To be human is to mess up and wish you could change. We do it all our lives. Everyone has something in their lives that they wish they could push the re-set button on. Left hidden, it can become a dreadful and unspeakable skeleton in the closet. When the awful realization comes of a mistake that…
By Seth Barnes
To be human is to mess up and wish you could change. We do it all our lives. Everyone has something in their lives that they wish they could push the re-set button on. Left hidden, it can become a dreadful and unspeakable skeleton in the closet. When the awful realization comes of a mistake that can’t be corrected, all we’re left with is a deep regret for the consequences of our action. It can be so overwhelming that some people consider suicide.
Consider a few of the skeletons in my own family’s closet:
* A close relative fights with her daughter and refuses to talk to her. The daughter gets cancer. They never make up. The daughter goes to her grave not talking to her mom.
* A family friend has a secret life. He is a scout master who abuses scouts in his troop. Once discovered, it hits the papers and goes to trial. On the day of his indictment, he shoots himself. A member of our family discovers him dying.
* My great-grandmother was an orphan and had little social standing. She was in love with Paul Coin. Coin’s mother wrote her a letter saying that she couldn’t marry him because he was going to medical school and she would prevent him from doing so. She was heartbroken and eventually married another man (my great-grandfather).
People, we are so broken. We do things and have things done to us that are incomprehensible. And the only adequate response is to go before almighty God and say, “God, I am so sorry.”
A friend, Kelly Ramsey, struggling with her own brokenness, offered up this prayer. I suggest you take the deep, broken things in your life and give them to God with a prayer like this:
“God, i am so sorry, i have forsaken you. we cry out oh lord why have you forsaken us when we are in pain, but what about all the times before that when you did everything you could to show us the way and we ignored you?
Lord, I am so sorry, for all the pain i have caused, for all the times i abandoned you for my own will, my flesh, my selfish desire. Lord, i am sorry for all the times i turned my back on someone in need, friends, family and those who i did not know – my brothers and sisters i ignored.”
Kelly’s prayer struck a cord for many readers who thereafter prayed their own prayers in the comment section of her blog, like this one from Taylor: “God, I am so sorry, for all the things I have done that either have hurt me or hurt someone else. I am sorry. Please forgive me…”
To be human is to have issues. If it helps you, I suggest you use this blog as a confessional booth this morning and leave your issues at his throne.
Thank you
I am sorry for all of the times I have chased my fleshly desires instead of chasing You my God, creator, and Father. Help me Lord to submit my will to yours and chase wholeheartedly after that abundant life your Son Jesus promises in John 10:10. God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
If you feel that your soul will be clear and follow the path of kindness forgiveness and sharing love with actions after the salvation i give you my blessing because you apologize to your soul not to Me.Is your choice from now on to follow your soul’s mission.
Really thanks very much to give us that word, It looks like you was seeing me , I believe in God with all my heart, I love my God coz he loves me and he never drop me , but sometimes i feel like things telling me to do bad things , then i do ! but after do it , i feel a lot of pain in my heart, and i start saying , OH God, why is is comes like this? but the more i read this prayers , it goes in my mind, in my heart then it helps me to get strength and to believe more more and more, because if you start loosing Hope, and you see this prayer, you must be up again , so , thanks
God please forgive me for blaming you for my faults and give me strength to cope with mean people so I won’t have the excuse to blame you . Remind me that free will to do wrong ain’t your doing its ours. I don’t have to do wrong and when I do remind me that I made that choice, in Jesus name amen.
This is not over yet for you.The evil is still inside you.You must isolate your self for a long time to be sure that your soul is clear.Go to a doctor of psychology to give you medicine pills to shut down your brain.Your brain is damage and only evil it has to show.If you want to eliminate evil from you and you want me to bless you so you can follow the path as an innocent and forgived person.When you are ready you know where to find me
Are only hope is in him because no matter how hard we try its never good enough are streath is not enough but Jesus is .but that still doesn’t mean for us not to try and strive to fight temptation even thought I have everything I want in my husband really god has blessed us in all aspect I look at the start to compaire my body to other women wich is my first mistake then get turned on then feel so disappointed by my behavior I feel un pure un greatful and then say thank you lord for ur unchangeing love and for some one to love help cant do this on my own
God! I’m sorry for imorality sexual… I want be a man of God… Sorry… Change my life today!
Jesus i did it again,i gave in to the flesh again and i hate when i give in so easy LORD JESUS please help me Father help me to tell the devil to get behind me. I know He who is in me is Greater than he who is in the world. Amen if GOD is for me who could be agaist me.No weapon force appon me shall prosper!LORD JESUS thank you for going too the cross for me.FATHER GOD thank you for giving us all away to you through your LOVING SON JESUS,I also ask that if anybody reads this please pray for me ,because i know what the power of prayer can do and i’ll do the same for everybody on here and thank you Seth for starting this site thats awesome that theres a place that we can write out in words our request to the LORD and also ask him for forgiveness all at the same time writing it out i believe it helps thank you all and my GOD bless you all.
dear god i made a mistke and covered it up and can not come clean now so the lie continues, this was a mistake and not a deliberate act. the fact i made this mistake in th first place i can not forgive myself and truely wish i had not made it please lord forgive me for all that i have done surrounding my mistake my heart breaks for the deception. lord jesus please forgive me
Dear God I’m sorry for being a terrible person. I have turned my back on you many times. My many empty promises make me feel so guilty. I know I don’t deserve anymore chances. I can’t get out of this cycle. Everyday evil destroys me. Please help me become the better person I so strongly want to be. You tested me so much in my life I’ve lost so much along the way. Please hear everyone’s prayers. I was once told if it is good for the soul you would grant it. So please Lord grant these prayers so that we can all be better people for you.
Tonight I am sitting up, struggling with so much…I’m so tired of being unloved, alone…
I’m giving my life to you, God…do with it what you will…I want a holy and pure life.
I want to be a new creation in you…I need forgiveness for my past…2 divorces, 2 beautiful children that I never get to see…my sexual immorality…I just want it all covered in the Blood…
In Jesus name I pray…
Heavenly Father, I went back on my word to you…you have taken me out of so many of my wrong doings and I still took you for granted. I know i told you that I would never be unfaithful again and yet still I failed you.Father please find it in your heart to forgive me and heal me of my wrong doings. Through ou God anything is possible…Heal Me Lord…Heal Me Lord (you know what I need).I have a beautiful loving wife and two wonderful girl children that you have blessed me with. Please Lord can you find it in your heart to forgive and spare my life? I am really sorry I will not forsake you again…I LOVE YOU JESUS…HEAL MY BODY MIND AND SOUL…GIVE ME STRENGTH LORD…
In Jesus name I pray…Amen.
I am sorry god i hope for forgiveness.
Where do I begin, You know my heart. Thank you for all the blessings in my life that i have not thanked you for. Allowing my soul and spirit in my earthly tent to experience ,good and bad, because both are a blessing. I am sorry, My all forgiving Savior, because we all fall short from God’s grace, but HE still loves all his children. I’m sorry I judge. That is your place my Lord. Because to judge is to be judged and we are not perfect. I LOVE YOU LORD.
pls help me dearest God,am really hurting,help me not to destroy my life
God,I am guilty before you, prefering the altar of sexual idolatry over the keeping of your commandments. I have said in the past I repent of pornography and lust of the flesh, I have tried in my own strength to overcome. I have failed day in and day out and been to the place of unbelief and back. I confess the carelessness and lack of trust in who you are. I repent of lusting after the flesh and fulfilling the lust of the eyes. I can’t stop on my own. I need your strength to overcome the immorality of porn and the things it brings with it. I love you God and want to serve you in truth. Please help me to live a pure life. If it pleases you please let me marry in the future. May I be able to say I obeyed and look back on my wedding day with a smile knowing I overcame through Christ. Break down the stronghold of sin in me Lord, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen
Credit to Josh^ But I pray this to you as well God
god I don’t know how to start . But I want to say sorry from depth of my heart. Please forgive me….your son.
God am so sorry for indulging myself again with the dark forces of the devil,please for give me and become my friend once more.I LOVE JESUS CHRIST .I BELIEVE YOU ARE THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.SAVE MY SOUL FROM THE HANDS OF THE SPIRIT OF DARKNESS.AMEN
I’m sorry god for blaspheming your name, I have sinned against you. I have said that I would permanently sell my soul satan. That’s not what I want. I have said that i hate God, but I don’t have you, I love you. I have sinned against thee LORD, who is all good. I have truly gotten mad at you so much because of no fault of yours. I have ingnored you will, despite you telling it to me so many times. I have misused the gifts you have given me, I am unworthy of them, please forgive me. I called you holy spirit the devil, please forgive me
God i am so sorry for being sorry of the same old thing.the things that keep me from being able to hold up my head in this small town.i dont want my grandchildren to have to carry my sorry i didnt understand what you were trying to show me those times i messed up. and if i had of understood i was so deep in it i didnt know how to get out. i am sorry people dont forget your past.i am sorry people tell things that happened 20 years ago as it happened sorry again.
Father, I’m sorry I’ve lived most of my adult life as a Jesus-believing, comfort pursuing, church going, halfway nice guy who pursued the American Dream over and above Your kingdom. I’ve squandered so many opportunities and relationships with poor stewardship. And now I find myself wanting to pull up my tent stakes and move where your Spirit is leading us and we’re stuck with ropes around. I’ve acquired so much stuff and baggage that we’re weighed down and cannot move. I’m sorry I let the weeds grow in and around my life. I don’t want the stuff, I just want You. Only You. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Thanks for the reminder Seth. I know this path well. In recent days I have heard a number of people utter the phrase, “I just CAN”T forgive myself!” And the retort to that is simply this. “Noyou can’t so quit trying.” Incessant appeals to God to “forgive us” make light of the finished work of the cross. And someone preoccupied with their own “stuff” typically has a pride problem underneath it all. “What can I do to fix and forgive this?” is rolling around in their head. Reconciliation can be offered but never insisted upon. I recall a time I asked someone to forgive me of a specific offense (I named it) and he said, “Let me think about that.” He was/is a Christian. That was three years ago. Jesus has light burdens and well fitting yokes. He is able. We are not. And without being cynical my experience is that many people adept at talking about grace are stingy in distributing it.
I’ve made a formal written inventory of every sin I can remember in my life. Every one. The list is long.
And I dropped that at the foot of the cross and it was dealt with one and for allforever.
There is only one person I have to please in life. And He is very fond of mejust the way I am.
Love you friend….
WOW!!!! I am blown away by Gabe’s prayer!!! That is how our family feels too! We know God’s Kingdom calling, and yet are anchored down by the judgments of our self pursuits!
Lord God, I too repent of my believing the lies of the American culture you trusted me into. I pursued safety, comfort, acquisition, and amusement, though you desired risk, suffering, surrender, and service. May your divine providence bring Jubilee to this selfish past!
God I’m sorry for not treating my fiance with respect and purity even when she wants purity so badly. I’m sorry that I get frustrated when she is acting Godly and I’m jealous of her because I’m so dry with you right now. I’m sorry that I keep skipping my time with you because I’m in a hurry. I’m sorry that I feel that I’m losing my first love. Help me recover and give me faith in you again so I can get excited about you and rejoice with Colleen when she serves you.
God, I’m so sorry for rejecting your love. So many times, you have reached out to embace me and I turned away and insisted that you couldn’t really mean it.
I’m sorry that I believed myself above your Word. I’m sorry that I grieved you by distancing myself from you. I’m sorry that I have not trusted you with my heart.
When you think of me, your eyes light up and your heart burns with love, yet I reject you affections over and over again preferring the way of self-pity.
Lord, I’m sorry for the times that I have not loved you. I’m sorry for the times that I have rejected your gifts and your love. I’m sorry for rejecting myself; for finding fault in your creation as though I know better.
Lord, I repent of the sin of rejection. Help me to walk in acceptance. Help me to walk in love. Thank you that you are faithful, even when I am not.
Dear Lord, I am sorry that I have grieved you so. I weep daily for all the people that I have hurt because of all of the choices that I have made.
Thank you for being everywhere, even where you are unexpected (sill, huh?). Help me to accept your forgiveness that I might become your servant, not a slave to despair.
I am sorry for not trusting in the peace that you have given to my parents. I am sorry for questioning the signs, friends, thoughts that you have given to me. I weep for the times that I have hurt people and ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for bringing me to this site today.
I walk in your light.
Lord, hear my prayer. So often that phrase (you listening to me) takes the #1 spot in my relationship and commwith you and all your people.
I renounce my self-centeredness and pray for your constant gentle reminder that YOU are the vine and I am one of your branches. Help me understand when and why you prune those dead or sick parts of me. I want to grow in your love each day, prepared by you to reach out to others in this sin-sick world.
Yet even as I write this I recognize my desire to be the person in charge with your blessing, of course, on my chosen activities. Help me to hear and obey your plans for me.
Lord, recognize my pain; do something about it please!
So often you have graciously intervened when I cried out to you.
Thank you for your love and grace.I am so sorry; I confess and repent of my failure to love and be gracious to your people when I recognize their pain. You blessed me to be a blessing; show me how, every moment of every day.
I confess that I have been looking back on my successful ministries and attempting to recreate them so I can be successful again. I renounce my pridefullness.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Seth – this is great. When I wrote that first blog back in 2006… I had no idea that I would be a full time missionary with such a heart for prayer and for the lost, seeing captives set free – just a few years later. Thank you for who you are and for all your support and for helping my to figure out who I am and was made to be and do, IN HIM.
As I read these confessions and prayer requests to our Lord Jesus… I found myself praying on behalf of each one of these that have brought the sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart to God’s alter.
He is well pleased.
I think you have about 300 subscribers Seth – that’s a pretty nice size prayer tent in my opinion!!!
I would love to see 300 radical Jesus followers partner together and pray for not only these that have responded here – but for the many strategic prayer points that are discussed on your blogs daily!
Let’s form a PIT crew – “personal intercession team” here…
God, forgive me for my selfishness, self-centerness and especially for not putting my moms needs above my own and letting my fears paralyze me as she battles lung cancer. Also, Lord forgive me for not seeing and/or be willing to reach out to the needs of my friends and other family members as they have recently been struggling with troubles of their own. Lord, please forgive me for all my anxiety, fears and lashes of temper and take them from me, which I have ashamedly recently expressed inappropriately and during times when others were reaching out to help. Forgive me and help me Lord for demanding others help put my feelings in perspective as a prerequisite to moving forward with an needed action rather than trusting you Lord on the spot and taking those actions right when they are needed. I have caused so much unnecessary pain and complicated an already diffult situation. and I am so grateful and blessed to those you put up with me anyway and in their love for me.
I know my family and I are alone you were there beside us and I am thankful and blessed.
Above all, Lord hear my prayers and let your spirit guide and provide strength to my mom thru this diffult time as she adjusts to hospice care etc. I believe in your power Lord and pray for any miracles to cure her cancer if that is your will. Help me provide all the loving support that is needed as well as exceeding these needs thru you and your power Lord.
In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
God,I am guilty before you, prefering the altar of sexual idolatry over the keeping of your commandments. I have said in the past I repent of pornography and lust of the flesh, I have tried in my own strength to overcome. I have failed day in and day out and been to the place of unbelief and back. I confess the carelessness and lack of trust in who you are. I repent of lusting after the flesh and fulfilling the lust of the eyes. I can’t stop on my own. I need your strength to overcome the immorality of porn and the things it brings with it. I love you God and want to serve you in truth. Please help me to live a pure life. If it pleases you please let me marry in the future. May I be able to say I obeyed and look back on my wedding day with a smile knowing I overcame through Christ. Break down the stronghold of sin in me Lord, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen
Father,in the name of Jesus and through His Blood do I come before you now. I have committed adultery and have let myself get bogged down in obsession, jealousy and guilt. With all of my heart, Father, and all that’s in me, and the best that I can, I want to leave my life of sin. I pray to stop justifying my actions, and admit and realize I am flat out sinning against you, God. I’ve hurt You and also hurt my witness as one of your children. I’m so, so sorry. Father, forgive me. Help me know how to stop and how to stop the feelings of ridiculous jealousy. Through the blood of Jesus I confess victory over adultery and the hurts that its caused.
Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness. Thank you for loving me so much. I love you.
The prayers posted here are heartfelt and wonderful. I’m one that keeps things inside, but the confessions here have inspired me to talk more with God. He already knows what I’m going to say before I say it. However, it’s like what those of us who are parents experience with our own children. We know our children love us, but it thrills our souls to hear them say it and ask for our forgiveness when they know they have done wrong. In the same way, He also delights in His children telling them they love Him and in asking them for forgiveness.
May God bless you all abundantly!…and thanks for reminding me what it’s all about.
I’m so sorry! Let me correct the last post. The last sentence of the first paragraph should read:
“He also delights in His children telling Him they love Him and it thrills Him to hear His children admit their sins so He can forgive them.”
I thank God for Jesus who intercedes in our prayers and speaks on our behalf to God even when we don’t know what to say or how to say it. Too bad that same power doesn’t work when I’m trying to post a blog! LOL
Forgive me and may God bless!
i want say sorry sorry n sorry to my lord i pray to him everyday and ask for mercy, i am continuously repeating my mistakes as in i m addicted to it cant get it out of my mind i want lord to give me strength n forgive n help me to come out of it show me the right path and i’ll try my best to walk on it i just want to give up my mistakes and get through them pls lord help me
Heavenly Father, forgive me for everything wrong I have done. I am so very very sorry. My cry weeps at all the time I have disappointed you and myself. I have wasted this percious life you gave to me. Now I want so depserately to live a good life and bring others back to you. I am so shy and humble that each da frightens me. Please show me the way to help others and my family. Release me from all evil that surrounds me and keep me forced on you. Do not allow me to have desires that are not in our will. I need you by me helping me make the correct decisions. I love you.
