who have joined our blog community and have come to realize that it brings me life.
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Hi Seth
Last year my 23 year old adopted daughter Jessica who happens to have Down Syndrome got up early on her birthday and announced “I am so glad I was born on my birthday!”
Later we allowed her to paint that quote on our garage door. It stayed on there for a few months reminding others to be thankful for the gift of life.
So today I would love to join the others in this blog community and say to you Seth Barnes: “I am so glad you were born on your Birthday” Thankyou for the blessing you are.
Connie in Canada.
Happy birthday, you wonderful man! It’s been a total delight to get to know you as far as the web allows such things – love the Norm and Cliff image :)))) Ha! Made me smile. (mine’s a pint by the way……..)
I’ve loved the community on here – precious people, all coming from different places in their faith and understanding. It makes for a rich pool of life that I feel priveleged to have been able to drink from. (did I say mine’s a pint….?)
It’s been a window into places in life that I would never otherwise have seen – places the World Racers have gone, places you have seen and issues you feel passionate about. Good to have been able to think and give into people with needs. Takes my mind off my own, never a bad thing.
You do what you feel is right before God. Only you can really know what that is, other people’s opinions will always carry their own thoughts and agenda to a certain extent. Whatever you choose, love and support is yours from this little corner of England.
Cheers m’dear! Enjoy your birthday. And by the way, mine’s a pint…….
Happy Birthday Seth!
Sometimes stopping a good thing is hard at best. I look forward to your blog every morning. You are like the cream in my morning coffee. I too have grown to know and love the reponses posted by Mark and Carol but most of all I have grown to know you. You write with such transparency that it is refreshing.
Listen to the Lord here! Take a break if needed and re
examine things. Then do what is NEXT!
Much love today and always………….Momma T
I love you! and happy birthday! i will write your blogs for you so you can go on a break.:)
Feliz Cumpleanos Seth!!!!
I’m sitting by the door in Cheers, not because I’m leaving anytime soon, but because I’ve only recently arrived. I too, am comfortable with the blog community you’ve allowed me to be a part of.
I don’t usually comment, I sit quietly and pray, rejoice, cry, laugh…but I’m here, daily.
As Carol said, it’s a good thing to hear of the needs of others and this has been a site that lifts me up in a world where the needs just keep coming….and God gives me the strength for another day of service, or another minute.
I find that many of my friends, Christians, back in the states, no longer have much in common with me and it soothes my heart to visit here where I know that you Seth, and Karen have experienced the real life.
Thanks. I’ll be praying for your reassessment.
Make mine a Pina Colada…sin alcohol, but lots of fruit and a little paper umbrella!
🙂 ks
Happy Birthday Seth!!!
wishing you many blessings, and much joy, to fill your day!
All I can add is that I have been so blessed by you sharing your thoughts daily and you have done so with a intmacy and personalness that has touched my heart and spirit. So many times your daily blog has been a answer to exactly what I was seeking answers to. It has felt like authentic Christian living here , reading other comments and seeing their hearts desire to just seek Gods presence and to serve Him to the fullest. I think it must be like it was for the disciples, and when paul would write letters to encourage and build up others of the body of Christ. Imagine as a church body if we could all live as christian as encouraging one another, and lifting one another up and displayed a genuine love for each other , I can only imagine where the church would be today.
As for you being tired ,I can understand that and would respect any decison you make and am thankful for being so blessed by your sharing but I believe that God will direct your path in your decision. So this morning as I strecth out my hand over you Seth and I pray Heavenly Father most gracious one I lift up Seth to you, we thank you for his willingness to share all you have called him to and for being a willing servant and follower of You. I ask you to pour out your blessings and direction for his life and the direction it takes, let him take comfort and rest in You.And may you pour out Your Holy Spirit on Him and fill him with a freshness of Your Spirit, may he find rest and renewal in You. I pray this in you sons most precious name the one we call the Savior Jesus Christ.
Seth I do enjoy hitting your blogs although I don’t always respond to them. With that being said my suggestion is simple “FOLLOW HIM”
Have a Blessed Birthday and enjoy it !!!
Thanks for your persistence in the blog, Seth. I’ve looked to your writings and the community often and it’s been a great source of encouragement, and sometimes challenge.
