Editing your life
Our lives are so full of long technical words that we often edit and simplify them using acronyms. Psychologists use acronyms to try and help people, but somehow, I’m rarely comforted. For example some folks have suspected me of being A.D.D. These are usually linear people who I could cite for their OCD tendencies. They don’t get the fact that I’m am omnivore; I have a range of interests and projects. I pack a lot into life, sometimes too much. Like the psychologist, I need help with my editing efforts.
In America we have the problem of too much. Too much information, too much noise, too many activities. We need help editing it down. The incessant flow of data starts to seem normal when really it results in a syndrome that Alvin Toffler diagnosed 39 years ago called Future Shock. I guess the acronym would be F.S.S. – Future Shock Syndrome.
It’s all counterproductive to finding that space where we connect with our Creator. The very pace of life keeps us from enjoying the stories that we’re living. Something eventually has to give and it may be us.
That’s why I suggest we solicit help in editing our lives. I suggest you invite a mentor or a friend to look at your commitments and priorities and help you identify the stuff that needs to go.
For example, one reason I’m able to stay productive is that our family has never gotten cable TV and our local reception is so bad, we just don’t watch it (though now there is Youtube).
I like to golf but in the last 20 years, I’ve decided to edit that out in order to spend more time with my family. Sometimes I’ll spend too much time on the computer and thankfully my wife calls me on my bad behavior.
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Seth, Thanks for this post. Makes me realize I need to get out there and really find someone to provide honest feedback and help me edit my life.
The discipline of “NO” is vital to finding joy and peace in life. We crowd out the best when we take on too much. Thanks for these thoughts.
I agree with Matt, this along with yesterdays post has made me realize that I really do lack a spiritual mentor, someone who can hold me accountable and help me “edit” my life. I think far to often we don’t seek this because it’s scary to be honest face to face with someone and allow them into those not so perfect places. Thanks Seth.
Sometimes when we don’t edit our life, God will do it for us! Ouch!! So much less painful when we take the first step.
Putting your last two posts together is very helpful. Then there are the things I know I need to edit, but our culture doesn’t agree… like curbing food or tv intake. They may say they agree in the media, but they really don’t.
I’ve tried “editing” my life down quite a bit over the past year. I was just telling my mom the other day, “I haven’t lived such a slow pace in a really long time.”
My mom gasped and said, “You’re living a slow pace?! I think what you call slow a lot of other people would still consider pretty fast.” That’s the problem with having too many interests. Since about 6 years old I don’t think I’ve been bored.
Oh well, I have enough free time to keep up with a few good blogs like this one! Thanks for keeping it up, I know it’s a lot of work. I’m impressed.
Donald Miller just released a book sort of about this topic: http://amillionmiles.com/