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Dreaming it and doing it

A generation is dreaming that they can be different from the status quo, and they are actually doing it. They are re-imagining culture. They’re saying, “We do not seek what is, but rather what should be.” This is a voice of the kingdom coming. New articles from Wrecked for the Ordinary this we…
By Seth Barnes

A generation is dreaming that they can be different from the status quo, and they are actually doing it. They are re-imagining culture. They’re saying, “We do not seek what is, but rather what should be.” This is a voice of the kingdom coming. New articles from

Wrecked for the Ordinary this week:

Culture: Candles and Revolutions

Arts: Photos from the Gutter

Adventure: $1-2 Women

Community: My House is Empty, Pt. 2

Poverty: A True Bride of Christ

Simplicity: Book Review: The God of Intimacy and Action

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