But there’s nothing wrong with doing something for a season. Maybe it’s time for a sabbatical? Maybe it’s time for someone else to step up? One of my mentors told me that whenever she accepts a responsibility, she puts a time limit on it. She says that anytime we enter into a commitment with no end, we will end up feeling guilt to continue and frustration, when maybe it’s okay to stop.
I love this blog, and I’d miss it, but I thinks it’s okay to step back from it.
Hey Seth,
Happy birthday friend (“We don’t remember the first birth, but we’ll never forget the second”). Thanks again for your transparency. A break isn’t bad. I’m reminded of the press of ministry when Jesus said, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” Mark 6:31. Would we miss you? Of course. But stepping away from it for a while may well provide fresh perspective and renewal. And finally, Karen is your best sounding board.
happy birthday to you. i am sure you are a very busy man. and also that you hear from the Spirit so i am also sure what ever you decide will be the right thing and when you do the right thing you will never go wrong. hear there is a good book out [the art of listening] ha ha maybe take a few days to reread and rest.
Happy Birthday. Hope to see many more blogs if the Father leeds you that way. Have a good one.
Happy Birthday, Seth. Thank you for everything.
I stumbled upon your blog after I listened to a message by Andrew Shearman and looked him up on the web. I have seldom missed one of your posts in the past year. I consider your passion, insight, wisdom, and transparency to be second to none. Thank you for perservering in writing these daily posts. Do what you need to do, what God says to do, but as for me, I hope He wants you to keep writing!
Happy Birthday Seth! I don’t know how you do this everyday. That is amazing discipline and committment. I would hate to see you stop but I know sometimes you need to step away and get a fresh perspective on things. I trust you to know how the Father is leading you.
I thinks it’s just cuz your 51!!! I say punt, rest and let Dad tell you when to pick it up again… happy birthday man of God; we love you with or without your blog – enjoy you, Karen and relationship… you are a prince.
As evidenced by this quick and ABUNDANT response … we really do love this blog! and you of course. Happy Birthday Seth. Thanks for being so many great things to so many people. Hope you are blessed today.
(and …. i might be a BIT wary of letting Talia take over 🙂 ha.)
I’m for “… fighting the good fight of faith” and persevering. Keep chasing Him …
Happy Birthday, Seth.
I’m with Lanny – this blog has touched too many people’s lives to be put on the shelf just yet.
Seth, every morning when I get to the office and turn on my computer, your blog is the first thing I go to. Because of your blog, I follow quite a few others you have linked to. (Tom Davis,Wrecked For The Ordinary)
Even though there will be a hole in my morning, take a break and recharge. Maybe occasionally throw something on there from one of your racers.
The Lord has made a big difference in my life because you let Him use you like you did. I will pray for you and your ministry.
Hey, 51 is great … it makes me feel young! Happy B-Day!
I am thankful for this blog because it’s been source of so much.
I am confident the Lord will give you wisdom to do what’s next.
Hey Seth – Happy Birtday!
Your blog is one of my favorite web sites, I’d be sad if you ended it now.
The Lord will lead your decisions.
Hi Seth and HAPPY Birthday!
I typically do not respond in blogs either – but I feel compelled to join in. First to THANK you for sharing your heart with us. I echo so much of what’s already been said.
Secondly to share a little of what this stirs in my heart, which has been stirring for quite some time now. You hit a chord in my heart which is reverberating around down there – I just can’t help but for it to ring out.
You started off by discipling what I call the “12” – those who you listed as regular contributors to what God called you to do. Over the last four years, in turn, the “72” have joined in (someone like me).
I believe once the “72” begin to return to you bringing stories of great joy – God then begins to stir up your heart for something new. At least for those of us who’s calling is to disciple in the Way.
Maybe, it is now time for the “72” do not just follow me and do what I do, but, could it possibly be time for the “72” to begin to go forth on their own?
Maybe the “72” now need to begin pouring their lives into others in God-directed, broad-reaching “spout” such as a daily blog written based on their heart and experiences. OR, maybe they are being called to something different but just as fruitful??
Maybe god is extending a challenge to those of us who have eaten from Seth’s table for quite some time now – maybe it’s time for us to go forth into the world, take up our cross, and follow his example of discipleship, true community, and Kingdom Living?
It didn’t take long for the 1 to grow to 12 and then for the 12 to grow to 72 and then the 72 to grow to thousands and thousands.
I don’t know…. I sense God is laying something on the hearts of others who sense a calling, but not sure what that might be….
