Answering the call of God

A man or a woman’s response to salvation is just the start. At some point, there is a call from God to that man or woman. The call of God usually comes as a result of the call of man – God loves to respond to those seeking him. Isaiah responded to such a call and became God’s mouthpiece. If you read Isaiah 58, you see that God is very interested in men calling him and answers them in a number of ways.
He tells Isaiah how to speak out the call and calls on others to call on him: “Shout it aloud, raise your voice like a trumpet…Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near…Then you will call, and the Lord will answer.”
This interplay of the call of man and the call of God is woven throughout Isaiah 58, which is also a chapter that displays God’s heart for the poor. In that chapter, we see multiple instances of God asking men to call on him, and simultaneously telling him how he will respond to that call. It points to his desire for relationship – to a process of give and take.
Our heart’s cry
God’s response
“I need you”
verses 2 & 4
“I’m sorry”
“share your resources”
verses 4 & 7
“Come near”
“we will talk together”
verses 2 & 9
“I’m hurt”
“I will heal you”
verses 3 & 8
“Help me”
“I will protect you”
verses 9 & 8
“I will honor you”
“Your light will shine”
verses 13 & 10
“I will trust you”
“I’ll meet your needs”
verses 13 & 11
“I will follow you”
“I’ll bless you”
verses 10 & 12
“I’ll spend time w/ you”
“I’ll guide you”
verses 13 & 11
For those of you joining in our fast this next month, I’ll be sending out daily devotional emails (beginning Aug. 6th) based on Isaiah 58. You can sign up to receive them by emailing .
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Am very touched and uplifted by your articles
Thank you!