Getting healed will change your theology
Growing up, I didn’t believe God still healed people. I was like Alex Burdett – I hadn’t seen it, so I didn’t believe it.
Although the Bible is filled with examples of people getting healed and although Jesus specifically instructed his disciples to go out and heal people as a way of introducing the kingdom, there is a whole segment of the modern church that believes he doesn’t do it anymore.
They say, “Yes, he healed people back then because he was launching the Church and people needed to see his power. Now they have the Bible and they don’t need to see his power.”
But nowhere does the Bible say that God stopped using healing as a ministry. In fact, in 1 Cor. 12, he specifically describes the gifts: “to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers.”
Alex Burdett was like a lot of people – no personal experience, no belief. He describes his mindset like this:
What made it worse for Alex is that he’d been disabled:
But then Alex’s theology got shaken. At World Race training camp last week, he saw Bekah Spurgeon (that’s her in the photo above) come hobbling forward in a cast to have her broken foot prayed for. She has a great dance ministry, but unless her fracture healed, her World Race was in jeapordy.
As Ron Walborn prayed, she could feel movement in her foot. A day later, she was completely healed. The crowd wept as she danced before them (see video below @ 7:15).
It was too much for Alex. He asked for prayer. And wonder of wonders, he too was healed!
As Alex said, “Not only did He transform my infirmities into miraculous stories of healing, but He rid me of doubt and disbelief. He made known to me that He’s not a distant God, but that He’s here, where I am and where you are. The Holy Spirit is not a foreign concept to grasp at, but rather, He lives inside of me. For the first time, my heart abounded with love for God, my soul danced with the Lord, and my once unrelentingly skeptical mind finally shut up and gave in.”
I love it that God is not impotent. He is mighty and active. The healing ministry is alive and well, no matter what some theologians say.
Have you ever seen God heal? If not, what do you really believe about his healing power?
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I was healed because I believed – several times, from a brain tumor to breast cancer.
That photo of Bekah Spurgeon says it all. Love it!
This is an amazing story and I am so pumped that it’s already happening for so many people at training camps! God is so good and He is setting our ceilings HIGH!
Wow, great story, thanks for sharing! So good!
Abba smiles…
…and my heart goes out to all those reading this who wish this was their story but still bear in their bodies, some infirmity or disability that seems to defy prayers… God.
Your persistence, patience and faith will reveal His unfailing promise. Note: The longer it takes, the greater a vessel of glory He desires of you, if you trust till the end. He smiles on you… KEEP BELIEVING!!
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Thanks, Uche.
All I can say is that it was a week that radically shaped my faith. Thank you Seth for seeing the beauty of God’s transformation of my innermost. I pray that God continues to treat me with His presence in such a way that this is just the FIRST (not the only) time you quote my blog 🙂 Praise God He allows us to be a part of His work, and thank you Seth for giving us The World Race as a means to do His work!
Amen, Alex! I’m betting that God has some amazing things in store for you. This is just the beginning. Thanks for being faithful!
My theology is changed by FAITH ALONE not by healing.
It is sad that all the counterfeit healers in America today have given such a bad image to healing evangelists and the healing ministry in general. We desperately NEED LEADERS in America today to pick up the kingdom keys and feed the starving sheep the basic truths of divine healing—but it won’t be easy because there has been so much damage done by WOF teaching since the late 1970s. There has to be some kind of public renouncement of it I think before the charismatic/Pentecostal believers can move forward with the kind of purity and strength in proclaiming the full gospel. (It may come down to small home groups, and abandoning of the renegade organized denominations and churches).