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETH!!! you do know that 51 years on this planet means you have just missed 51 years in heaven! but happy birthday to you anyway!!
As far as this blog goes “Lay down your life daily and follow me” says Jesus. Take each day as it comes Seth, if you feel God leads you to write something then great! if not it doesnt matter. All God wants is our obedience on everything. Sometimes life is never about just giving up on something and started something new, sometimes its just about laying it down and going at Gods pace instead. That might mean one blog in a blue moon or once a year. Never say never with the Lord thats all I will say!Just learn to live daily in obedience, in everything tomorrow will take care of itself.
As for the people here who have connected, I am sure people will continue with those relationships on the web either through email/face book etc if you feel the Lord does ask you to stop.So dont go feeling guilty or anything Seth, your not letting anyone down!! Its the Lord you live for, no one else.Jesus saw the desperate needs of this world but only did what he saw the Father doing….thats what will keep you sane!Thats what keeps you from carrying heavy burdens.
Jesus burden is LIGHT!
Just chill in His presence Seth and let him lead, dont think too much about what to do or not to do. Some things are for a season but a season could be a day or a 100 years with God, His times are literaly out of this world!
Many blessings to you Seth
Happy birthday!
I think we all, as bloggers, go through times when posts are hard to write. (I am going through a similar time and seldom write, though I do have my tweets auto publishing to my blog so there is something for those who do show up.) I think as long as God is blessing it then write when you can and regardless, pray for wisdom and peace before you write. You will know when it is time to write, and when it is time for silence.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETH! Your blog has been such an incredible blessing and we are very thankful for the impact you have had in our lives. Praying for you as God directs and leads you during this season of reassessment!
I’ve only recently discovered your blog. I read something from it everyday now. If you stop writing new posts, the archived posts are still a much appreciated resource that me and many others can continue to learn from. Talia’s offer in comment #3 is heartbreakingly sweet:-) and I think it is a great idea.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Seth. I am so thankful for your authenticity and openness. I’ve learned so much about what it means to walk with God, make disciples, and simply be real with people. I’m leaving my current church, in part, because authenticity is squelched and frowned upon. You’ve given me the courage to believe that there are churches and people out there that actually embrace openness and being real, not to mention the idea that God is still at work to change people’s lives and do the miraculous. So, thank you for all you’ve blogged about. Though I don’t comment as much as I used to, I’m still very active in reading. Still, I know there are seasons in life. Listen for His leading, and follow regarding whether to continue writing.
Happy Birthday, Seth-
Perhaps the Lord is ushering in a new season for you and filling the gaps with others- I look forward to helping grow your vision and the WR, and I thank you for the words you have spoken through your blogs and archives just when I needed them.
I’ve just recently become a follower of your blog and refer you and your ministry to many others. Instead of daily blogs have you thought about a weekly blog or monthly blog?
I am sure that as you transition into your next phase, the Lord will allow you to write valuable information that can benefit the rest of us.
Keep your eyes on Him!
Jill Lienemann
Kesher International Missions
Happy Birthday Seth!!!!!
It is kind of funny you posed this question today because I just ask Elizabeth how you are able to write a blog everyday. I do not know if the right answer is to just continue or to pause and then continue. However, God has given you a gift that sure has helped me, so from my selfish point of view, I have a hard believing that you are just suppose to stop
thank you for your diligence & open heart. i hope that you will find the same refreshing that your blogs have been to me. real jesus. real life. authenticity as a verb and not a platform. thank you from a slightly jaded weary orphan. maybe isaiah 30:15 will be a signpost for your next step.
Happy birthday brother Seth. I know you are led by God’s Spirit in the majority of your blogs and that you are a true writer at heart. If you decide to take a break your best book will probably be out in a few months. Whatever you choose I believe you will hear a well done.
Love to you and your neat family.
yeah, happy birthday!
I think you would miss the blogging!? Your blogs are the one thing I have read consistently since 2006. Definitely always get my brain churning.
Hermano, Feliz Cumpleaños! Dios le bendiga mucho y a su familia tambien. A mi me agradan mucho sus blogs y espero que continue con ellos. No siempre comento en ellos pero siempre los leo. Es increible que todos los dias escriba uno hasta los domingos. Bueno pues solo hay que orar y a ver que Dios dice. Que se la pase bien en este dia con su familia y amigos.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you do – know there are many of us (like me) that read all your blogs daily but respond infrequently.