As a 55 yr old man I too have spent the last few yrs asking God for forgiveness and totally detesting the life which I have lived up to now. I have gone to God constantly to ask forgiveness often for the very same sins that I continually commit. I say this to emphasis the fact that regardless how long it takes and how many times you may fall do not I beg you do not give up or give in to sin. He is there always even when you turn your back on him he will not turn his on you. He loves us thats the hardest thing for us to comprihend, but he does love us and wants us to keep coming back to him regardless hoe long it takes.I love you Lord and forgive me and thank you for leading me to this page and these people I will pray for them also. Remember we are not alone.
GOD,I am sorry for my whole life. Everything I have done, said, thought has been nothing but one entire regret, every memory I have. Everything I have ever came into contact with has been sullied by me being here. My existence has been a blot on GOD. Nothing more to say. Life is one huge regret, living is one huge weight of tears, and death is an eternity of suffering beyond this. I don’t expect you to take my apology or even care, The world is too full of those who deserve your attention.
Hey Larry, I remember right before I made the serrated knife slide over my wrist thinking “Nobody even knows the half of what I have done. You do God, you know it ALL! So, there is absolutely no way to be forgiven, if you know my every move God.” I am not writing this from the grave (though that would be amazing, right?)thanks to knowing this… God didn’t require that I trudge back through all that crap I did. He just said “Turn Around” and He was there waiting. Forgiving myself for the things I have done, is the hardest part for me. It’s hard to look a person you hurt more than anyone in the eyes everyday, but if they can forgive me, God can too brother. Trying to hold sand in the hands is tricky. Hold on too tight and it’s gone. Same with the past. Don’t hold on too tight. Don’t settle for the lies of the enemy, who would love for Larry to believe he is too far gone. Your not! You are a fighter. I don’t even know you and I can hear passion in your heart. “Larry, I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you Larry. Plans to give you hope and a future.” The Book of Jeremiah 29:11 Larry, you are loved. Don’t forget that.
Sounds like something out of Ecclesiastes to me. Or maybe something Job would say. Or Jeremiah. Or myself at times. The truth is, God has every reason to turn his back on me and all the other guys like me who’ve wasted a good bit of their life. The thing about God is, though, it’s all about him. He created you to love you, and I believe he is big enough to handle anything we may throw at him. He is more than able to redeem. He is merciful, gracious, loving, kind, patient and capable. I also believe he sees the best in you and is relentless in drawing you back toward that greatness for which he designed you… and that only after intimacy with the Father.
The book of Hosea has got some great things to say on the subject of returning to the Lord, our first love.
Larry, we see you are hurting a lot. As believers in a good and gracious God, we hurt along with you. But do you know who hurts the most? It is God himself. He knows what human suffering is like, he can identify with our weaknesses Larry. It is precisely for this reason that He sent his Son to bleed on the cross for us, so that through his sacrifice, redemption is free for all. All of us who has been through this journey with God has seen him redeem our mistakes, wrong choices and sins when we give our life to him. Nothing and no one is beyond his saving grace, no matter how big a mistake you think you are. God is much bigger than all our sins put together. He knows we all fail. He knows it is slippery out there. All of us, not just you Larry, do not measure up. But the good news is that our brokenness/sins is what qualifies us for His grace. Grace is something given free to us because of who God is, not bcos we deserve it. We don’t have to measure up or clean ourselves up to gain God’s approval. Through Jesus, grace is available for all who wld receive it. If only more of us wld take God at his word and not harden our hearts. God waits for all his children wandering in the wilderness of loneliness and shame to come to him but many of us are too caught up in our shame to stop for a moment and remember that God is always here with outstretched arms. He is constantly scanning the horizon waiting for our return. You can bet with your life that he is hearing you now and hurting for you and waiting for you to run to him. I do not know if you know this God we are talking about here. Yes, there is such a wonderful God. If it is a different God then what you’ve heard before, then I have good news for you Larry! He is inviting you…no, he yearns for you to come and know him, trust him and allow him to heal you. He waits to embrace you Larry. Your sins and failures are not just swept under the carpet Larry. God blots them out with the cleansing blood of Christ! God is judicially righteous in pronouncing you righteous bcos the price has been paid by Christ. If you’ve given your life to Christ, Larry, then rest in the truth that God sees you in Christ now (no longer yr old slef). And Christ always presents you as precious and lovely. It’s not about how worthy you are Larry. It’s about how able and lovely Christ is. You have every reason for hope Larry! Don’t give up. Give God a chance.
Hey Larry,
The great thing about God is He knows your heart. He sees you. He cares. He loves without condition. Whatever is driving your thoughts these days always see the steady hands of the Father who never fails. He weeps when you weep. And He wants you to meet Him at the lake and skip stones together and laugh.
“The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “Larry, I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you, Larry with loving-kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3
Larry- GOD LOVES YOU! He has loved you with an everlasting love. He wants you to know
“that Larry when you get up and come to me, while you are still a long way off, I see you Larry and am filled with compassion for you. I run to you and throw my arms around you.”
He will meet you Larry and He is watching, waiting to lavish His love on you. For you are a crown of splendor in His hand. Larry you are a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
God I am sorry for my lack of trust in your words to me. I am constantly hearing you call me away from pornography and lusting after women, eventhough I am married. I know what I’ve done is wrong but it is hard to say no to myself. Please help me to be the man of God you have called me to be. Please don’t let go of me. I am so scared of my life and what it might be witout you, but in the moment, I push those feelings aside for my own desires. Give me strength to stand up to my own selfish desires and lusts. Help me to lean on you and find you when I look for you. God take this stronghold out of my life and tear it down to the ground so that no brick is left on another one. Help me to replace the things that you remove with the things you want me to have. Help me to cultivate love, fatih, and hope and help me to lead my family to the cross daily. Remind me Lord about this commitment every time I’m tempted to sin so that I look to you in the storm . God my heart is heavy with guilt and shame for my stupidity. I don’t want this feeling to overtake me and cause despair and remorse to the point that I can no longer be effective for you. Please remove it from me so that I can be ready to fight the enemy and be free to fight free.
“god..i have always trusted you. i have loved you. i have even missed you at times. deep down i know that you are there to take care of me. and again i have cursed you and abused you when i have been low. please don’t mind my curses god. you are my closest friend. i really don’t have anybody else in this world to whom i can go again and again even after being so wrong. don’t leave me god. i am really sorry for abusing you and cursing you. but i really love you and i trust you. forgive me for my faith. forgive me for my love. forgive me for all the mistakes which i have done. show me the path that will give me peace and happiness. and most importantly, don’t stop loving me because, i really really”
Please forgive me Lord for my lack of trust. I guess my fears sometimes over takes my faith. I want this fear inside of me to go away. I just love my grandson so dearly. I just am asking in Jesus name to help my daughter keep custody of her child. She is a good mother. I just cannot understand why this is happening. Lord forgive me for my lack of faith and trust. I know those are tools of the devil. God please grant us this in your sons name Jesus christ. Give me the strength that I need and help me to rebuke the devil. I love you God. Please pray for us
GOD, please forgive me for being so self centered. I give myself back to you where I should have been. When I was in the hospital I could do nothing but rely on YOU. Then you healed me and I go back to what I was doing before. I am so sorry. I can’t live without YOU. In spite of what I have done, please bless my husband and son. We need YOU for everything. I can’t breath without YOU. I need YOU for everything. I love you GOD. Thank you GOD for loving me.
regrets, worrying is all part of the human life but it is up to us as individuals to do something about it, but Lord there’s so many pressures in the modern world, that you can’t get a descent job if haven’t got a car, you are stuck in a small house that is cold throughout winter and has mould growing everywhere. the kids are growing quickly, you don’t have enough money to buy warm clothes for them so you try to make them jumpers and clothes for everyone until your arms are aching. what are we to do Father,it has been written “do not worry about tomorrow…you have no charge over a single hair that grows on your head…”. it is hard and i have tried not worry until the day i found out i was pregnant for the third time, at first i was ecstatic then i remembered someone offered to pay for my driving lessons and the chance to go back to University…i felt my life was finally getting back on track after having two kids and some time of work and being ill.
to cut a long story short of which you already know, after much talking, tears, despair, unwillingly we decided to terminate the pregnancy at 6weeks. i am truly sorry for being selfish but i’ve never had anything for myself, i hve always put other people first before my needs, but it’s no excuse for killing my unborn child, please forgive me, i ask you Father in Jesus’ name
Lord, I LOVE YOU. But I am a huge sinner. I am hypocrite. I keep doing the things that do not contribute to the advancement of Your kingdom. Lord, I want to walk your path. I do not want to desire for the worldliness of this world, the flesh, rhe material thing. I desire your love Lord. You are everything to ,e. You are enough. Allow me to be with you again Lord. DRAW ME CLOSE TO YOU. I want to be with you Lord. I don’t ask for anything at this moment but y]Your forgiveness. I LOVE YOU, and I am SORRY Lord…. Help me to start anew……..
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out, O my soul cries out
lord, i’ve been up for hours again…trying to figure my cycle of sins against you. i give up! i have had sex, again, outside of marriage. when will i get it? when will i turn from my sin and walk uprightly? when will i live set apart?,when will i live for you without trying to hide my sins?, when will i learn to take the way of escape & kill off my flesh & lustful desires? lord, i’ve said this to many times-i don’t know if even i believe it…i’m tired of hiding, being a hypocrite, being disqualified. please forgive me lord i need ur help to live tomorrow in a way that honors you, that demonstrates ur love2others, and in the spirit. i need ur help. at this point i don’t even know if we should be getting married or if we r doing this to avoid facing u. god give me understanding and the way i shod go-u r my god. jesus, god, my loving reedemer, some1 said earlier u paid it all-i believe! thank u4 giving me sleep 2night, guidance tomorrow and wisdom4the upcoming choices. in your faithful name-amen
Lord, I am so very sorry for all the bad, terrible, wicked things i have done to others and myself. I need to turn from these ways. i need to forgive myself and others. Lord, I just cannot put into words how much i need you in my life. I have turned my back on the people I never should have, and lusted so much that I have not been able to be intimate with my most dearest loved one. Please help me to make her happy. Lord please forgive me, heal me of all my sins. Make me a new person that will make you proud of me. Someone once said, ” If our sins were broadcast on the 5 O’clock news, the world would be a more godly place”. Thank you for listening and forgiving me God.
im sorry lord for all my sins, every time i say it ill not happen again , but just like i dont care i go back to the same thing, but i care lord pls help it will be my greatest joy
lord forgive me i ask again and again with 100% humbleness forgive me lord for my actions and shameful behavior for my addiction in pornography and bad temper i know you love me so much! lord you are always there helping me and giving me chances everyday! guiding me to the right path never leaving me nor forsake me you give me a fresh start and i always mess it up! i always backstab you! even thou you bless me and help me so much… im such a wretched failure i am not worthy of your forgivesness what kind of a person am i!i totally suck and i am not sincere person i sin alot, lord i know you just want me to walk in your pressence, obey and follow you lord which is the best and right way for me i know its easy to say and put in the heart but its so hard in action! why lord? am i like this… i always stumble and do the other way around LORD HELP ME in my temptations! help me resist it! i told you all lord my shame! and guilt! my frustrations! my failures! you alone can rescue me! not this world not anyone ! only you lord jesus.. my life is in your hands, my soul, you alone can rescue me in my sinful nature. lord i just wanna do what you want me to do to follow you with 100% in my heart and action and just obey because you alone are worthy, you are the truth, the light, and the way, for my peace and salvation. thank you lord for your mercy and grace blessed be your name always thank you for saving me in the cross.
lord forgive me for being arrogant and always coming back to my habitual sins help me not come back to it. im such a guilty sinner and a coward man make me righteous and pure. lord jesus christ save me. save me. with your precious blood
wash me lord jesus christ
God I am so sorry for throwing my Bible against the cupboard yesterday. I am so sorry I didn’t want to talk to You anymore and I am so so sorry I acted so rude to someone who needs You more than he knows. I was not an example of a follower of Jesus and I am very sorry.
God, wash me with the blood of Jesus and please help me back on the path for my future that You planned for me.
You know the trouble I am in and You know how I am hurting. Forgive me for allowing my life to take this turn and please in Jesus Name and according to Your will, please save my marriage and touch his heart. He doesn’t know You and I put Him before you. Save us both and give me the wisdom to be a better person and a better example.
God I am so sorry
Lord i am sorry pls forgive me and draw me close 2 u. I have wandered afar off and i feel it right now within me. I feel it because i can no longer hear the sound of my fellow flocks. I can no longer hear them say ‘come forth, the master cometh to feed us’. All i hear is the roaring noise of wild beasts ready tear me to d last atom. I thought i was only going for a strole but now i realised it is more a thousand miles journey. Pls forgive me dear good shephered and bring me back. Amen.
Lord I’m sorry. You gave me everything and I ruined all that you gave me.
Restore me I pray. Forgive me I beg of you.
Thank you for all you have put in my life. I know that in the end Romans 8:28 will ring true.
Too bad I did not see your blessings before destroying them. Lord Jesus please pray for me.
Mike I’m so sorry Father for allway’s giving into the flesh.For i believe in you with all my heart.I feel like sometime’s a big disapointment to you.I ask you every night to forgive me of my sin’s.Then i get up and start doing them all over again,for that i’m truely sorry.I have allway’s believed in you.It said’s in the Bible that a dog alway’s return’s to his vomit, that’s how i feel all the time.He has taking drug’s and booze outta my life.But i’m so weak when it come’s to porn.I ask please Father GOD and LORD JESUS please help me.You said when we are weak you make us strong,please make me strong.I’m so sorry for offending you FATHER GOD,these demond’s have been toying with me my whole life and i can’t take it any more please help me.I know it feel’s like i’m pushing you away’s when i really need you the most.FATHER please forgive me in JESUS holy name amen..
God im sorry for allowing my current circumstances to dictate how i feel about you. I’m sorry for not having strong confidence in your ability to perform and fulfill every promise you’ve made concerning my life. I’ve wasted so much time and squandered valuable opportunities on selfish ungodly pursuits. I’ve failed to allow you to have the glory out of my life and i am sorry for that. please forgive me and renew within me the right spirit that longs for a genuine connection and relationship with you above all else. lead me and guide me in your way and open my heart so that i am receptive and responsive to your instruction. continue to encourage my heart and heal the brokenness that is inside. This day I vow to give my best to you so you may do with it what you will. Help me to yield to your hand as you mold me into a woman of excellence. I accept you Lord as my only hope and recognize that apart from you there is nothing.
Thank you FATHER GOD for hearing my prayers and answering them,thank you for helping me to fight these demons that had a hold of my life for so many years.Thank you LORD JESUS for taking these demons from me,i asked you too please release me from the bonds of addiction from cigaretes,alcohol,drugs and porn.Thank you thank you thank you FATHER you are truely awhsome and i love you very much.I know that when i put all my trust in you great things happen for me and i know it is because i put all my trust you and i can feel your presences in my life.I truely love that feeling.I’m a fifty year old biker and i love my LORD and his FATHER so much with all my heart.I’m writing this so that if anybody has any dout’s at all if GOD and his SON are real please take it from me YES they are,please ask them to help you too,thank you and GOD BLESS YOU.If they could turn this tattooed scooter tramp around,they could do the same for you too,I pray that this will help somebody who has lost all hope and is ready to give up.Don’t just trust GOD and ask him for his help he is waiting. Thanks for your time and may GOD bless you.
Thank you FATHER GOD for hearing my prayers and answering them,thank you for helping me to fight these demons that had a hold of my life for so many years.Thank you LORD JESUS for taking these demons from me,i asked you too please release me from the bonds of addiction from cigaretes,alcohol,drugs and porn.Thank you thank you thank you FATHER you are truely awhsome and i love you very much.I know that when i put all my trust in you great things happen for me and i know it is because i put all my trust you and i can feel your presences in my life.I truely love that feeling.I’m a fifty year old biker and i love my LORD and his FATHER so much with all my heart.I’m writing this so that if anybody has any dout’s at all if GOD and his SON are real please take it from me YES they are,please ask them to help you too,thank you and GOD BLESS YOU.If they could turn this tattooed scooter tramp around,they could do the same for you too,I pray that this will help somebody who has lost all hope and is ready to give up.Don’t just trust GOD and ask him for his help he is waiting. Thanks for your time and may GOD bless you.
Lord I am sorry for letting my flesh get the best of me. I have let down people in my life and especially You. You love me unconditionally and never forsake me. I am sorry for letting you down. I pray for the strength and courage and opportunity to open up to my youth pastor tommorow and ask him for advice and help. Lord I love you with all my heart and I know You will always love me.
GOD please help me. Please forgive me. I have made so many mistakes. I lied because I thought that my parents would be happier with the me I created.
I am screwing up my parent relationship…my sister cut her hair. My mother cut her hair…there is screaming and pain and I have caused it all. Please answer me. I don’t know what it will take for me to stop the lies. Please, I can’t do this to my family anymore. What do I do? Where do I go? Please answer me.
