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Lake Atitlan and Guatemala were very beautiful, I was recently there. I was looking for info for a report, and happened to come across this website. Do you remember the name of the hotel by Lake Atitlan? Everyone tells me there are a few scattered on the border of the lake, but I didn’t seem to find any. Thanks!
it’s called Hotel Atitlan.
Excitd for you to come back when I’m here to visit. Thankful for ya Seth!
yikes, it’s Joanne Woodward!!!!
Hi…just by chance found your website while I was looking for information on the orphans at the catholic church we saw in Panajachel/Lake Atitlan. This was almost two years ago, and my husband and I still remember the looks of the orphans there in a catholic church. Would you happen to know any information about them? We were thinking of some kind of mission project from our church for them. Thank you and God Bless…Cheryl Houston