Obviously, go where the Holy Spirit is leading…but if you stop, know you will be missed!
You are affecting generations.
Happy Birthday Seth!
I have been following your blog for 2 years now. It has helped me grow, it has helped me follow God in a deeper way.
If you do stop writing now, I want you to know that your thoughts and writing has made a long lasting and profound impact in my life, and even the lifes of my wife and son. I hope I had become a better person, a better husband, a better father.
But there is so much more to learn, to improve. To give, and to serve.
You are fantastic and a great testimony of God’s grace.
Happy Birthday. Was just sharing with someone who went to church with the Hearns and me. Told them about your ministry, the blog, and about Breakthru. So keep writing or take a sabbatical but don’t stop. Your words touch, inspire, and provoke. Just some of us ease into action a little slower than most. Keep ’em coming. I’ll be reading!
Happy Birthday! Congrats on another glorious year!
I wanted to thank you so much for your blogs. They have helped me grow over the last two years that I’ve been reading them. I am constantly blessed by them. Most important, I know you will follow God’s direction, whether by blogging or not.
I’m very tired and must go to bed, but not without saying the first thing that came to my mind when I read your blog tonight. (Tongue in cheek:) “Seth, this is the Holy Spirit. Don’t stop your blog.” Okay, it’s a dramatic way of letting you know how much your blog means. We’ve felt connected, convicted, challenged, mobilized, encouraged….and I could go on. Yes, thanks and ditto to all that’s been said above. Happy Birthday. Have the best year yet. And may God refresh you to continue ALL that is fruitful in your life. What greater blessing than “fruit that remains” is there?
Happy Birthday Seth. One thing to say on your Bday, you are loved beyond what words can describe. So glad that you are in my life. I’m thankful mostly, for who you are, who God has created you to be. This day you were born 51 years ago was a gift to the world. You are a gift to me and so many. Ecstatic to be doing life with you Barnes!!!
This has nothing to do with our friend Seth, but as I was reading the comments of Connie(#39), I was touched. WAIT A MINUTE, this has everything to do with Seth and his Lord. Where else in the world would we find a comment like Connie’s?
Connie, I want to meet you via the web. My wife is a special ed teacher and our hearts are always moved with Down’s kids. I would love to hear a bit more from you about your precious Jessica. If you want to dialogue Connie, please email me
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETH !!! You are a blessing to many others I see here. I look forward to checking your blog and will miss it dearly.
You have mentored many helping us think about the world differently than what surrounds us. Your partnership with the Lord is exciting and attracts me to serve daily in prayer for others. Thank you for sharing with all of us!
I turned 50, 9 days ago… and it did bring reflection. I will pray for discernment for you, and hope God will grant you what you desire and you will carry it out with all of us! (wink) Take care friend and be blessed… you are already highly favored and deeply loved..without a doubt.
Happy Birthday bro. Teresa, Alfie and I are headed back to Africa tomorrow with a deep sense that the LORD is, for whatever reason, about to expand things beyond our comprehension and certainly beyond our ability.
With that said, we covet your prayers, and I have to say that I love hearing your heart on a daily basis. It brings a vulnerability and a humanity to what we do. You have a great ability to communicate the DNA and it has brought much fruit.
Take a break if you need it but I believe you will miss this segment of community. After all, everything on this earth and in heaven is about relationship, right?
Love you guys.
happy birthday Seth! I love your blog but agree with all the rest, whatever God leads you to do(or not do!) next is good. Thank you for the difference your writing (and life) has made in our lives!
Seth – Thanks for all you do! God has used you and this blog to produce a lot of fruit. I like the questions and the challenges. It will be interesting to see where you decide to go from here. Thanks for personally challenging me to keep living on the edge and to keep stepping out in faith. I need that!
happy belated birthday! hope it was beautiful.
Hey Seth! Happy day-after-your-birthday! I’m glad I got to see you last week, even though you (and I) were busy.
Oh man the blog question. I think from the number of comments on this post it’s clear people love it and that comes with certain expectations. Like it or not this has become an insititution, and we both know what it’s like to be an institution.
Maybe you need to be John the Baptist and preach in the wilderness for a while, or maybe you need to stay where you are in Jerusalem. Maybe it’s somewhere in between those two, like Jesus, who spent time in both places. I don’t know. The dillema between radical innovation and established order. It’s a tough one. I don’t think you can leave these people, this community though. You’ve become our shepard.