God I am sorry.And I know that you’ve heard this line from me over a thousand times.All those times I said I ahte you,And that your never there? I really didn’t mean any of that.I only say those things when I am upset god.Not only at you… But also at the people of this harsh world.I am realizing that you have given me enough.You have given me choices to make everyday.You have given me food everyday to eat.You have given me choices.But, most of all you have given me life.I am very greatful that I have you in my life.And I remember that day when I forgot everything on my final exam.And I thought I was going to fail my math class because of it.But,then I asked you could you PLEASE fill my head with everything.And you did.God I know that I am here for a purpose because you have told me so.And showed me sighns.For I haven’t really did anything yet.But I am planning to.BUT GOD PLEASE FORGIVE ME! IDONT WANT TO GO TO HELL!Because I want to show you that I really do love you.And that I care about you.But,god please..PLEASE!..I really love you with all my heart and if I didn’t I wouldnt be tearing up as I am writing this.I know I have treated you wrong.And I dont deserve your love and your care.But you give it to me anyways.When I go to heaven one day… I hope I get to go through those gates.I..I..Just..Love you.Even though have the time I don’t show it.
Aerial Mitchell,
Areial it is so obvious in your cry out, the precious heart the father has given you. At such a young age you are understanding things that are so important to a life that pleases the father. As you cry out for His forgiveness know that you are fully forgiven. He has wrapped you in His arms and you have ALL of His love. There is nothing you can do, say or think that will take that love from you! You are His beautiful precious daughter that He delights in! He loves to see you come before Him and rest in His presence. His word tells us that there is no fear in Him and you can rest in that. Once you have clung to Him and given Him control of your life you do not have to fear death or hell. It can not take you from His hands. There will be many more times that you fall but every time His hand is reaching out for you. Continue to build your relationship with Him by the time you spend with Him and the conversations you have with Him. He hears you and everything you say and if you listen He responds. It is obvious through your prayer above that you see and know He speaks to you! Keep listening to that voice to guide you. Run as fast as you can for Him. As you continue to walk through life distractions will come, He won’t be “cool” and it won’t always be easy to follow Him, but remember that He gave it all for you and the reward of following close to Him is far greater than that of anything in this Life. When you have questions ask Him, when you need love, tell Him, when your lost look for Him, He is there. He has such great plans for you! He is taking you on a journey that will bring Him glory! Ask Him what He has for you. Remember that there is NO FEAR in Him. He loves you and He has His arms around you. You are His Beautiful Princess! Your honesty as such a young lady is inspiring! Continue to listen for that voice!
Lord Krishna,
I extrimely sorry, I don`t know what I am doing & what I will do, I am totally frustrated. Krishna please give me a way & let me out of this selvish world & relations & give me a space in your feet, please open ur hands for me.
Dear Lord,
You have generously given and given to me all the things I had ever wanted. A loving family, support in times of financial distress, significant others with most loyal and trusting intentions, true beauty and happiness in the form of my dog, peace in times of heartache, good health and the means to achieve any type of health I choose, and outlets for me to give thanks and celebrate You.
But, I am selfish, I am cowardly. I let Your opportunities slip away and I made a mess of Your works. Please forgive me, Lord. I find this blog as a means for me to communicate because writing helps me, and thank you for this.
I would like to ask for Your forgiveness in terms of the academics I ignored and took for granted, the money I spent which I actually could not afford and the ignorance and laziness I embodied when my attention and patience really mattered to someone I loved. But greater than all of these matters in which I erred, I am most deeply sorry for not overcoming the ways I err. I am speaking about my actions from a broader perspective: the general way I should be approaching a situation, dealing with people and my basic perspective on making the little choices in order to rectify myself. Please help me through this, give me strength and turn this mess into something Beautiful, something only Your grace could do.
I’m sorry…how many times I’ve done this feeling shameful and low, I’m not worthy of everything you are giving me… I miss you so bad,I don’t hear you voice in my head anymore, I miss the way we talked and decide together, the way you comfort and love me when i’m down. Lord, when he came into my life I made the most stupid decision of putting him over you, making him my world, forgetting all about you and the values you taught me, now that it is all over I have no one to go to but you, I’m so sorry I should’ve listened to you, I know that you are talking to me when I was having doubts, but I didn’t listened because I love him so much. Im sorry if i turned my back on you, I miss u so much, you are my best friend, you are the only one who can love me the way I deserved to be loved. I know that for sure because you died for me. I’m so sorry, if I could undo all my mistakes I would. Lord please help me carry this burden inside, it’s hurting me so bad, and knowing that ur still there for me and hearing your voice again, I think half of my battle is done. I love you
Oh Lord I am so sorry for the things I did almost two years ago. I was a servent of yours and then I din’t listen when your Holy Spirit tried to lead me. I sinned horribly, and I lost your presence in my life. I miss you so much. I am so sorry I wan’t faithful to you or my husband and family and freinds. Lord you know I have regretted these actions ever since. I am so lost without you. I have no happiness cheer or joy in mu heart anymore because of the things that I have done. I pray all the time that you would give me another chance, talk with me again, connect me back in. I know the choice I made were awful. I hust so much now, and it is getting harder and harder each and everyday I live. For I have no ife without you. You were my everyting. Please coem back into my heart, pleast love me again. I feel so spitiually dead. I want to feel alive again. I know I was selfish, and let a root of anger destroyy everthing beautiful that you gave me. I am so sorry Lord. I am so depressed without you. I am in total dispair. PLease let me know that you forgive me and still llove me. Fill my heart and soul again to the fullest. I know these things happened over two years ago, I havent fewlt you since. I am so sorry that I acted like such a fool. I know now waht you Son Jesus went through for me, and it hurst me even more. I so want to find comfort in your arma and in your word again. Please send me a sign that it is not to late for me. Please take away the desperation and hopelesness that I have in my heart and soul. I am so sorry mow. Please come back. I know i failed you and your command to love one another as I have loved you. Please Lord forgive me. Please take all this pain that I caused myself away. Please send mme someone to help me. I dont want to be your enemy, I never wanted that. I am so sorry my Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. I am so sorry that I greived you. I want to be used by you again Lord. I also lnow that I have ruined my testomony I am so sorry, I am so sorry for everything. I love you Lord. Please let my heart feel again. I feel so cut offf. I am so so sorry Lord.
god am sorry. I’ve done loads of sins and am suffering for it. let them stop.. please help me….
God, am sorr for wat am doing but i can’t resists
God i am sorry for taking a crap in a urinal today
God I am sorry for i forsaken my family, myself and most of all you. Please forgive me
God I am sorry for i forsaken my family, myself and most of all you. Please forgive me
I have been abusing alcohol for over 15 years. I am a christian. I feel God working with me on this I pray for deliverance all the time. yet I still slip from time to time. I tried aa all I did was drink after as thes meeting make you constantly think about your problem and make you depressed. I find when I let God change my thinking to his will I disapoint him.
Oh Lord, many times i had yielded to fleshy desires. especially fonication & others i can’t even imagin i really did un-knowingly, ‘ve mercy on me in the name of christ JESUS my savior…Amen!
I am so sorry that I have been a disappointment to you. I cant forgive myself or trust anyone else except to keep my pain inside of me. Lord, I always confess to you and pray to you but I keep making the same mistakes. Lord I get so down on myself, I cant always come up for air because I keep beating myself up for anything thinking that when I do wrong or think wrong,you are going to get even. YoU are not that kind of God. Lord, you bless me everyday but I do not live like it. I live like I am so unworthy Lord and you tell us that we are not. Sometimes I notice the road that Satan is using rather the the one that you are building. I repent of all sin and lay my life at your footstool and in your hands because you are worthy. I praise your name. Blaze a new trail that I may follow and leave this trail behind. I am so bless with my family and wife and sometimes I do not know how abundantly you have blessed me. Thank you Lord.
am sorry for letting you down again. feel very bad. just so unnecessary. I know you forgive me, but just so ashamed.
Dang. Not sure what the deal is and why I can’t get over it.
SOn of God, Jeusus, Thank you for accepting and completeing God’s plan of salvation, I am not worthy.
I am so sorry for all my offenses against family, friends, poeple that trusted me and liked me and I let down…so many. I continue to break the 10 commandments and do things you dislike, when i was in my 20’s it would have been better to die, but I am still here, thank you. I do belive that You are more than our faults and make all things new Lord Jesus and this is what I ask. Let me receive a special blessing via Your spirit and make things new and remove the dirt the malice and show me the way to go next and tomorrow and until the last breath. I was invited to attend the seminary but now i am scared and dont want to, but if you want to then help me see and know this…THANK YOU.
juan carlos
Lord, take me from this pain, I know you have forgiven me for my sins, but help me forgive myself, I only want a life to serve you, but the evils and wiles of this world keep blocking my path. Help me to be rid of the tortures I face in this world, help me rise above it all. Please Lord, I only want a life for you. Forgive me for my weaknesses and grant me strength to continue. Amen.
God, forgive me for taking your name in vain tonight. Forgive me for causing my family pain when you have chosen me to be our rock. Please give me strength to continue to provide for them as you provide for me. Thanks for being my rock and my salvation even when I refuse to see it.
God, I am sorrry for everything that i have done. Please forgive me. I am just very crazy and i need u. you are my everything. i love you. please give me courage and confindence and self-confidence. i love you very much.
I am so sorry I keep failing you. You have never failed me, and this is how I repay you. I know all I can do is accept your grace and mercy, but I want you to be proud of me. Please break these chains. I love you, and I want to live like I do. Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.
God please bless me and i promise what i have done today i would never repate it ever again in my life
God please forgive me for the fornication and lusts!! I’m very sorry and need your mercy… Please don’t ever reject me I am truly sorry for my backsliddings! In your name I pray Jesus amen… Pray for me!
Dear God,
I am sorry for engaging in masterbation, lust, and online pornography. I am trying to bind these sins of the flesh. Oh Lord, help me stay strong in your word and to be obedient. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
“I’m sorry” are empty words from inside of me. I don’t even know who I am. I am so corrupted that I don’t even feel sorry anymore, but I wish I did. Why can’t there be pain that I can be suffering? I want to cry, but I cannot. I am tired of trying, and I’m giving up…carry me, Lord. Please wash my feet. Please continue to love me. Please “restore unto me the joy of my salvation and renew a right spirit within me.” Amen.
i m sorry god it will not happen i promise i m sorry
Dearest Almighty Father. Please forgive me for all that I have said and did not say. Please forgive me when I blamed you for all the things that have gone wrong in my life when they were actually all my fault. I dwell in self pity, always repeating the same old complains. I am so sorry for the times when I promised you that I will move on from my past but failed terribly by always taking few step back. I am sorry for the times when I got angry with you for not answering my prayers. Please Father, I beg you to please come into my heart and teach me to forgive others so that I can move on easily. Help me to remember the goodness of your blessings instead of remembering the ones that are not important and upset me. I am going through a painful divorce. Help me stay calm and have my mind fixed on you & Jesus. Help me to say good things about my husband no matter how angry I am with him. I want to change myself God! Please help me. In Jesus’ name I pray!
Lord, I am so sorry for:
every female I’ve ever made cry
every time I lied, stole or cheated
every time I’ve judged someone or made fun of them
bringing you sadness
taking the blood of your son Jesus for granted
falling into temptation and lust
not being the man of god I was born to be
letting my flesh out power your love
finding fault in your creation
taking the credit on achievements that you have given me
not helping those who need my help
Lord, I am so sorry for:
every female I’ve ever made cry
every time I lied, stole or cheated
every time I’ve judged someone or made fun of them
bringing you sadness
taking the blood of your son Jesus for granted
falling into temptation and lust
not being the man of god I was born to be
letting my flesh out power your love
finding fault in your creation
taking the credit on achievements that you have given me
not helping those who need my help
Lord I’m sorry,
*For putting my husband first before you.
*For neglecting to read and study your word.
*For not heeding to your voice.
*For blaming you of my failures and past pain.
*For indulging in my sin.
*For not helping others in need.
*For acting out in anger and hurting my love ones around me.
*For abusing my husband with my mouth.
*For being envious of others.
*For judging others instead of praying for them.
*For not loving my enemies.
*For finding fault in others for my mishaps.
*For neglecting my children.
*For taking Jesus for granted.
*For desiring the American dream instead of a Holy life.
*For lying and exaggerating just to fit in.
*For wanting to feel accepted from others instead of you.
*For engaging in masturbation and pornography.
*For indulging in self pity.
*For giving you empty promises of being committed.
*For not forgiving others and looking back at my past.
Lord, I pray that you will come back into my life and change my heart and desires so I can be in line with your will. Again, please forgive me of my sins and change me therefore I can please you and not bring shame into your kingdom. In your Son, Jesus name I pray, Amen.
God, I suck and I’m really sorry I’m not up to your standards.
I don’t even love you.
I want sex, drugs and the world to love me because I hate my life, life You have given me.
I am not worthy.
Please make me whole, for I am broken and hurting.
Please comfort me when I cry.
I have nothing to offer.
Thou knowest…
God,I`m so sorry for all the sin that I`ve done:)I repent.forgive me God! I love you so much.
Oh my God, please forgive me. I, who is of little faith, am begging for your forgiveness. I am sorry for not listening to you, I am sorry for blaming myself, for being selfish, and for being worrier. I know that everything happens to me right now is your plan, lead me Oh God as I put all my trust in you. Show me what’s your plan with me. Cast away all my worries. Day by day I am getting worse. You know my concern, Oh God. Please change me the way I think, the way I act, I way I speak. I love you, God! Help me to be stronger especially during this time of burdens in my present situation. Help me to trust you more.
God, I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done. I’m sorry for putting my own wants ahead of your kingdom. I’m sorry for trying to live a simple life my way. I’m sorry for all the porn, all the hate, all the lust, all the lies. I’m a very messed-up person, a functioning shell that’s dead inside. I’m sorry for hurting you, for squandering the second chance you bought on the cross. I don’t know why you care. But you do, more than I could ever know or understand. I can never rise to your standards, and I thank you for making sure I don’t have to. But I’m sorry for not even trying. Please help me. Show me what to do, and how to break the chains I have set on my life. Please spare my family and my future wife and children from the consequences of what I’ve done. Thank you for never failing me. I ask all these things in the name above every name, your holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
God i’m sorry for living a selfish life, for not giving you my best lord, i know i can do better. Lord i’m sorry for letting this world rule my life, for not putting you first in my life. Lord i’m tired of telling you that I will change my life and yet still continue to die in my sins.
Lord I pray that you won’t leave me, i pray that you will always be by my side. I can’t do this life without you, your are my strength in this world. I’m nothing without you lord. Please forgive me.
Thank you Father GOD for your mercy,thank you for your most precious gift to all of us your SON JESUS,thank you JESUS for your never ending love for us.JESUS i ask you again to please forgive me,i’em a sinner i deserve death but i’m asking you again JESUS to forgive me. Father you know everything about me you know all my weakness’ all my trashy thoughts ,FATHER you said when we are weak that we are strong.FATHER please make me strong help me to fight these demons. FATHER i thank you for helping me find a new church and i promiss Sunday i will be down at your alter asking for your forgiveness . FATHER i know that you have special plans for me and i really wish i knew what you want me to do for you, please show me FATHER GOD and make it clear for me and please don’t let me miss it.JESUS i love you so much and i’m so sorry for hurting you JESUS i could never pay you back for what you have done for me.FATHER i would like to pray for Pastor Doug who is in the hospital right now i pray that you are with him and i pray for a full recovery, thank you in JESUS mighty name amen.
Dear God
Forgive me for my hatred. You taught us to love, to forgive and to give. I am unable to do this. I am a vessel of anger, wanting my ways and full of pride. When things go wrong, I blame you for not helping me. When life and the workplace give me pain, I cursed and hated you. I said that if Satan can give me a better deal, I will follow the devil. So my love for you is fake, my relationship with you is transactional and conditional. I hate some of the people who backstab me and try to bring me down. I did not look to you. I only sank deeper, so deep that I cannot get out. In my life, I have lied, stolen, cheated and condemned. I can never change though at times, I did try for a while. Can I still be forgiven? Can I really leave behind this heavy sack of sin and rot and walk away free, glorified and a new creation? I have been a ‘new creation’ before. But I lapsed. Will you forgive me, again and yet again? Where can I find the answer?
God, I am sorry for taking credit for everything I did at my old job and not giving You the credit that you helped me.I could had never done that job with out Your help. And sorry for sexual immoral thoughts. I hate them and I want them to stop. And sorry for my pride, I have so much pride, I hate that too and I want to stop. And I am sorry because I at times compare myself to others or measure myself to others, that is wrong, Please help me with all of these things.
In Jesus Name Amen.
Thank you for your website.
Dear God, I’m sorry for giving in to the same old things over and over. I’ve had some dark times and I’ve learned many lessons. You have shown me the light and you didn’t give up on me, so please help me to do the same. My actions have hurt some and I never wanted to be that person, please cleanse me of my sins of my past. Please guide me with Your spirit lead me into the path to Your glory. Let your will be done in my life. Please help me urn for you.
I love you and in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Thank you again Father God for your grace and patents with me.Dear Lord Jesus I Love you so much.Please let me come to you before i give into lust,and sin i always run to you after i’m done instead of before i give into sin.Please take total control of my life because when i do it on my own i really make a mess of it.Thank you Lord for taking cigarete’s and drugs and booze out of my life but i’m having a really hard time with porn.I know its the last weakness that devil still has his claws still in me.Jesus please help me too say no when he puts thoughs and evil desirers in my mind. Lord i can’t do it alone i have tried and tried and tried i can only doit with your help thank you Father God and thank you lord Jesus for paying for my sin’s with your precious blood.Thank you Jesus you paid it all please Father don’t let me too ever forget that.I LOVE YOU FATHER GOD I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS I LOVE YOU HOLY SPIRIT.Amen
Jesus please take total control of my life,please help me i’m addicted to porn and i need your help,please HELP ME JESUS please i need your help. In the Mighty name of our Lord and Savior JESUS,Lord of Lords King of Kings I Love You Father please forgive me of my sins and wash me in the Blood and make me white as snow.Thank you Jesus(PLEASE HELP ME )i’m tired of hurting.I’m sorry Jesus please help me once again pick me up off the ground and dust me off and help me to start all over again, and thank you for your loving mercy in Jesus mighty name we pray. amen.
