Does God Still Heal?

Yes, God still heals.
In India, he just healed a blind woman’s eyes. World Racer Sara Macintosh tells the story:
After worship the people there came up for prayer.
I looked up and made eye contact with an older woman. Her eyes were so cloudy you couldn’t tell her eye color.
She pointed to her eyes, so my team mate and I laid hands on her eyes and started praying. We took our hands off her eyes and she stared at us again, but this time her eyes were a beautiful light brown. No more cloudiness.
Her clear eyes welled up with tears and she started praising God. In that moment I realized how big my God is. She couldn’t understand our prayer, we didn’t have a translator, but God knew and heard us.
It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget.
God also healed a Racer on that team named Malorie Finley of her celiac. Here’s her story:
About three years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease- an autoimmune disease for which the only cure is to avoid eating gluten.
Or trusting a really big God.
The night before we left Atlanta for India, I felt God telling me to leave all of my emotional baggage there. A big struggle of mine has always been self-image. And not just an “oh I’m having a bad hair day” kind of insecurity. I’m talking eating disorder that completely controls my thoughts and life kind of struggle.
So I listened. I took out my cosmetic bag and threw out my hair straightener. For those of you who know me, that is a huge deal because I have the world’s wackiest curly hair without it. But I knew that in order to grow I had to be stretched, and who better to do the stretching than my maker?
Last night we were served a meal specially prepared for us as the guests- spicy chicken wrapped in a flour tortilla. My eyes got really big and a look of panic spread across my face; I didn’t want to insult our hosts but I also knew that being polite would lead to days of being sick from gluten. My teammates saw my look and stopped to pray for me before we ate that I would be healed.
As the meal went on, our host continued to serve me tortilla after tortilla. All I could think between small talk was ‘God I sure hope you know what you’re doing’.
But seriously, who was I kidding? Of course he knew what he was doing. We’re talking about the same dude who created the entire universe and all things in it. What’s a little celiac to him?
When we got in our van to go home my stomach was in so much pain and I could only think of the ill night ahead of me.
Sliding into the car one of my teammates asked me how I was feeling and prayed again for healing. That was when I really believed it, too. I took God out of the safe little box that I had grown to put him in.
The great physician has called us to live, trust, and love boldly and outrageously, and onceI began doing just that I felt a whole new presence of him in me. I knew that God could heal me, and I thanked him for his healing power.
In that moment I felt my stomach pain rush out of me as a voice said to me “because you left your struggles with me in Atlanta, I am leaving behind your celiac in India”.
C’mon guys. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD?! There truly is power in the name of Jesus.
God still heals. Do you or someone you know need healing? I can’t promise you that he WILL heal you, but I can tell you that he still DOES heal. Press into him.
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Thank for sharing! Our Father is AWESOME!!!
Thank you Seth for this reminder. I honestly would rather believe in a healing God than the other intellectual and spiritual gymnastic while pursuing feeble faith. Every time I visit with my dying and tube fed sister I just whisper “God you know and I don’t.” Love to you my brother, Seth. In NY as I send this and just prayed for you and the AIM team.
I can’t imagine the pain, Butch. We trust God even when all we have are these whispers. Thanks for your prayers and loves. They are reciprocated.
I believe that God still heal and in my ministries experienced God did great things and many people healed from different kind of diseases. I will share this story with our church and I believe many people faith will be strong.We always remember all AIM Adventure Mission work.May God bless you and all your mission daddy.
Thanks, Emmanuel!
Wow! I love both of these stories of healing! I too, like Malorie, have experienced that type of healing where it “rushed out of me” and I found myself becoming emotional and rejoicing with Malorie for her healing as well. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD is right! 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Blessings!