Happy birthday Seth,
sent u belated birthday wishes via twitter early this morning, but i’ll say it again… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
seems that blogging on the whole has been in decline. my feed reader is full of blogs i follow, but short on new posts. i too read oestreicher’s last post a week ago. i too have struggled with whether to continue with my own or not.
one of the things that has amazed me, and i mentioned this to rusty when we spoke on the phone recently, is that, as far as i can tell from my own experience, you apparently respond via email to every comment. that alone represents a monumental time and energy commitment, but it’s been special to receive a personal email the day of or the day after leaving a comment here. i believe you’ve done more to build community in an electronic medium than anyone else i’ve kept up with online.
now i’ve noticed that there’s another post after this one in which you may have already decided what comes next, but i wanted to share my thoughts with you before i forget what i wanted to say (i’m about 10 months older than you, so i want to warn you what you have to look forward to in the memory department:-)
one thing i’m confident of, is that you are discerning enough to know God’s will and leading, and you will follow His lead in this decision. God bless you, brother!
I too, like many who have responded read your blog every day and have been for the past 18 months or so. I confess that I haven’t engaged much in the comments/responses, however I have sent so many people links to blogs that I knew would bless them or spur them on..and I myself have been so challenged and have grown to love and respect you and AIM. My best friend is on the World Race right now and did previous trips which is how I got connected.
Your archives are an incredibly valuable resource to the Body of Christ…and I know future blogs will be as well. I hope the Lord guides you clearly on future direction- He likely has plans more glorious than we could ask or imagine for this blog, blog community and you.
Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness, honesty, commitment to truth, and your vulnerability/transparency and love. Again, in the Christian world you have become one of the people I respect the most.
may Christ receive the glory for all of this!
Well said, Megan! Everything you said – DITTO!
I completely agree with what Megan said here…
“Your archives are an incredibly valuable resource to the Body of Christ…and I know future blogs will be as well.”
I have learned a great deal, and as Megan did, sent links of your blog to help others. I have shared with friends, neighbors, missionaries abroad and family your blog.
Blessings to you Seth. And thanks for the Birthday wishes. You are thoughtful and a blessing to me! Keep in touch, you have my email.
Brenda (in Minnesota)
You are loved. Do what you need to do… and you need to continue writing. The fruit is too tremendous. Just my opinion!
I suggest you take a long weekend’s Sabbath in a cabin, write you heart out, and post them daily.
But, what does God want?
I will pray fervently for you, Seth.
I like your blog because you’re real and you challenge everything I do and think, but there is no pressure to write. We get ourselves into things and then pretty soon the things run us.
Write when you feel inspired to do so. Then we will know it’s because the Lord is speaking to you and He’s initiating it. People like us will suck you dry, and then you’re stuck doing something for us instead of for Him.
If you feel you must continue to write every day, just share a verse or brief passage from the Word. Tell us what you’re learning from it. You don’t have to elaborate.
I hate it when the expectations of others drive my life, and then what’s supposed to be full of life becomes a duty. Isn’t His burden light? You don’t have to carry us on your back.
Pat Curtiss
Happy Birthday to you, Seth. Celebrating your life, your gifts and your ministry today! So pleased to see that this blog “conversation” brings you life, as it obviously does to so many others. Listen to your Abba, see where He might lead in regards to the future of this thing. In a most selfish plea, however, I will place my vote for it to continue 🙂
One more voice in the Happy Birthday chorus 🙂
Blog as long as it continues to serve your Kingdom purpose. It’s a tool. As long as you’re hearing His voice about what He’s involving you in building, you’ll know if it’s the right tool for the job.
WOW 51 years old well HAPPY BIRTHDAY MI HERMANO SETH,you know I am not much for blog,but I always go to it to b/c you always have some good stuff,P.T.L for you and may the lord give you more blessed years.Chilled& wait for the Lord
love you guys
mary lou
I am leaving for Peru on the 11 of June
happy birthday seth! i have loved your blog and learned such a great deal from it and have pointed tons of people to it as well – it’s a goldmine. so there would definitely be a void if you stopped. but i understand about seasons too – i went into a pause just recently. but i think this medium is so powerful, it’s worth the effort as long as it’s balanced. so i’ll be back and if you took a break, i think you would be back too.
have a great day today!