Jesus i’m so sorry for giving in once again,i’m a very sick man and i need your help so bad please Lord Jesus don’t give up on me.I hate that i’m addicted to porn i can’t stand myself sometimes, for being so weak i just give in so easy i hate it Father you have taking alot of trash out of my life drugs booze cigaretes but the devil is a lier. Father I Love You so much but yet i give into porn so easy i guess because i started when i was young Father please give me the will power to say no,And run to you instead.Thank you Father GOD and thank you LORD JESUS I need you in my life.Amen.
GOD i totally believe in you and your Son Jesus,and yet i still give into the flesh. Please help me Father i know i have to do the foot work first and when i say no to the devil thats when you really step in and help me find away to stay strong, to resist the devil and quit giving in to porn so easy its so easy to give in when it is just a click away.So i need your help every time i get on here. JESUS please forgive me, please help me, i know i can’t do it alone i need you.Father im reaching out to you again (HELP ME JESUS) Amen
God i’m sorry for what i had done please forgive me and give me another chance
God I am so sorry. It took my understanding of the existence of Lucifer to know you. He is real, and he is everywhere. He is more powerful in this world, but in the next…… he will fail. God I am so ashamed that it took fear to wake up. Fear will reveal God to any man. God protect me from these people I have come across. They tempt me with knowledge. I will not eat the apple God. I love you.
God, we are so sorry for being not humble towards your will. We didn’t know how to act like you. Please help us to be like you in a way towards our neighbor and keep holy. Help us to be
strong and let us have perseverance to pray every they for our trespasses gains you. Help us to keep our friend tight together and let us grow. Our Lord God, Help us to be a better person so that we can be deserving living with you in heaven internally. Help us to fulfill our dream in your way so that we can grow as a Christian. Lord he us not to sin gains you. We love you,we care for you and to everyone. I love you Lord.
dear jyoti,
i am feeling myself very guilty.When you were in great need of mine i remained with my parents.I pray to god to forgive me .and also give you and my child strength
Others know me as God fearing
You and I know that I am a hypocrit, a worst sinner
Others know me as free
You and I know that I am in bondage of sin
Others see a Christian in me
You and I know the evil within me
My life partner knows me as faithful and loving
You and I see lust, pornography and adulterly in me
I am sorry Lord
Please deliver me
Let me be what You want me to be
I am sorry Jesus
For through your name I ask
Dear Father GOD, I ask you again to please forgive me of my sins,i’m addicted to porn and i just keep giving into sin. Please Father forgive me i truely need your help because i can’t fight these’s demons alone.Jesus please help me. Because i feel like i’m dieing inside i don’t want to feel like this.Father God you have blessed me so much and i know that i let you down,I’m so sorry. I know what Paul feels like when he wrote Romans 7;19 When i want to do good,I don’t and when i try not to do wrong, I do it anyway.20 Now if I am doing what I don’t want to ,it is plain where the trouble is ; sin still has me in it’s evil grasp.Jesus thank you for what you did on the cross for me You paid my dedt,I’m sorry that i sin then come running to You,when i should be running toward You before i give in and that is another reason i’m so sorry. Thank You Father GOD for your grace.GOD I know that You have keep me around for Your perpose,but i wish that i know what it was please let me know.Thank You Father GOD for everything and thank you so much for giving us your Son Jesus, in His mighty name Amen.
Father forgive me. Before going to university I loved you and prayed to you and worshipped you daily. Thus is no longer the case, I have fallen short of the kingdom of God on all accounts. My mind has been filled with lustful thoughts and my self control lost with drink. I can’t live 2 lives like this and choose you. Help me to be a better person.
Dear Father,
I took Your Son’s sacrifice for granted. I sinned, even though I knew it was wrong. Still I wanted to go my own way. Over time, my thoughts have lead me to a dark place, bereft of your love and deeply apart from you. I cry out from the depths of a chasm so deep, that at times I know my place is in hell. I don’t want to think anymore but remain steadfast, not budging from faith and Your forgiveness. If I don’t repent, my place is in hell. My simple acceptance of Your Son in John 3:16 is not enough, I must repent as well. All the glory be to You. What a wicked sinner I am. I love you.
Dear God
Forgive me for i have sinned. I have been living with bad intentions and have not listened you and have had my heart closed all these years. And when you have given me a wake up call i have not listened and have seen it as depression but it was just you telling me to wake up and open my heart. I have dug a huge hole for myself and for my family. They continue to support me although i dont feel i deserve their support. They have given me so much and i have taken advantage of it and messed up again and again and now we all suffer. Lord take me away and punish me if you have to . My family does not deserve to go through this anymore. Its not fair on them. Do you want me back Lord. Why do i keep getting thoughts that you want me to end my life so that they do not have to suffer through this anymore. I am sorry God i am very sorry. Please guide all of us
i’m so sorry for all the times i’ve hurt you. I’m desperate now to feel accepted. My finals are tomorrow and i cant think im scared and alone. I have seen you work in my life this year. You have been amazing and faithful. I cant beat my addictions, i’m a failure, im a terrible son and i cant be good enough. I want to hear your voice and live with that peace and comfort you gave me in August.i love you and i know you love me with all your heart. i just wish i could be a better son. Thank you for loving, someone like me. give me rest.
I hope you will read this. From one sinner to another.
Repentance is necessary. Believe me if you feel you need to set yourself straight before coming to jesus. You cant. You are a sinner. With his love and grace he will change you from the inside out. 1 John 1:9 says he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins if we confess. The bible over and over says he is the God of love.
I havent worked out my life yet. I want to. I want to lean on God. I suggest you do the same.
GOd! Im So Very Very SORRY!!
Becuase Im Always Watching Porn And I Always Jerking Off!
I Promise God! I will Change My Life For you ! Your The Greatest , The Powerful , The King Of All Kings , God Im So ThankFul That Your Always Guiding me and Forgiving me! Im So Very Sorry God! I Promise! I will stop!
Lord I am sorry for being an embarrassment to the throne of grace. I was so unruly in the car this tonight God with my driving and my attitude because I got lost. That did not mean that I should have behaved the way I did and I am sorry. I am suppose to be on fasting this week and I am not doing well. I am so sorry. Please forgive me God in Jesus name. I’m sorry.
I am sorry for not being pure for these years and not following your word. please god, forgive me and all who have sinned! I’m sorry
God im sorry,
i cant believe that after a full year im still a porn addict.
this is sooo hard i feel like a pervert when im really not.
I know that as a child i was deprived from love and after i was raped by my best friend and only male role model i started equating sexual lust with love. but if i know it then why do i keep dping it. Lord st. agustine your servant said that he contunued to struggle with his lustful addiction in spite of all the philosphy and logic he had against it because of his lack of grace form you. if thats the case Lord then bless me abundantly with Your grace so i can be your true servant and no longer a slave of sin.
lord,im sorryfor my sexualimmorality i do things i know imnot supposed to and yet i still comeback letter pleading for your fogiveness because the truth is i actually need you and the idea that one day you will leave me forever keeps bugging my mind its very scary, i dont know what ill do sometimes i come back to you and i feel really strong bold and happy, but that only lasts for a short time then i go back to thesame old seen as before, and i feel rootten and worthless, lord i wish that i could see you i wish you could just take it all away, and forget that it ever happened, i feel so far from you, i cant tell any one. please i beg you dont go stay with me i will stand up and try again amen
god i am sorry
please forgive me for all the wrongs i did
please help me in passing this life peace fully
please give strength to my dad
I’m so sorry God….I need your love, please forgive me for my many sins, and give me a new life. I have so much hurt inside, i dont know what to do.. I pray that you give me comfort, and the strength to stand up. Amen.
God, I am sorry. So so sorry. Sorry for judging my family. Sorry for letting you down and breaking my promises. Sorry from all the dirt and filth that spews from my mind and the times I act upon them. Sorry for the way I have abused the body you have given me in ways that give the devil satisfaction rather than giving you glory. I want to hate myself. But I know you love me. So I will rebuke the devil and all his lies and temptations instead. A husband would never have taken me back as many times as you have. Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that my righteousness is in you. I pray that you will forgive me and allow me to love you more. I love you. I love you. I love you. I will glorify and exalt your holy name forever and ever. Thank you for taking me back. Amen.
God I am so sorry for masturbating because I know it is a sin but I feel that I am teen filled with harmones and lust and I have prayed many times that I can stop but it is very difficult for me. Please guide me through this lord
Oh God, please forgive me of the cheating that I have done and the people that I have hurt with my cheating. God help me to have self-confident in the things that I do. Have mercy on my mind and soul so that I may have peace. In the name of Jesus. I will never do it again. God please forgive! Please God!!!!
Lord I am Broken….. i have been ignoring your call and following my sinfull nature. all this has led to is a life full of empty porn, lonliness, depression and hurt. i am so sorry lord for the pain that i have caused you. you have given my such a amazing family and life and all i have done is spit in your face, all i want is to come back to your arms and be near to you again, i want to sit in you lap and call you my Abba; Father. i miss you so much and i am so sorry. i just pray for your forgiveness and mercy and i thank you lord so much for the love you have poured on me. i am done with this sinfull life lord give me the strength to follow you once more….
it’s true we do not force god
i will like to ask a favour from all the christians all over the world. PLEASE PRAY FOR GREECE. Greece is going through very difficult times. It is a greek christian orthodox country please pray to sweet jesus to help us overcome the difficulties. Thank you christians and our lord jesus.
Dear God, Where do I start? I’m so sorry for all my sins and please forgive me!!!! I have ruined my live because I did’nt turn to you sooner!!! I beg you GOD to turn my life around and give me some happiness in this life!!! Let me have some contentment and allow me to meet someone special!!! Let me become the man that you want me to become and to fill my heart with love and forgiveness!!! PLEASE let me get over my grief and let me accept my past mistakes!!!!!!!!! PLEASE reach down and pull me out of this dark hole and take away my low self esteem and give me more confidence and self respect!!! End this terriby loneliness that I’m feeling!!!!!! Dear God, I want to thank you for everything that you did for me!!!!! Thank you for me not having lung cancer or COPD!!! Please GOD answer all these peoples prayers on this posting and bless them!!! theres so much suffering out there!!! Please let me be accepted and liked by other people!! Love, ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please forgive me of my sins. Please bless those that have been affected negatively by my actions. Give me strength to overcome my weaknesses. My life is in disarray due to sin. My health is poor due to sin. We are nearing the coming of the antichrist and eventually the return of Your Son. If it be Your will, I would love to be a part of Your solution. Strengthen me please.
In Jesus’ name,
Dear lord jesus christ i am so sorry for being a failure in life i do not know what to do or where to get help im so frustrated and angry i have hurt my dog many times ,but i gave him up thinking it was the best thing to do i loved him very much & now i miss him & wonder if i have done the right thing. God i dont eat & have abused myself with drugs although i am on the mend sometimes i cant see a way out i have lost many friends to suicide i lost my gran who i loved so much i feel guilty for taking money of her when she was alive im so sick of the way i am i prey all the time for change,im scared to move on scared to let go leaving me stuck in the same sittuation repeating the same missrable life. lord give me a sign that you hear me let me make up for my wrongs as you are my only belife my only hope i prey that you can forgive me i am ill 7 i have not recived treatment maybe im bipolar definetly depressesed im suicidal sory sory sorry sorry
“He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I shall be His God, and He shall be My Son.” Rev. 21;7 ,Yopu are not alone just endure and were you fall short the atonemant will make up the measure. Iam.
dear GOD,
God, I know you have seen what I have Done. It is an unspeekable thing. Please forgive me. I know I am a host to another soul, but please, calm this other crazy ass soul down, or I may not make it to see you. I am really a good kid. Please help me find myself in the mist we call earth. Amen.
Lord God Almighty, I know you are the God of the universe. I am so sorry for the mis-steps and sins I have committed even after accepting your son as my Lord and savior. Lord I know you are patient. Lord, I sometimes don’t know what to do. I understand your sacrifice and yet I keep doing the things I know I ought not do. Dear Lord Father God I ask for your forgiveness…Lord I am truly sorry, I have nowhere else to turn. I realize now that through pride I have made myself out to be something I am not. Destroy the pride in me and give me true Godly humility. Please Lord, give me what I need to realize that I need you. Give me humility. Dear father God I turn to you as I know I am next to nothing. I ask for your forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my savior. Only you can mold me into the being in which you intended dear Father God. I ask this, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Dear God I’m Sorry. I hope that you will take notice of this I believe you are in each and every one of us. Its up to us to follow and allow you in our lives. Im sorry for turning my back on you and my friends. I even blamed you for my mistakes and pointed fingers to those who didnt deserve it. I lost you and by doing so I have lost myself. I cant go back to being who I was But I can accept you again in my life. I want to embrace you and give you a shot i know i’ve been very selfish but no longer. I think I understand why things have happened in my life so i want to thank you. Even though i dont have much i have you and a caring family. I’ll take more time to say thanks instead of only coming to complain and ask for things. I ask that you just stay patient with me and give me a chance. I do need guidence with getting the evils of my life out. Thank you again =) today is a new day a new beginning
Lord.i sit here in front of you..a sinner.i try and try to forget these sins which continue to haunt me.i try to heart is with you but i feel lost at times..i am ashamed when i sin.i need your help.i will always worship you and never forget all that i have learned from my parents about your holy name.i am sorry i continue to apologize and apologize yet i continue to me lord.for i am in need of your holy assistance.forgive me.
God, I am sorry for living the life I have lived. I have said many times before that I will change my ways, but this time I mean it. Amen.
God, I am very very sorry for sexual sin. I lost so much. Please forgive. I do want to kill myself because of all this. Please let me get back the opportuntines that I have lost and new ones too. It hurts to be alive right now.
We were born here knowing nothing. Some of us were taught right from wrong…some were not. I have such pain. I think most of us that live long enough have this pain. We have an understanding that we didn’t when we were young. We have all sinned. We are sorry for the wrongs we have done. I sometimes think that we are being led (by God)…we sin…we hate ourselves for it. Could it be that we are being taught how to BE better for our next life? I’m thinking religion (chuch) has become obsolete. It is all about us and our maker. My maker (I think) is leading me to give a little more…forgive a lot more…and love way more than I have been.
In The name of the father the son and the holy spirit Amen
god i am sorry for sinning a horrible sin i was doing things i was not supposed to. i will obey you all the time. humans slip up but we dont know better lord guide us through are last days there fore we dont have to suffer in hell i want to be in heaven and walk with you like adam help me to be sinless after i die god im sorry for sinning and being the same old person i need you god. thank you for everything your servant (me) loves you and will obey your will till the end of days.
Lord and father, I was devastated by infidelity. My wife who I love so dearly betrayed me and I asked you why was I in your mighty wrath. I hid my own infidelity tje whole time. I am no better. I said things to her friends amd ffamily that were not good. I should only say them about myself. I promose to make things right. I was a bad husband. I give you my word if I can have a second chance I will do it right this time… But I understand if I must suffer for bbeing such a callous fool. Please forgive me.
I’m a great sinner…. I do, what I do not want to do. And I don’t do what I wan’t to do. I’m a half hearted creature, that in times desires God, and finds pleasure in him, and shortly afterward is desiring the pleasures of the flesh, sexual and futile desires, that do not satisfy nor brings real joy.
I’m a great sinner….
Christ is a greater saviour. Do not apart from me, for I’m lost without you. Forgive me father, lift me up, so I might see your face, and delight in the riches of your grace. For in you is all I need. You are the bread of life. Amen.
God, I am so sorry, you know me inside and out and nothing is hidden in you. You know how much i have messed up with the blessings you have given me. Forgive me, for ignoring you heaps of times, cant count it anymore. I know you love me , take me back into your arms as i always slip away. Help me to trust you more and know you more, I am just so scared right now. I need you. I dont even know what to pray or say, forgive me God, forgive me, forgive me.
Lord have mercy on me a sinner. I continually choose to turn my eyes from you onto porn. Lord please please forgive me. I’m so sorry. I feel like im in the same place week after week. I know it hurts my relationship with you, my wife, my children, and church responsibilities. Lord I know your word says I’m free But i still walk like im in bondage. Please help me and set me free. I don’t want to live like this anymore. Please Lord cleanse me and make me whole. You know all of my hidden sins, the times I’ve looked at porn, the times I’ve gone to strip clubs, the times, ive had phone sex and online cyber sex, the times ive lied, been deceptive. Lord I’m a sinner please have mercy on me I wan ot change, change my heart please oh Lord, Lord you know it all. I confess all of my sins before you Lord and lay them at the foot of the cross. It’s my selfishness. my ungratefulness, my pride that keeps me thinking im in bondage. Lord help me to understand your grace because grace teaches me to say no to ungodliness. Lord please pleplae shower me with your grace, open my ind to understand and live out your perfect grace. Have mercy on me Lord. Set me mind free and let me walk in newness of life. Thank you Lord for your grace mecry and forgiveness. Repent me oh Lord, change me and make me whole again, retore in me a right spirit oh Lord renew new Lord Go almighty. I m open Lord, I open my heart and arms to you. Discipline me according to your loving kindness but whateer your will is Lord i accept, I just want o be more like you my life is in your hands Lord. Thank you God. in Jesus name amen.
Forgive me God for being weak, for not doing whats right.
i promise you, from now on, ill go harder on myself, and always abide to your will.
