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Isn’t it like this with many things? The Parkenson Law states that every space is always filled:
– a task always takes as long as we have to complete it
– however much storage we have – we fill it
– no matter how much money we make, we spend it (and forget about emergencies, long-term savings and giving). We just created an extra bank account for each of these and transfer money in the beginning of the month (10% of income for each).
However I read that “officially” in scripture we are not ask to give 10% but 24% (if you add up everything from Genesis-Deuteronomy).
Seth, how would you combine a great budget with Kingdom-giving (as in accounting for every dollar you make but still giving when you want or feel lead to)? Where (which budget) do you take that money from?
Thanks, Jan
Jan, good question. My understanding is that we are called to go “all in” with God. 10% is the starting point. Romans 11:36-12:1 tells us we are free from the requirements of the law. Instead, we are called to present our lives as acts of worship to the Lord.
So, begin now – set a ceiling on your lifestyle. Commit to giving whatever God asks of you. Be prepared to be radical in your obedience. For example, I know of a couple who God just called to give away their $800,000 home. Could you or I do that?
Establish a standard of giving before a standard of living
Wish I had been challenged to do this sooner, but better late than never