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Choose to be a life source

Karen and I just returned from a week-long ministry trip to the other side of the world. It was exhausting and we’re a little spent. It’s at times like these that I need to remind myself of the principle of spiritual pipes. Jesus intended for us to be sources of living water – a life source fo…
By Seth Barnes

Karen and I just returned from a week-long ministry trip to the other side of the world. It was exhausting and we’re a little spent. It’s at times like these that I need to remind myself of the principle of spiritual pipes.

Jesus intended for us to be sources of living water – a life source for others.  The image I get is that we’re pumps of living water. A lot of people live in a dry place – they need life and draw life from us. I remember walking with a ministry team on the streets of Tampico a number of years ago.  A woman was shadowing us and came up to us.  “Will you come pray with me?” She asked.

“Sure,” we replied and followed her to her house.  Inside she began to share a tale of pain, “My husband beats me,” she said. And we talked and prayed with her.

This woman was living in a dry place – she needed living water.  And everywhere I go I see people like her needing more from me than I can provide.  In my own strength, I can’t possibly give them what they need. Most of them are people that I know – people whose pumps have run dry and whose throats are parched.

Jesus looked out over the crowds and his heart broke with compassion, so he sent his disciples to share living water.  And he’s still looking and still sending.

But here’s a secret – if we’re to be a source of living water, our pipes must go deep. We must tap into the ultimate life source if we are to be life sources. If I don’t purpose to spend time with God, I’ll become cynical and crusty and if I keep pushing hard enough, I’ll burn out.

How deep do your pipes go? A mark of maturity is to become a lifesource for others, but you need pipes that go deep.

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