I am sorry god for everything I did wrong to blame you about failing exam but now I can pass my exam with good result I got 2 position cheers for god
Lord Jesus my eternal father… i am very sorry for all the wrong things i did it in my life. I understand sin hurts feelings, thinkings and everything.. i love you lord. You have given the privilage of being your son. thanks you so much for all your grace and patience so far.
My journey of learning, walking with you begins today. i will happily live with you forever.
i am sorry to god for not trying to keep my promise i made to you but i know that i can keep it by being far away from all bad things and i will do it cause i know you trust me i trust myself and i know who i am so for all these reasons i have to do and whatever i have to pay i can do and i will not let you dissapionted because i know that you have been forgiving me all through my life.I will keep my promise and i will prove to you that i have good in me.
My God, I first thank you for these posts. It’s comforting to know that I am not alone in sin; that I am not alone in this struggle. While I have no desire that others should sin, if they happen to do so anyway, I am glad that this good encouragement can come out of it. Thank you God for turning our failures into this good encouragement. Thank you for not keeping our sin in the dark, and bringing it to light.
My God, I have sinned more times than I can remember. I have been struggling with lust and masturbation for a while now; off and on for many years. I know that this is not my only fault, my God, but it is the foremost in my mind. I know that I deceive, that I envy, that I am lethargic, that I am apathetic. But God, I especially ask for help with my lustful sins. Please, please, forgive me.
My God, I have forgotten who I am. I am an individual; a conscious individual of your creation. I am an individual who will never cease to exist, and yet I die every time I sin. But you bring me back to life, God, in repentance and forgiveness.
My God, I pray that I would not forget your grace, that I would not forget the life which you never withhold from me, that you graciously give back to me every time I forsake it. Please God, no more. Stir up my mind. Do not allow me to be comfortable in my sin. Do not allow me to forget my individuality. Do not allow me to forget that I am an individual who exists before you, and who is responsible.
My God, I am responsible for my own actions! I am an individual with will! And what have I done with that will? I have killed myself, over and over. But you, oh my God, give me life each and every time I throw it away. My God, I am sorry for my repeated stupidity. Please God, no matter how many times I sin, no matter how many times, please continue to teach me how to love you.
My God, if only I could love you like you love me. How wonderful would that be? God, please teach me. I ask once more for forgiveness, and I ask that my repentance may be genuine. Please, my God, help me to never forget who I am. Help me to have the strength, courage, and will to persist. At each and every moment of my life God, may I never forget, how sorry I am, and how lovely you are.
I know that each and every moment I come to you in repentance, you were already there, my God, ready to forgive me. Thank you for your love. How I could ever turn away from this in sin I may never understand, but understanding that you do indeed love me is enough. Thank you for your son, my savior Jesus Christ. It is in His name that I pray, my God. It is in His name that I ask for forgiveness.
Because I am oh so sorry.
I am sorry .god… i am made mistakes in life.. please god forgive me one more time….
Sorry god , really sorry
I did that mistake once again which I promised to you not to do it in future,
If you listen
please forgive me , please …….
please help me to keep away from that …….
please help me god… i need to go forward in life but i can’t. i feel as im stuck and a burden for many. please help me. I am sinful and dead inside. please help me and my family.
God my Father I am so truly saddenned by the cynical untrusting person I’ve become I am sorry I stopped believing in your good plan for me because once you allowed me to betrayed by evil men. I am sorry I forgot the good that came out of that and out of those incidents. I am so sorry I grew a hard heart and lost my child like love and trust because the days are evil and my love has grown cold . I am sorry I forgot Romans 8:28 and im so sorry I forgot that your plans for me are for good and not evil to give me a future and a hope. I forget that your ways are higher than my ways and I failed to be like the righteous job who said though he slay me yet will I trust him. Though you babe not slain me but have blessed me miles above what I deserve. I turned the back of my heart to you and not the face and now that I see my evil untrusting self in the light of your gracious merciful divine splendor I repent in dust and ashes. Abba Father God of the universe King of the ages King of Israel which is preserved to this day by your faithfulness have mercy on me a sinner. Help me to know you as not only el elyon and hashem but as Jehovah jirah el shaddai and Jehovah tsidukenna
In the name of your holy Son Jesus whom I love for He first loved me
Dear God I am so sorry for ignoring your will and giving in to the shellfish desires of the flesh. God please forgive me and help me to do better.
God, I’m sorry for not listening to you and not listening to myself. I keep making the same mistake. Please forgive me and guide me in my life. I need you.
God I am sorry. I am truly sorry. God may you receive all that much more glory and may I know you that much more. So that sin is but a faint memory and I am consumed with you. I know I do not deserve it, but you do. Please forgive me. You deserve my best and all of me. Thank you for this place to confess that I struggle with pornography and that I want to be pure. Pray for me Lord and may I throw off all of this sin that so easily entangles and to run this race with endurance. With as much as I can muster…Your humble and needy son,
If you are the true god,please show me the path of light.I can’t behave like the way i am behaving right now.This is not what i am.I now confess my sins,that you would forgive it.
I am extremely sorry for the sins i have done.Give me the power so as i would not dare to do the sin i have done again.
I am nothing but a lame man in thy hands.I need your help,to sustain in this world.Give me thy help.I need to come out this world of guilt,pain,desire,lust,extreme vengeance,porn help me to over come these.Longing for thy help
I am sorry for all the promises i made to you, did not fulfill them and broke them again and again…
God I am sorry for all the things I have done and said. For calling you selfish. For not having faith in you. For everything that I have done and said for all the cruel things that I thought.
Thank you for giving me insights and thank you for having you around.
God I am sorry for all the things I have done and said. For calling you selfish. For not having faith in you. For everything that I have done and said for all the cruel things that I thought.
Thank you for giving me insights and thank you for having you around.
god, naan oru ponna love panni kiss n katti pidisen. antha ponnu enna unmaiya love pannuchu. but naan ippo antha ponna venam solliten. so sorry kavitha. i miss u da .
Dear God, I am sorry for what I have done, I promised you I would not do it any more, more times than imaginable, but today I officially say I will stop.
Please forgive me, I love you with all my heart and will never loose faith.
god im really sorry for seeing unnecessary videos in u tube pls forgive me anddo make me to see this again
Please guide me. I have made so many poor decisions that have affected so many in my life. I listen to man, and put one in particular before you. I lie. I exaggerate. I know that I do things that are displeasing to you. I want o grow in life, with my family, in love and in business. But, I am lazy ttired, judgemental and selfish.i truly want to change…please help me. Fix me. I want to have another child, but I want to fix me and my relationship with my first two children. Give me patience Lord. I need help.
Hi Heartbroken…
My name is ryan stewart, and I work at Adventures In Missions with Seth, and he’s asked me to respond to your comment on his behalf.
First off… I encourage you to not dwell on the past too much. While you can definitely learn from past mistakes and grow from them… you CANNOT change those mistakes and things you have done in the past. The only thing you have any control over is TODAY. And you may be surprised… while you don’t have complete control over your circumstances or what happens around you… you actually do have a lot of control over your own life! You have complete control over what choices and decisions you make everyday. and that can make a HUGE difference in your life.
My first question is: are you a believer? Are you a christian who truly follows after Christ and tries to be like him? Or no?
If you are… then remember that there is NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ! (Rom 8:1-2) I don’t know if you are, but don’t harbor guilt. It’s not healthy.
My next question is: Do you really want to change? I’m not meaning to inject doubt into you or the situation… and that may seem like a question with an obvious answer… but, I’d love to hear your answer to it. I know for me… sometimes I really want to change something or grow in a certain area of life… but I don’t put in enough effort or time to truly. So… I pray that God will totally give you the devotion and motivation and persistence to change the things that you desire to change. And on top of that… know that God hears your cry. He knows your heart and he will fill you up where you need it.
Ask the Lord too if there’s anyone that specifically need to ask forgiveness from… While you are already forgiven by God, being forgiven from people can also be quite liberating.
Mat 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Mat 7:8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
Look to him for your fulfillment and your answers and your solutions. He’ll give them to you 🙂
-ryan 🙂
please dear FATHER FORGIVE me for being so rebelous like ive been help to to stay save d
“The lord is my maker, my husband…” Isaiah 54:5
God I too have a list of many regrets that I want dropped before you, I dont want to hide these sins anymore, and I want to be free from them Lord.
I was born into blessing, a father and mother who loved you, a family who adored you, kids would pick on me at school because of you lord, and I hid you away, I was ashamed of you lord. If i knew then what I knew now, how important you are in my life, I would not have done so. How could I do that to you lord, and why are you still gracious to me now? The thought of this, brings tears to my eyes.
But it didnt stop there lord, In my teenage and young adult times, I rebelled against your ways and your word, I was deep in my sin, I too lord fell away from your home and into the world. I didnt care about you lord, I only cared to fulfill the flesh of this vessel my spirit and soul remain. I allowed the worlds greatness over yours lord. Why am I like this Lord? But you still cared and loved me Lord. The tears are rolling down my eyes.
I struggled to stay good lord, I still am, but this time, you are with me and I am with you for good lord. You never left me
Im so sorry LORD! For all the things that are not of you lord, for trying to hide my face from you, and for trying to run from you when you were only trying to love me and protect me. I am so sorry Lord. I will let go of the burdens that have kept me down all these years. Trust and have faith in you lord. Forgive me
Jesus I am sorry I was a fence splitter
Till I jumped to leadership, I had no idea.
You are and always there.
Lord, help me! please forgive me, the impact i’ve had on another persons life through my own mistakes
lord please forgive me! i need u so much right now! please jesus please
Lord, I am sorry for being trusted by friends and then breaking that trust. I have damage their good names and reputation by my actions. Please protect these people and bless them as much as possible. I have done them wrong and they should not suffer for my actions. Bless them and keep them safe, they are good people.
God, I m sorry to hurt you last time by saying that I hate you….u know my situation very well…and I always trust you like a blind girl but U broke my trust on that day….and again and again …..but i WANT TO SAY SORRY AND AGain WANT YOU TO HELP ME…i am sorry god pls help me….
Dear GOD,
I am very sorry, please forgive me. I have not lived your wills.
I suffered from sensual stress, slight noises will trigger my temper. For 3 years, I fight frequently with my upstairs neighbours who have young kids that run and jump in the unit. The impact noises causes much stress to me.
My complaint started with making awareness to the neighbours on their noises, following with series of complaint letters to the managment, escalation to police report and now legal.
Through these times, I completely lost myself. I am in combat mode that make communicating difficult with anyone. I shouted and screamed at the people living upstairs. Along the way, made many others neighbours upset. I am not sorry for the family living directly upsstairs but felt terribly sorry for the others living in the same building.
I have lost not only myself, I lost my focus following GOD’s teaching.
For the past 3 years, I have seen myself from going to church to trying to hide away from church. I am too ashame to go church. My mouth: the same mouth who curse my neighbours and drivers on the roads is the same mouth that I use to sing praise to GOD. I am disappointed with myself.
I wanted very much to be with GOD and for HIM to accept me but I am scared of not being loved as what I did were something that I found difficult to forgive myself. How would I expect GOD to forgive me?
GOD has been gracious to me, GOD has been kind. How could I do such a thing to break his heart, I shouldn’t but I did. I am very sorry for what I did. I go all way to get the get them to cut the noises, forgetting the existence of GOD, my beloved father. He must have shedding tears when he saw me in my combat mode. Sorry father, I truely am.
I love you Father.
kill me
God I’m so sorry for lying this morning in order to please my friend. I feel so ashamed and quilty. Please forgive me. I feel like the more I try to be good and please You, somehow I let you down in a crucial time.
god please help me i will do my best to be a better man
God I’m so sorry for stabbing you in the back yet again, I was so selfish at trying to satisfy my flesh with other things, I’m so ashamed Lord, I almost came through but fell because I thought I could do it by myself Lord I want You and You only in my life I’m so sorry forgive me for what I’ve done I’m dirty cleanse me please as I sit at your feet
In Your sons name,
God I’m So Sorry For Doing So Many Gay Things And Please Forgive Me For Being Imbearised About You Please Forgive Me Lord God And Direct Me To The Right Way In Jesus Name Amen
Lord,I am so sorry for not listening to your precious Holy Spirit when you were telling me I was marrying the wrong man even before I walked down the aisle. And even while he bankrupted me, verbally abused me and left me for another woman, you never once said to me “I told you so” when so many Christians turned their backs on me and treated me like an outcast for being a divorced single mother.
You are the best friend ever, and was always there to pick up the pieces of my life. You waited patiently while I worked through the unforgiveness and bitterness. You always believed in me, even those times when I don’t believe in myself. If only the world had people like you, it would be a wonderful place. I love you with all my heart. And I’m sorry for the times I haven’t been grateful. Thank you for being there for me.
Dear Jehovah God,
I am so sorry for being unfaithful in my marriage and jeopardizing my family along with my career and livelihood that I always felt so blessed to be doing. I continue to struggle- some days worse than others- with hypersexuality and feelings of worthlessness that I attempt to extinguish fruitlessly with unfulfilling thoughts of fleshly desires. I pray you will make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless and preserve me alive in your own way (Ps 119:37). Please bless my efforts, align my goals with your will and never let me lose sight again of what’s most important in life. Thank you for all you have provided me and taught me. I pray you fill my thoughts with your Holy Spirit and it leads to the path of righteousness you intended for me… I hope to share your word with all those I encounter through the remainder of my life and I become a man you and my family can be proud of; a man you will call your friend.
My holy father please forgive me for all my sins past and present. You have rescued me from certain destruction of my life. Even though i fall to my weaknesses every now and then i know i am in your sight always. I will never stop trying to find if but a small amount of favor in your eyes. I know you love me just as much as you love everyone no matter what we do. Thank you for the angel who came to me to deliver your message on 11-05-12 when i was in california. It has truly changed my life. MY LORD MY GOD MY HOLY FATHER THANK YOU. This prayer will help many of you who seek his help.
My holy father my lord my god
I will bless you forever. I will trust you forever
You have delivered me from all fear and set my feet upon your solid rock
I will not be moved. I will not be conquered or defeated.
You are my shield, you are my strength, you are my portion and deliverer.
You are my shelter and strong tower.
You are my very present help in time of need.
Thank you for giving your very best, your only son.
Please take away my selfish heart and replace it with a servants heart.
Blessed be your name for all eternity
Blessed be the name of your son jesus for all eternity.
My holy father my lord my god
That you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory
That your hand would be with me
That you would keep me from evil that i may not cause pain
In jesus name i pray. AMEN
This is the prayer i have said day and night for many years and continue to use.
It will help all who call upon his name.
Sorry god I didn’t keep my end of the promise I’ll make sure whatever I promise to you I’ll think about it and dicide but please god I need excellent gcse results I wanted and expected if I get it I’ll play more money than normal to you 😉
God, I’m so sorry I had expected people to treat me better, as if they owed me courtesy. LORD only You have ever extended courtesy beyond measure to me, a servant.
LORD I have been naive and have had my my ability to forgive sorely tested.
God, I had forgotten that I can only trust in You, not others, not myself, only You!
Forgive me my short sightedness and help me to show grace much more frequently than I currently have. I pray this in Jesus precious name, amen.
God, with an extremely heavy heart, I ask for your forgiveness. My life is in a sham, I know it’s because of the poor decisions I’ve made. Please forgive me for stealing, lying, gossiping, cheating, and adultery. Because of my past sins, my present is unbearable. I’m jobless, health is bad, can’t give my daughter the life she deserves. God, I’ve wronged you and others too many times. I’m sorry…I hope you forgive me.
God, thank you for allowing me to find this forum. It has given me the strength that I need to know that I am not alone. I have been fighting for so long to survive, to take care of my kids, to keep my job, to stay saint and alive. I wish I could find that right person to love me and that I could love in return without the fear, the uncertainty, the hurt.
That one person is you, thank you for your grace and mercy, keep me saved, sanctify me again God, create in me a clean heart and give me the strength that I need to tell these men no and look to u
I ask for your forgiveness for all the wrong I have done and the people I have hurt or owe them money, help them not to hate me but to find it in there heart to for give me.
Strengthen my weaknesses and bless me with a double portion of your love, its time, its time. Thank you in Jesus name.
God, I am sorry for my all sins. I come into agreement with all of these prayers, and I say AMEN. Please help me with all of what these prayers say, in Jesus name.
God,i know am the one who said sorry more than anyone else in this world….a small thing can bring big changes,a little lie can hurt anyone more ,likewise the sins i ve done may not be a bigger one but the pain it caused is bigger than 10 times the world and even more………and am sorry for hurting myself,others and especially my family,they don know whats happening with me but u do and i know u’ll forgive me like always and i pray to u to not give me an other chance to say sorry to u………
God am sorry for all the times i sinned against you and u still forgave me…i sinned ova and ova again and u still found favour and gave me wat i wanted…i commt d sin of masturbation but u still allow my family to grow…i lie and u still protect us…imagine in on ma grad dai u still didnt forsake mhe..ef uwanted u could av shamed mhe nd i wudnt av reecieved ny prize but u didnt…God and now am hear again cuz i commited d sin of d flesh..i dnt kia if it is half or full or ny1..all i knw is am sorry..i wont blame my sins on ny1..cuz itz ma fault nat deirz..i av d mouth to say no..and i alxo av d ryt….out of ma own foolishness ii agreed cuz ii felt etz love…God i knw u wont give me nytin that i cant handle but God plz dnt give mhe diz….i realli dont eant tew bring ny child into d wrld to suffer..i dnt knw where i’ll start from…plz God ..plzzzzzz….am realli sorry..i dnt even knw where to turn to…i dnt sorry lord m sorry..m sorry for all d tymz i missed behaved and all d tymz u tot i was perfect all d tymz i sinned nd still got angry at u wen u didnt give me all i asked for am sorry for bein ungrateful to u wen u gave mhe a good result..cus i wanted to pass..and b proud…but God am makin dis promise to u…..plzzzzz..lord plzzzz…ef u take dis borden frm mhe ii promise tew abstain frm all immoral activities…and alwaiz help d poor…n d less priviledge….in my society and wen i grow up i’ll establish a foundation in ur name….lord dis is my promise to you…father….i will fufill it plzzz…let dis cup pass me by….am sorry father am realli verry sorry….father plzz let mhe see my period dis month..father lord plss….nd direct me in the ryt part show mhe wat to do and wat not to do..teach me how to b mre faithful and how to me lord..plzzz help me…punish me in ur own way but wid a child plzz lord plzz… realli sorry am sorry..i dont want tew embarrass my parents and ma y family i dont want to kill myself plzzz lord help mhe help me…u sed in ur world for all av sinned and fallen short of d gloryof God ..lord av ova sinned..God ma sinz r too much….father i knw….i alwaiz feel vat am significant tew u..u alwaiz make mhe feel that way …..xo lord plzz let me not b pregnant give d child to sum1 dat deserves et…plzz lord help me …help mhe lord..father thank yhu cuz i knw u av ansad my prayerss..tank yhu for helpin me..tank u for helpin me…tank u for anseriin ma paryers and helpin mhe become a beta pesin……’ma vows to u i will fufill..oh lord…..i promise on dis dai..vat i will fufill ma vows to u….for lettin dis cup pass me by…..tank u lord …tank u jesus ….am grateful.for all u av done for mhe..tank yhu for doin dis for me and other mre fada i knw u will nat for sake mhe…..nomata wat ido..elshaddai..i love u tank u for d gift of a brand new dai tank yhu for allowin mhe tew see dis dai tank u for d life of my friends..forgive mhe for all d hearts af brokedn…guide and protect all does in my lyf…guide and protect all does in d world..father… all does who r sorri for wat dey av done frgive dem oh..lord for all deir sins forgiven dem oh fada….plss lord am sure dey r sorry..even tose who r nat sorry please forgive dem alxo…ma d lord show dem vat deir waiz r bad fada help dem realise vat u love dem guide dem tew d ryt part and let dem knw u love dem…as much as u av showen mhe u love mhe tank u jesus tank yhu lord…for all .Amen!.
Please forgive me for not trusting in you more and letting myself get overwhelmed with my daily life. Lord, I just feel that I have made such a huge mess of my life. I just feel that I have wasted so many opportunities and still, at the age of 44, I am just drifting along with no real purpose or calling. My relationship with the love of my life in tatters.
Everything I touch seems to be sullied by me and destined for failure, like it has been touched by the kiss of death. My life has contained so much sorrow and fear and sin. And just when I think things can’t get more wretched, they do. My health is suffering so much from injuries I have sustained, just switching the light off to end my pain seems preferable to enduring more years of the same. I cannot cope with the thought that my struggle through life in this way has to continue for another 30 years or so. My brain rejects it and cannot comprehend that this is what you have planned for me. I am not prospering……I am dragging myself through each day, wishing it would all end.
Father, I have lost count of the number of times I have asked for you to come into my life to help lead me onto straighter pathways. I have surrendered myself to you and your will, hoping that you will reveal your plans for my life and still I don’t see your face, only my own tears as I lose a little more control over my body or sustain yet another injury, time and time again. I am so weary, I can barely get up sometimes. Father, I thank you for your unfailing love. I pray that your love will create a miracle in me. I need direction, I need a purpose. I need to be able to exercise again…it is my life’s blood. I am so lonely, having withdrawn from friends and from upsetting people that have then left my life for good. I long for true love to find me. I thought I had found it until my failing health lead to it all falling apart. I find it so hard to forgive myself for things I have done wrong and they haunt my memory so chillingly. I try to tell myself that you would not permanently remove things from my life which are meant to be part of my inheritance, to justify the loss of things dear to me, but it doesn’t take the pain of that loss away and my tears still flow over and over.
Lord, please hear my prayer. Help me to turn my life around. I cannot get much lower. Save me from the pit of despair that I am slipping into and fear that I will never get out of. Forgive me for my sin of unbelief – my burdens are heavy and though I try to cast them upon you, they just get heavier.
God I am very sorry because a girl cried because of me tody. I am very sorry God. Please Forgive Me. She has no parents and is a divorcee. I am sorry god, please i promise that from today i will not be a back biting person. I am sorry god, I am sorry.
please forgive me.please
Very Very Sorry GOD for my bad habits to myself, plz prevent me from this bad habite
god i am sorry breaking all the promises i made i am really for my sins i committed sorry for being rude to my parents i am sorry please forgive me for the sins i have committed maybe its forgivable but please do and now i wont promise but will say that i will never hurt anyone or break promises made to you … i don’t no how to say heartily but i do say am from the bottom of my heart I AMM REALLY SORRRY 🙁 🙂
GOD, i am so sorry for not completely submitting myself to YOU, for never quite letting go of a desire to live in the secular world. I try to rely on my own understanding of the world, but I always seem to come back to the realization that I am powerless without YOU. I’m sorry for the way that I’ve treated people; Ive not come close to showing the same love for others that YOU show for me. Ive been callous and selfish towards everyone,especially those who care about me. Too often, I look for ways to guiltlessly sidestep YOUR commandments in favor my own human interests. Im sorry for taking YOUR grace for granted. After reading some of the posts on here, I realize that Ive been entirely too selfish. There are people in this world going through real situations and I whine and complain about frivolous things. LORD, Im sorry for my sins; I really am. I ask for forgiveness and that you reveal yourself to me. I pray that you grant me the courage to abandon my human understanding completely submerge myself in YOUR will. Amen.
Lord, I’ve fallen into the same hole over and over again and you keep helping me out of it only for me to jump right back in….I’m so very sorry father for sinning against you and feeding my selfish desires repeatedly. I want to give my life to you and live the way you intended me to. Forgive me fleshly desires lord, I’m so sorry for ignoring your call and voice which I hear clearly. Lord please don’t forsake me…I love you and thank you for giving your only son. Forgive me father and help me to make the right choices and to have a better understanding of your calling in my life. Amen
I would just like to say “Amen” to Joey’s prayer. I’d always dream of living a life in accordance to God’s commandments and will but as a mere human as I am, I always fall short. I’m sick of myself. Falling on the same sin, time and time again, and crying at Your feet Lord for the same sin again. Like it’s a cycle. It never ends. Always the same routine. Please break the cycle, Lord. Take hold of my heart, my mind, everything. Lead me. Where You always want me to go, lead me to go there, Father. I don’t want this world, Lord, I want You. I’m sorry. And please do change me, I can’t go on like this forever. Show me the way. Not my will but Yours always be done, Father. Help us all. I know I am not alone who are caught in this cycle. Help us. Thank You for everything. You are my source of strength and courage. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know I have disappointed you again. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lord, please forgive me for all my sins, for lying to people just to save myself, for keeping things secret from my husband. Pls Lord I want to get out of this huge mess I created. Im feeling very helpless. I don’t know what to do. Please do not leave me alone. I cry for help. Please save me! I love my family and I don’t want them to suffer because of my stupidity and selfishness. Please give me a chance. Please help me! Thank you and I love you Lord! In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Lord God I am oh so very sorry or everything Ive done and will do! I know that you are looking down on me and protecting me. Therefore I know that I should worship you with all my might. God you are awesome and I want to spread your greatness. God if you could forgive me right now for all my sins and cast them away and allow me to start new and fresh. your will be done God. lord I need your guidance and your blessings! I will fulfill your purpose and make you proud. Jesus I love you worship you praise you forever and ever in jesus Christ name I pray Amen.
My Lord God,my Father I have failed you miserably, I hurt people especially these beautiful ladies You have put in front of me throughout my whole life. I hurt so much for these children of Yours and I don’t know what to do.You have sent me messages (signs) to be careful, and with my own selfishness from loneliness and lack of companionship for now 20 years I see how much hurt I have created and I beg of You to please forgive me and bless each and everyone of these ladies with good Christian men as I pray for my children also to meet God fearing companions. Lord I feel like I don’t deserve to call you Father,or Friend and I want to so much. I am sorry for hurting Nicolle, Rhonda, Charlene, Florette, And Lynn,with these ladies I ask you to bless them,guide them and protect them as I pray for my children Chantelle, Amanda, and Kyle also. Right now Father can you be with Lynn and my children,give them extra care and comfort,for I know their all hurting and with Lynn heal her heart. I ask You Father to give me clear direction and use my gifts for your purpose. If its in your will and if I deserve it I ask you also to bless me with a beautiful God fearing wife. I pray this in the Lords precious name Jesus Christ Amen.
I am born Christian.
I am so desperate and dejected that I don’t have any hope.
I just wrote on the Google Search , ( Jesus help me I don’t know what should I do ).
And first address your occur in the result.
Because I have SIN, All the Blessing is gone from me and my family, all friends are gone, Source of income is gone.
Because of my SINS, My family is Hungry,I cannot even feed my Children Properly.
From Many years I don’t have any proper regular source of income, that’s why I cannot take care of my responsibility.
Now from many month I don’t have any money , we are family of 7 members, we did not had proper meal from many months.
Besides Food, all other expenses are not paid, like School Fee of my 5 Children, House rent ETC.
Please pray for me , that Jesus forgive my Sins and provide me regular source of income.
I Pray to you and Almighty Jesus Christ!
i am really very very sorry ,god please forgive me , i try not to do it , but just can’t control myself , lead me the direction , i need your help, you gave me so many chances but still i did not change ,, i am really very sorry , please forgive me and teach me new ways and new direction to overcome my fault… please don’t punish me ! i love you
I let just a glimmer of lust entrude and enter my mind and,against my better judgment and intended will; gave in to a short , but truly dangerous temptation of the flesh. Momentarily and short lived, but enough nudity, etc. to be of evil origin snd clearly wrong and weak; especially when married and had sworn off such acts, which easily could have tempted me much more. I thank God He had me quit then, and go no further, And I pray for his forgiveness for my allowing a personal breakdown of morality with an amount of personal self deception as well. I pray to the Lord. Amen.
I am sorry Lord i am such a sinner! I like to have it my own way and not listen to you! I get angry, jealous, decietful. somtimes i feel like you would never forgive a person like me. 🙁 tears I am evil in your heart. i am a pure sinner of pride and lust in my heart. I boast of my own works, but not the works of you alone! i am underserving of your mercy! I dont know when i will stop sinning in my heart and soul! I love you with all my heart!!
Hey Lord. I am sorry. I am sorry for messing up big time. I am sorry that I keep sinning and every time I think about doing it, i know its wrong, but I do it anyway. Lord I don’t wanna be like this. I want to change, Lord. Please forgive me. Please help me. I feel so alone in this world. So empty. I need You, Lord. I need You, so much. Help me, please. Help me, please. I’ll understand if You don’t wanna help me, cause I am the author of my own mistakes, failures and this big mess I’m in. Please HELP ME LORD!!! I know I am nothing and not worthy of You, but Father you helped Saulus and made him Paulus. You helped Jacob and made him Israel.
Just touched this wretched human being, that deserves nothing of Yours. Please, Please, Please, Please, Please.
Dear God,
I apologizes for the sins I committed, and especially the one I keep committing. I’m sorry for ignoring you every time you talk to me, every time you tried to warn me but I didn’t not listen. Father, Please make me a better son and help me go out of this phase as quickly. I do not want my sins to affect any of my family and friends. I’m sorry for every person I hurt. God forgive me.
noTin,,, is,,,,, moR….biTTer,,,,,
notiN is moRe,,,,shiT,,,
noTin feelzZ,,,, lykkK hell;
notIn fellz…. sooooo alone….sooo weakKK;
notin feelzzZ soo lefTovr………………….;
wen D onlY onE…. whO trusTed you….
d only…..oNe….who…. fought FoR u….;
who loVeD..u………cared fr ya,,,,,
is angRy… wiT ya….nT talkIn 2 yA….;
anD is greiveDD wit yA…..;;;
FR…. Nt CArIN,,,,Fr D LORd DAt LOVd Me D MoSTT….;
fr liVIn in mA owN littLe wrLd…
loRd…….forgiVe,,, mE….nD hoLd me tighT…..;
m SORRYY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I apologizes for the sins I committed, and especially the one I keep committing. I’m sorry for ignoring you every time you talk to me, every time you tried to warn me but I didn’t not listen. Father, Please make me a better son and help me go out of this phase as quickly. I do not want my sins to affect any of my family and friends. I’m sorry for every person I hurt. God forgive me.
i know that i ‘ve done something very wrong & intolerable
repeatedly ,without caring your presence.I ‘m very much sure that u r not going to forgive me this time ,coz i ‘ve disobeyed u ,despite knowing the consiquences .I think that i am wasting the liberty of being a human . U know about my condition ,for which i ‘m suffering through this disorder
iz n’t there any solution to this issue ,pl i want get rid of this & sometimes i was almost far away from this ,i ‘m seeking your help plz help me before my decline comes near
i ‘m sorry GOD
I Am so sorry god…i don’t know why am i so addicted to a nasty stupid thing….pls do not punish me….i will change myself! i wanna be good!!pls change me god!! i beg u!!! give your blessngs god!!!
Dear God, I love you my father and am asking you for forgiveness Lord.You havee been so faithful to me but i have been unfaithful to you.I regret for not listening to you and now am paying for my mistakes.Lor d all i want want is just you to forgive me, i have hurt others and now am crying for what i have done.Lord am not perfect but i would never want to hurt others anymore in my life.
I’m sorry for being so incredibly weak – I know where to look, yet I turn away; I know who to call, yet I call on others; I know the right path, yet I constantly choose to take another. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me and have mercy on me – without you, I am nothing. Despite my unfaithfulness, I believe with all my heart. I love you.
God I’m Sorry For always being Selfish. im Sorry for knowing Your Word and still doing things my own way. I’m sorry for getting Angry at You when i think you’re not there or listening. I’m Sorry for doing the same things over and over again that i know is not right. God Im so sorry. Please help and Forgive me.
God, I am truly sorry for doing the same thing over and over and over again. In my heart, I want to be right. I want to live a life you would be proud of. I’m tired of breaking my promises and doing what I want to do when I want to do it. Thank you for being so patient with me. I know I don’t deserve to be loved the way you love me, but I am so grateful. Without you, I am lost. I love you.
oh lord….im sorry for what i did before 2 hours ….sorry god…i have misused the net……i am sorry for it…lord!give me a strong hold in my heard that i should do this mischeive again in my life unwantedly…..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gggggoooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sssssssoooooorrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy………..i luv yu lord……….im sorry im sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry……………
Father God
I would like to say sorry for the same mistake i am committing.
I don’t want to do , so i pray for forgiveness from you.
And i hope that you can forgive me in every way .
I ask for repentance and i hope you will be with me for years to come and help me not to commit the same thing.
Lord i hope that you can be with me and be my best friend.
Once again i am very deeply sorry.
I truly love you Lord
Yours lovingly
P.S I hope you my fellow people’s prayer as well as mine
You know that we don’t do it on purpose xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx recuring
God I am truly sorry for my sins, I want to receive atonement for my sins, but it is very difficult for me to confess my sins. I try to be like you everyday. I have an unnatural desire which drives me to sin, God please forgive me for I have sinned. I wish that I may repent through this and may you always continue to protect others and help those in need, Oh heavenly Father, please forgive me and I pray that I may never go back to my sinful ways. I ask this through Christ our Lord forever and ever Amen.
Lord please forgive me from pulling away from you and giving myself so willingly to porn and resentment.Please help me to be stronger.I love you more then anything, I have become so bitter and weak so fast please help me battle satan.
Dear Father,
I have made many relational mistakes, and I am so deeply sorry for all of them. I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused and the pride and arrogance of my ways. Thank you for making me see the errors of my ways. Please help me and strengthen me. Please heal and help those I have hurt and upset and please allow them to forgive me. Please heal me and make me strong. Please give me another chance.
Dear God
Please forgive all of us on these posts above .
We all seem to believe we are chief amount
Sinners .heavenly father will you show mercy
And grace on us and forgive us and heal those
We have hurt and those who have hurt us?.
In the name of Jesus Amen
God, I love you. I thank you for all you’ve done. But God when you are ever faithful to me, i’m not faithful to you. I don’t obey you. Sometimes I feel like you’re not enough for me because other things seem to mske me happy for awhile. I don’t want to feel like you are not enough because I know within my heart that you are more than enough. You are my everything and I can’t live a day without you. But God I fail all the time, I know you forgive me and I know you still love me and I know that you have mercy on me, but why God after everything? Why do you keep forgiving me? Maybe thats why its so hard… because you make it so easy to take you for granted and even when we do that you forgive us. God you’re amazing and I don’t deserve your love but you gave it to me. God, i’m sorry for all the times i’ve failed you. I’m sorry for feeling you aren’t enough and like other things make me happier than you, because Lord they don’t. You are the only one that can satisfy me the way that i need to be Lord. I’m sorry I can’t get over my past, I want to let go… God I want to love YOU more than anything and anyone, help me to give my whole heart to you.. not leaving anything out. I don’t want my life because when i have it i make a mess out of it, but God when you have it, it becomes abundant life.. God i’ve sinned over and over and over and even when I hear you tell me not to. I do the wrong thing all the time and I know its because I try to fix it on my own and because i feel like an addict. I feel like i’m addicted to my sins, HELP ME God! PLEASE I NEED YOU. I’m crying out to you, please help me. I want to be better for you. I want to live for you and serve you. I’m tired of repeating this pattern but i feel like i don’t have control over my own body anymore like i dont sin but the thing within me sins. God i need help. Forgive me and show me and guide me PLEASE. I need you! I need you! I need YOU, Let me have you.
Lord, I am very shy to ask forgiveness bcz I am repeatedly committing the same sin again and again, lord I don’t know when I will overcome this …. Please give me strength. I can’t bare this guiltiness. Lord please don’t go way from me I can’t bare this for single minute please god come near to me who else in the world cares me lord.
Lord if you are away from me where else i can go lord better to die instead of living without you lord please come to me.. I will not hurt you again… fill my heart with your presence. give me strength to live like holy as you are.
Lord I am still doubting , will you forgive me this time? please god help me to resist from this… and come into my heart. lord I am alone now I can’t go anywhere you are the one my comforter my caretaker forgive me about my past sins. I am promising you i won’t do this again here, help me to get away from this sin every time everywhere. please come abd be with me lord . I am so sorry,,,, I am so sorry I am repeatedly hurting you lord I am so sorry,please Don’t punish me , I will come leave this give me your strength help me to overcome …I can’t do this without your strength
please forgive please guard my thoughts, my eyes.
plse come to my hear I am waiting for you lord…. I can’t go anywhere no one was there to give shoulder lord please come …..
He builds the upper rooms of his palace in heaven
and sets its foundation supports on the earth.
He summons the water of the sea
and pours it out on the earth’s surface.
The LORD is his name (Amos 9:6).
iraivaa, naan seidhadhu miga periya paavam. seibavanum nee, seiya vaipavanum nee. indha adiyenai mannithu yetrukkol aandavaa. ennai kaathu ratchikum kali yuga kaavalane, ennai mannithu un thiru paadhangalil yetrukol. ini marumurai, idhu pondra thavarugalai seiyamal, ennal mudindha varai katupadaga irupen. adharku endrum unnudaya anbum, aadharavum, udhaviyum, karunayum, paarvayum thevai.
Dear lord, father,the light ,grace love please forgive me for all my wrongs please forgive me for everything ive ever done wrong in your eyes or mine, please forgive me for any wrong desions ive made that has hurt myself or others , please forgive me for not being tru at heart all the time please forgive me for not waking up earlyer, i repent from all my sins and will try never sin again all for you God, no my heart is tru and im sorry, kno i just want your forgiveness and to one day be reunited i love you God and the love will never fade , Amen
I am so sorry God, for getting distracted by the little pleasures that I am so ungrateful for and allowing my obsessions interfere with my life! Please forgive me.
Father please forgive me for not believing that you have haven’t me the power to over come my sin your grace is all I need. Forgive me for not doing all I can to futher you kingdom you have given me all the power to do so. Forgive me for not being the person you would have me be you have given me the power to be that person. Thank you for your love and mercy.
Father I ask/beg for your forgiveness. Today I cursed your name. I can’t go on without your presence. Help me Lord, wretched man I am. Keep me from the darkness that threatens to swallow me.
I am sorry god. Simple to say and so difficult to show
I have sinned and if I could go back in time I would make things right. But, we know that is impossible. I have asked God for forgiveness and guidance from here on. I have also asked Him for a miracle (I believe miracles still happen). Some how, I feel as if the Lord does not want me. Are my sins so great that I can not be forgiven and healed or is it I am not praying the right way. What is the right way anyways? My heart has changed, I no longer wish to sin or participate in anything that might be not graceful to God. The world and its riches are not of interest to me. I run into people who are rude all the time and I see myself, the way I was. The Lord has a plan for me, and that plan can not be changed. My faith tells me that He can heal me in an instant with just one word, but here I am still sick after 3 months. I am going to go now and pray some more, I can not give up now…I can never give up praying or believing. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, forever and ever, Amen!!!
god my jesus..i am sorry ..i have sinned..god i was in fight with my friend and in that fight i involved the holy bible..m srry..i know i was wrong..please god forgive me..i will not do it again..i respect the holy bible and i repent in front of you my jesus.. 🙁
pleaaaaaseeee forgive me..hope you are listening and blessing me my god..
God, im so sorry for what i have done please help me to stop do it and become a new man ” the old has past away, behold the new is come. Help me to get closer to you and help me to make a difference for your glory. Thank you for being there
Lord, i am so sorry for realizing what is true and right and still end up giving in to my lustful selfish desires. I am so so sorry, you did everything you could to show me the way and i still ignore you at times. Father please forgive me and help me to not go down the wrong path
hey im jacklyn i am 12 years old yes ,yes i no but i am master bating often how to stop plese help me the devil is tryin to attack me at a young age HELP ME SO HE WONT DO THAT HELP !!!
God i am so sorry. I have never been able to be sorry all the times i have said i was. But i know your moving within my heart to show me patince and peace and ignore your call. In the eyes of everyone here or reading this that they be a witness of my conffestion to u lord. I have lied, cheated, disobade, lusted, a sloth, a glutany, a fornactor, have made fualse accusation, faulse identaty, walking away from family, not hrlping the needy, hating my parents, blaming others and not myself, sorry for not liserning, cursing, unforgiving. I cant think of all of them Lord but forgive me of everything i have done. Forgive me for casting u aside, for not praying and going for all my selfidh disires. I lost the meaning to live like u…but i want it back…i want u to cover the distance between u and me. I want a wife that loves me as u love me God. IM SO SO SORRY…my heart is filled with unhappyness im lost so very lost. Help me forgive others help me forgive my mum and dad help me have a better relastionship with u God. Help me reap fruit for u and for others. Help me remove this plank in my eyes. Help me to be a better man then i am. I thank u God my Father my creator for firgiving me and all these others that want u as i need u. Thank u Jesus for everything u have done. Your knowlage is greater and your wisdom wiser then i can imagine. I love God and i hope u know i want to change for u :”). Your my God and i want u to be proud of me :”). I will fall but ill keep fighting for in my weakness you are strong Lord u are strong :). Forgive me in Jesus name AMEN!!.
Lord Jesus I come to you asking you to forgive me, i pray you take from me everything that is not of you, I ask in Jesus name you keep my eyes my mind and my heart from lust, Jesus keep me strong I’m sorry you know all I want is you Lord.
Oh Lord please forgive me for I always fantasize about commiting adultery with the women I know in my life , I know it is wrong please guide me back to the right track , all I want is to be forgiven , please forgive me oh Lord
Dear God, I try hard to be the man you want me to be. I’m working so hard, but there are times I feel so alone and away from you. I struggle with Porn, and sexual desire. I’ve made promises I have not kept and you have always been there for me watching out for me. Father I’m selfish and I’m so sorry for my sins and actions. I love you so much and I am so sorry. Dear God I know you led me to this site to see I’m not the only one that struggles with my addictions. Father thank you!! I always said I can’t ever make a promise in case I don’t keep it and I did with you and broke my promise. I’m sorry Dear God. Im shameful and heartbroken. Please Dear God help me to be the man you wan’t me to be. Please God forgive me and help me walk in your light again. Tommorrow is a new day Lord please don’t leave me like I left you. I LOVE YOU GOD. Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Father please forgive my actions. I LOVE YOU
if anyone who feels guilt and shame for things done in past and present, that has a heart that wants to turn and feel gods grace and forgiveness reads this, please pray for me that i would experiance true forgiveness.
because you know the pain of being away from the father, the regrets.
thank you for reading this comment.
god has good unto us and not evil, may you and i find that goodness before its to late.
god bless you; 1 john 2:1-3
Whatever you have done, you are right, people don’t forget. We love to cast the stones, but remember the ones that are in shame or pain are the first one JESUS saves. As a believer you will be saved. Now is the time to hold your head up high. As you walk to your “valleys of the shadows of death” you will get through if you personify your faith. Let everyone see you are a born again Christian. Some will still talk but others will eventually notice the change. I pray that you find your comfort in GOD. I know you will.
GOD, I thank you for always being there for me. I have struggled for 17 years to keep my promises and time and time again I broken those promises. Throughout that time I could feel that you never turned your back on me and that there was still some connection pulling me back to you. Glory be to GOD, that sends his SON to die for our sins so that we may have Everlasting Life. Thank you GOD.
JESUS I feel that I squandered your sacrifice every time I allow my addictions to pornography take control again. I am sorry. It is so hard to say sorry when I keep doing the same thing over but I pray that you will forgive me and again help me to find the strength to stop and follow you.
I confess to you LORD that I need your help to turn from my wicked ways and follow you. I am sorry I continuously falter.
In my heart, I know that one day I will be able to follow you. I pray today is that day.
I also pray for everyone who has come to this site and will come to this site to find your healing. To know they are not alone in their struggles. To have your strength to turn away from their sins. Please help all of us. In JESUS name I pray. Amen.
God I’am so sorry for all that I’ve tone ; most of for not trusting in u when I SIn its u that see it time and time again please lord forgive me wash all my sins away , throw all into the sea of fagetfullness I
I lay down everything before u today thank u lord
Im sory god bec, i heart my love & she is so angry on me but got i only dnt wnt my luv i wnt my whole family my happy family pls god tel my luv that im dng all tais 2 keep our family happy……pls god sory
I am sorry God, you have given me so much… Please never take anything away from us. Please forgive me.
I am sorry God , I had left to see that forever ..but yesterday I don’t why but I again saw… I am very sorry God.. I will must not do it again.. Please forgive me God without punishing this time…. :(:(
I know I am not perfect, God does too. I’ve done wrong and I hope you forgive Father from on high.
Sorry God, forgive me Lord.
I am sorry for everything that i have done in my life i am a selfish person and i find it hard to stop making te same mistakes e very single time i don’t know how to stop myself i wish i could have a happy life, you have blessed me but i have let many of those blessings go because i have been so weak if so many people didn’t depend on me i would probably take my life or try to because you know i am a coward i love you lord and i don’t know what to do help me please take away the hurt please bring peace to our home father change me change ceci help us move forward help us do things right help her love my mom and help my mom love her help us all help her cousin my friend get his stuff together with his wife and life and kick his habits that destroy his relationship sins do the same for me,i do not want to fail please bless me so i can glorify your name bring my family together lord
I love you lord thank you for loving me and i am sorry for making the same mistakes day in and day out, thank you for your unending grace and love praise and glory be to God in Jesus name amen!!!!
Father God i ask you to bless my mom with an the apartment she wants so she can be happy i hope we can all bee happy hear in my home i pay you give us Peace and prosperity and bless us with the holyspirit thank you lord in Jesus name amen
Father God i am sorry for all that i do i love you with all my heart and ask that you help me in my relationship , cleanse her heart and help her love me again and help me be strong and be your strong servant and to become a God man and father and son .God i need your help i cannot do it on my own father i love you and praise you father God in Jesus name amen.
Oh God, I am sorry for my weakened heart and soul. I have walked with you since I was young, following in your footsteps with every waking effort. I have stepped over so many hurtles – understanding they were there to strengthen me, and for years they have. Now I am older, living all my years in a mortal loneliness, doing what I was told; doing your work. Now I am alone and bitter. I followed you. Where are you taking me? I am tiered, unhappy and lonely, and have little energy to move on. Help me…
Dear God, I am sorry I have said F you a thousand times, waking up in the middle of the night screaming F you, since I was a teen screaming F you and pointing the fig at you. I know you have abandoned me ever since as a result and never expect you to forgive me. I know I am doomed and will never find happiness or success in life, I just want to say I’m sorry anyway. It’s just so effing hard for me because you never show your face, never respond to any of my prayers ever, just continually punish and torment me year after year, this anonymous, no-face punisher who sadistically keeps lashing me year after year without relief.
My heart hurts for the pain you’ve endured and the hard times in your life. I can’t even imagine it all. I have gone through so much pain. I didn’t even know what I was doing and that the choices I was making were going to bring me pain. But I want to tell you that Jesus is familiar with pain, He’s familiar with suffering. He endured the lashes and He did it so that you would have freedom. He did all that because He loves you so much. You are not abandoned. You are loved. You are not doomed, but instead you’re forgiven and you can have hope again. God does not delight in punishment, so much so that Jesus took it upon Himself to spare us. By no means is life in Christ ‘easy,’ and in many ways, it’s harder. It’s harder because we realize that the things that are seen are temporary and we must train our eyes toward the eternal. I hope that you find strength and encouragement in reading about the hardships of people in the Bible, especially Jesus. He suffered, but conquered death. He did it for you, for all of us, so that we too may rise from our ashes, from our graves, from our grieving, and into new life and hope and eternity.
Praying for big changes in your life and big blessings.
i lu v u cus u died fr me and i will never go back
Forgive me Jesus, even after beginning to understand what
you did, and why you suffered, you did go for me, and any-one who you created and you created everyone and knows
everyone, in finite detail. Thank-you for your atonement. thank-you for your word, and thank-you for your Holy Sprit.
Help me from the selfish nature, I ask to be guided and loved with you Holy Sprit, and your wisdom and understanding, most of all I need you, commune, I praise
you, and worship and long to be used to give you glory.
Father God I am sorry for fornicating even when I came to you asked for forgivness and yet I still did it again. I am sorry help me O Lord and deliver me from my addiction.
Father God help me i am still in the assume situation and i don’t know what to do ,i keep spinning my wheels and nothing changes i am weak lord please help me.
Would i go tho hell if i love and believe in you but take my life ?
Help me God please,I arm sorry
i am sorry god
God please forgive me for not being the man you desire and created me to be. Please put your hedge of protection around the children I have remaining; in spite of my sins and short commings. God you know I’m at my limit for pain and guilt. You know I love You and I am so grateful for your Son Jesus. Please allow me to forgive like Jesus. Please give me rest. In your Son’s name
God, I am so sorry that I couldn’t keep my promise to you. You know i have really become very irresponsible,lazy,idiot,selfish and so many things you know all these. Please show me the path and always be with me. My parents have worked so hard, now its my time to take care of them. There are so many responsibilities that I have to fulfill. I had soooo many dreams, that doesn’t matter but god make me capable so that i can give happiness to my sister and mom. Plzz God.
God does NOT want you take your life. God will take you home when he calls you home. We all have trials and tribulations, but Jesus said that he will never leave us nor forsake us. I wanted to take my life too. But it was in my darkest moments when God shined the brightest. May Jesus keep you in his arms…always
Dear God,
I have almost cryed with all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need to put up a sign that says: “Never be mean to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I love God!!! In fact, I have read 2 bibles in just 2 days!
Also, I have many friends that agree with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best thing is that I almost pray to god everyday!!!!!
Your very own good child,
Annie l-o-v-e-bad
am so sorry dearest God,so sorry for always ridiculing ur name,so sorry for not being the best I should be,so sorry for making the same mistakes over and over again,pls forgive me and bring me back again to the right path,am so lost without you God,am so lost,let ur mercy prevail in my life,I need you now in my life more than ever before.SINCERELY SORRY.
wonderful prayer for god like the people that have a stone heart for god and the people who cannot believe to god i pray for you god the people who cannot believe to god is now believe in god
and lord i pray that take all the people safety in our world
pls. give the people chance to start a another story of their lifes pls take me in a safety place oh god i’m sorry for the thing i can do and thank you god for saving all the people oh god thank you
i’m sorry again
this is the two word i can say to god
i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry
thank you thank you thank you
God i don’tunderstand it feels likemy life is a cruel joke whycan’t anything work out for me why is it like this i feel like a slave to a miserable life and i am tired of it what do i need to do please fix this please fix this it is unbearable to be a failure and never get it right why can’t i do it i am tired God very tired help me
He loves you and cares for you, TRUST IN IS LOVE.All will be well with you in jesus mighty name AMEN
Heavenly Father, I am terribly sorry for the selfish acts that I have committed. I am sorry for the times I have not spent time with you. I am sorry for the times that I have not put you first in my life. I am guilty and responsible for my sins. I knew the sins were wrong and did them any how. I look upon this as a spit in your face and my sins contributed to your passion and death. Please forgive me, allow me to get back up, and wash me in the blood of the Lamb. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you!
Dear God, I am sorry for lying. I keep getting myself into a mess and i never really clear up. I never really learn from my mistakes. I have so many mistakes sometimes i wonder if you even want to be there for me when i call. Youve brought me so far and im sorry i still do things to upset you. Please forgive me, and please help me change. Amen.
Just found this website…Belinda..God Himself says we are a new creature in Him…the old has passed away…all things become new….what more do you need…He is your defense!…forgive the gossipers and pray for them!
Did I say I did not study your Word enough….Lord Jesus Please forgive me…
I love you cause I trust you Jesus
You will never fail me or leave me alone
God give me the strength help me me i atom being used by someone who pretend to love me but hates me and every thing about me and my mother and i try tho be God to her but she just keeps getting worse with me i know i was wrong for many years not being loyal and sticking up for her with my family I have punished myself and let myself go and ut i have tried my too show her i love her care for her but nothing matters she reads the Bible but doesn’t forgive i am at my wits end i don’t know if i can keep doing this i shouldn’t have to suffer forever should I what should i do please tell me i have truly changed I’m sorry sorry sorry heeeeeelp pleeeeasedo something i can’t please not any more this hurts show me tell me please please i will turn my life around i will do you’re will Jesus just show me
Dear God,
Please remove lust form my life…Give me power to turn satan away! You have blessed me in so many ways. I feel Im ready to fly lord and do the things you sent me here to do. Please remove this noose of shame and depression and help my fly. I am here to do your work. Help me destroy this demon called porn and this demon called depression and this demon called doubt. I cast you out demons, I cast you out in Jesus name and drown you in his blood!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you God!
God, I cant come before you and just say im sorry, because to say im sorry means I will never sin again in my life. Well I know I will necause I am only human, we were put here to make mistakes we are not perfect. You never intended us to be. Thats why, I come before you now to say im not sorry but dissapointed in myaelf for what ive done, and for turning away from your love, when I was little I attended church evey sunday like clockwork. I loved you and didnt questi on your role in my life. But as years went by and changes came, I stumbled down a road that less me away from grace, away from you. I know now that I need you more than ever and I don’t need prove my worth. You know my worth, and you know my heart. You died for me, and I am more grateful than words can describe. It will take a while for me to be back to where I need to be, but here I am before you taking the first step
Dear Friends in Christ,
There was a recent survey that said 97% of American Christians were defeatists’. Do you agree or do you think a hand full of Minister’s, Pastor’s, Citizen’s can make a difference like they did 288 years ago?
Yours in Christ, Roger H Frost
Defeating Christian Defeatism
April 12, 2012
abcozort Uncategorized Christianity, Defeatism, Evangelism, Proclaiming the Gospel, The future of the Church 1 Comment
It is far easier for one to be a defeatist and a pessimist than it is an optimist. All the defeatist and pessimist has to do is look at the bad side of things, see what is going wrong, and focus on that; which is rather easy for most people to do. Many people in our society have taken up the banner of defeatism: everything that goes wrong is the worst that has ever been. The weather is the worst, the government is the worst, the crime level is the worst, the food and gas prices are the worst, and on it goes.
The future of the Lords Church in America is not predetermined. It will be dependent upon each individual Christians devotion and actions for the cause of Christ. You will determine the future of the church in this country. You can be a living testament to the continued validity and vitality of the Scriptures in mens lives. It is time to put down the laziness of defeatism and stand with the strength of truth and dedication.
God told Joshua, Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest (Jos. 1:9). The same holds true for us today. Will you join me in dedicating yourself to the continuing strength and ability of the Lords church here at home by proclaiming the Gospel and finding anyone who will listen?
Lord. I’m. Sorry. I. Sorry for letting. you. done. today. Please. help me. I. don,t. What. to I need. to. help with my. feelings it,s. hard in Jesus. I need you in. Jesus. name. amen. Please help me in. Jesus name amen.
God, I have not heard your voice in over a year or more. I am begging you to forgive me for all that I have ever wronged. My body is sick, and my soul needs your spirit and presence more than I could ever know.
Please forgive me and heal us. I hope anyone reading this will pray for me to be restored with Christ. Please….
Thank you
A sorry God .i mess up all the time
I hate myself after what happened toe after my abuse.i love you but am helplrss
I’m sorry God I’m sorry I did not listen when I clearly heard you speak. You told me to stay, I know u did and my life would be wonderful full of peace and contentment. Now I suffer I chose the path I thought I wanted now I’m married to an addict, who is emotionally abusive. I have lost who I was. He is a monster and I had once thought God brought us together, we met on a missions trip but now I see it was Satan. He wanted to stop me from church from becoming a missionary and he succeeded by using my husband. I have no energy to stand up I cry out to oh God please help me give me a second chance
Lord, I am so sorry. I keep making the same mistakes over and over again..Please have patience with me and give me strength to fight my demons..Please Lord help me.
Dear Lord God, precious Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ,
God of many chances, here I am again with the sin of the flesh and drunkenness. I am sorry I am so weak. Please forgive me. I know I can do nothing with out you. I don’t know why I keep slipping up. Please forgive me and help me.
Lord, cleanse and sanctify my love, Grant that you alone may be the first and the last in my life
God i am sorry
I have broken every Commandment and I have hurt so many people. I have hurt my children the most and I love and have always loved them since the first time I knew I was pregnant. That didn’t stop me from selfish decisions on my part. When they were young I divorced their father. I met a man and brought him into my home and lived sinfully. They knew I was on pain killers from Drs. and other drugs that were not prescribed. The worse thing I did was an abortion. So many sins wearing out my soul heavy on my heart. Through all this sin I always loved G-d and my children how did I do all these awful things ? I am so sorry I can’t describe how sorry I truly am. It is a feeling that cannot be put into words but Jesus knows, Our Lord knows and I need him to wipe me clean. I am trying so hard to live the life he wanted me to live. I had my ephifany (sorry spelling) many years ago but I carry my sins and regret everyday , every minute, every second and all I do is say I am so sorry forgive me. I can’t wait to meet my Lord and hear him say I understand and you are forgiven then I will be at peace. I continue to try to make Jesus proud of me with the time I have left. That is all I can do.
You are already forgiven. Just repent and rejoice Carol, its that easy. Where you are …I’ve been.
Please forgive me Jehovah God and grant peace, calm and love in the minds and hearts of my wife and I. I hope and pray we are able to forgive each other and reconcile our marriage but most importantly, I hope to align our goals with your will. Please provide us holy spirit to guide our thoughts and decisions while we are apart and let us show our love and consideration for one another, with emphasis on our mutual love for our young daughters. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ- whose sacrifice covers all of our sins and will always be remembered- I pray.
Lord i have always lived a pretentious life,i want to be open am sorry i keep repeating one sin and i keep asking for forgiveness.the bible said shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God want to live a holyspirit life but that cant be possible without u lord.pls hear my faintless cry and accept me back as your all urs use me as u want to make heaven bcos dats my home u have prepared for me so i dont wanna miss it. I love you my precious lord i rededicate my life to u oh lord
GOD, I beg your forgiveness for masturbating and watchin porn every now and then. I don’t wanna do it but somehow i lose control all the time. I want you to help me get out of this curse. I love you God.
To my God whom I love dearly,
I wanted to say sorry to you for anything that i did that isn’t in your plan. Sorry, please forgive.
I have enough trial and test iin life, at my age I really wanted to slow down with a job that keep my family going. Please bring me to the right person that will offer me a job that allow good time to look after my family too.
I wanted to say thank you, knowing the improved life over these years after I found you isn’t happening by chance. It is through GOD’s love that all things are possible. You bring me to the right place with the right person. I thank you LORD and giving you praise of the highest. All these are from my heart to you my LORD, GOD, ROCK, FRIEND & FATHER.
Father, I am sorry I ignore you.
I am sorry I am stubborn and hard headed. I am sorry that I have a perfect life and that I am gifted yet I have not done anything good with all that you have given. My sins are mine and mine alone, the are not the cause of anyone else’s misdoings. I am sorry. I hope I can do more for you.
God, im so sorry for my sexual il of masturbating and searching porn though i know it is illegal in my country. Im sorry for committing this sin over and over again though i know that it is wrong. Lord, i also apiligise for not trusting the power that You give me to tread over serpents and resist temptation. Lord im sorry for being a hypocrite, and givi g a falae imoression of myslf to others, im sorry for lying, gossiping and judgeing others dear Lord. I love You with my whole heart and all i want to do is please You but i keep failure, i am beyond unwortht if Your love yet You still love me, i do nit deserve Your mercy but im assured that You will forgive me. Renew in me my Lord a clean spirit that will serve Yoy whole heartedly and one that is able to resist all that You see as wrong. MAKE me WhoLE AND WORTHY TO enter into youe kingdom. Most of all God, im sorry for being sorry all the time, as’ it shows i am not trying hard enough to resist the the forces of darkness. FORGIVE ME. I PRAY IN YOUR SON JESUS’s name.
to come off the ivory tower of Sin and see light of day for the first time to witness for Christ through personnel testimony for what Christ has done in my life and what Christ can do for you and others. To witness to another living soul is the highest achievement on this earth. God’s Glory and knowing all treasure is stored up in Heaven.
Lord Jesus I am sorry for all the things that I do wrong. For the sins I have commited whether be it sexually in thought or in action. I pray lord that u give me the power to overcome all temptations, challenges, and desires. I know I’ve always promise that il never turn back too them and for some reason I always end up turning back. Please forgive me and help my friends to get to know you because their are lost as well. I love my friends but it seems like they will ruin my relationship with u. Please Lord help my friends for our interests are not alike anymore. Lord if I have to il have to avoid them because u are more important to me. I know that I cannot do anything without u. I pray again that u forgive me my sins and the sins of other people in the world everyday in the name of Jesus Amen. Thank for I belive all our sins are forgiven
lord im sorry 4 throwing hard earned money away gambling forgive me
Does one lose Faith?
How does one lose that which one does not have?
How does one lose that which one does not have or has studied, revived, raved at, been akin, sauntered toward, or prayed after the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob through HIS son Jesus Christ?
He was studying everything else but God, and the doubts or loneliness, the fulfillment that never really is or came, was excused with illnesses or faintness of a weak heart or physical nature.
By discerning such simple things like a Obituary column from a newspaper one can grapple with the truth of a situation or a persons life legacy, no matter what he thought he had wanted to say. As Jesus said; The Truth will set you Free.
Esteemed exponents of 19th-century French positivism
Hippolyte Taine, in full Hippolyte-Adolphe Taine (born April 21, 1828, Vouziers, Ardennes, Francedied March 5, 1893, Paris), French thinker, critic, and historian, one of the most esteemed exponents of 19th-century French positivism. He attempted to apply the scientific method to the study of the humanities.
Taine was born into a professional middle-class family; his father was a lawyer. He was educated privately at home
an outstanding pupil at the Collge Bourbon and then at the highly prestigious cole Normale. He gained his licences-lettres (preliminary degree) in 1848 and began to study for his agrgation (advanced degree) in philosophy, one of his dominant interests. He already held unorthodox intellectual views. He had apparently lost his Christian faith by the age of 15, and his youthful rationalist attitude led him to admire the ideas of the
ideologue philosophers, who held that all knowledge must be based on sense experience, on observation, and on controlled experiment; this overriding conviction guided his later career. He was also already attracted by the metaphysical ideas of Hegel and Spinoza, which inspired in him a desire to find a total explanation of the causal forces of life and the universe.
-These ideas can be passed along to the next generation if not looked on to the truth.
This last persons ideas were taken up by an American Edmund Wilson. And the seeds of liberalism, and the secularization from the truth continued.
In Edmund Wilsons book: ‘This Side of Paradise,’ ‘ Wilson wrote, ‘does not commit the unpardonable sin: It does not fail to live. The whole preposterous farrago is animated with life.’ Does it show that his heart had picked up the vagueness of life and left off the absolute truth?
When left leanings to the aberrant without being checked with the truth could lead to: Symbolism as a Generating Force in Contemporary Literature
Published: February 22, 1931
Now in his seventys things did catch up with him, [him being Edmund Wilson, and probably similar to his nemesis in France Mr. Taine] the following attributes of his daily lifes musings send a tone to a life without Christ.
“The moon has lost its personality,” Edmund Wilson wrote in the fifth and final volume of his journals, when he was in his ’70s.
He felt lonely and used up; travel, discovery and insight had lost their edge. He drank a pint of whiskey a day, suffered from angina and feared death. He recounts a dream in his customary detail; historian and critic of his sleep as well as his wakefulness. He was, he tells us, a corpse on an ironing board. It was not the indignity that troubled him but: “Now that I was dead I didn’t know what to do with myself.”
Revelation 3:20 God is always at the door. One must open it up.
Receive Ye Welcome
Let the guest sojourning here know that in this home our life is simple. What we cannot afford we do not offer, but what good cheer we can give, we give gladly.
We make no strife for appearance sake. Know also friend, that we live a life of labors, therefore, at times we separate ourselves from thee, do ye occupy thyself according to thy hearts desire
[Partial Scroll]
[Taken down 14-15,
May 1980
The Carriage House
4 Rays Court
Parents (copied from the The New Yorker Magazine, in the 1970s.)
Originally written by William Meredith
It must be great to be an angel, we can just imagine! Being good, on time, and going to bed, they are always there. They handle and use us till we can let go, becoming our friends and our enemies. Suddenly one day, their offspring are yearning and ready to leave the nest. They soon show the effects of age through wrinkles, coughs, and the sense of smell. Its amazing to see our Love continue on and on between us. The spectacle, and the audacity and the miracle of giving birth to us is that promise. How do you think it all possible? We see their lives as meek, and wonder how to surely better our livelihood. The struggle against parental instruction goes on with questions like: Thats all wrong! And thats the worst thing! By dying, as they all eventually do, have the last explanation and instruction. They bring us into the world creating a new link in the family chain, always taking the last link with them. AS we wink and cry, father, mother, our children and grandchildren look on amazed saying: Je ne comprenez pas!
Thank You Belinda. Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I wont let u down
Kim, I understand where you are coming from. Because I am deformed and I haven’t been able to accept it yet and I’m forty nine years old. I have rejected myself.
I also have lived a life totally disobedient to God, I really want to do better.
Forgive me for adding my prayer here Anthony,
Forgive me God for my sins and disobedience for 49 years. you dear God waited for me patiently for 24 years until I … well I don’t know the reason why you revealed yourself to me. Dear God I know that my face and head are deformed a little and I haven’t been able to fully accept it yet and Im sorry for rejecting something that you created. Because people have rejected me my whole life I started to reject myself. Please God don’t give up on me, please forgive me and help me to do better. I also pray for Georgia that she might come to know Jesus. Amen
In addition to my last post :
Dear God I have a lot of demons that possess my spirit also, please Jesus cast them out and protect me from them ever getting me again, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Jesus please forgive me of my sins I’m sorry for the things that I have done and for the things that I may do in the future help me so I can have have a sin free life orr at least try I Love You Lord Jesus with all my heart mind & soul amen
Dear God, I have the same thing going as Miranda, with the masturbation and porn. I am so sorry that I am like this
I don’t know if I am addicted or I just don’t really want to give it up. Please help me to become a better person and please help me to overcome these temptations. I have lived my life very poorly especially since you revealed yourself to me twenty years ago and I am so ashamed and unworthy to even talk to you. I am so sorry about how I lived my life when I should have focused only on you but I wanted both, I wanted you but I also wanted to live my life my own way and I know now that was so much of a mistake. Please God forgive me, I beg you. Please help me.
Dear God, I am so sorry for what I have done in my past, all of my sins I beg for forgiveness and mercy.
Dear God, I have the same things going on as Darren and I have been struggling with pornography for twenty five years and even though you came to help me three times I ended up going back to it eventually please give me just one more chance, for I now know the consequenses of my actions and will do my very best to not go back to it again. In the name of Jesus I pray.
Mark 9:23 Jesus is telling us to believe.
23. If thou canst believe. You ask me, says he, to aid you as far as I can; but you will find in me an inexhaustible fountain of power, provided that the faith which you bring be sufficiently large. Hence may be learned a useful doctrine, which will apply equally to all of us, that it is not the Lord that prevents his benefits from flowing to us in large abundance, but that it must be attributed to the narrowness of our faith, that it comes to us only in drops, and that frequently we do not feel even a drop, because unbelief shuts up our heart. It is an idle exercise of ingenuity to prove Christs meaning to be, that a man can believe of himself: for nothing more was intended than to throw back on men the blame of their poverty, whenever they disparage the power of God by their unbelief.
All things are possible to him that believeth. Christ undoubtedly intended to teach that the fullness of all blessings has been given to us by the Father, and that every kind of assistance must be expected from him alone in the same manner as we expect it from the hand of God. Only exercise, says he, a firm belief, and you will obtain. In what manner faith obtains any thing for us we shall immediately see.
GOD am sorry for abandoning u and using u when i only needed you i ask u for forgiveness and to restore my broken heart i forgive him for hurting me and i forgive my self for hurting him i pray you give me a strong heart to continue living my life to please you every day am so sorry for not listening to you when you spoke to me God i give you my whole heart and i ask you to work and continue to be my guide i love you and would change and live to suit u every single day
It shames me to admit it, but I have a problem with porn and masturbation. But I know that the LORD will help me
Oh Lord God, have mercy on me a sinner. I have defiled one of Your greatest Gifts, and in doing so I have betrayed you, whom I should love above every fleshly desire that I have. Oh God, forgive me, for lying to my own parents about it, and not following the way you made so clear. OH HAVE MERCY, I am nothing without you, oh my King. Please, forgive me, that I may be with you. My soul cries out to you oh God.
not to down God in any way, but it doesn’t make since that i tried to follow him and never got a response. i prayed to him for help in times of great need that not only would have affected me greatly but many other people. Three times this has happened in my life. and im not talking about the small things in life im talkin about the big that could possibly cause me to throw away the salvation that the lord has offered up and caused many others to do the same. Not to mention i have two dead best friends. Maybe he is using my hate and anger towards him for some purpose i don’t know. And whats up with all the hypocrites man. As soon as i walk in church “your sinning if you hate god or are angry at him.” instead of “Jesus loves you and died miserably on the cross to save you.” we aren’t supposed to tell people which commandments they are breaking. we are supposed to tell them about the Gospel so that they might have a chance of getting saved. But you know maybe the hypocrites will get saved by seeing people who do what is right and that is sharing the gospel. Its ok to learn the commandents of the lord if you are a christian but people who a christian think its the dumbest thing they have ever heard. “The lord gives and the lord takes away” says Job.That is so true, but Who knows what the fuck that vengeful, angry, jealous, perfect, tender loving, merciful, all knowing, all freakin powerful and be a dick about it God is doing. I bet everything could have gone a different way and he decided it should be this way just because he said so.
Your sins are forgiven my child be well and full of joy for the lord hath blessed thee.
i forgive thee my child. Abide in me and you will stay blessed. Also, i saw what you did with yourself in your room the other night. Try to not do that again. It disgusts and stirs my anger. It might cause me to take swift action on you like the time i took action on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. And we wouldn’t want that now would we.
ill forgive you of some of your sins, but not all for now. Also, you can only gain access to the father through me so stop praying to father. It only angers him and right now hes in the middle of a heavenly golf tournament and cannot be disturbed.
be-careful of your attitude in your new life with Christ.
“My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord.
‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
god i am sorry i know i have messed up everything..please forgive me
god please forgive me for the sexual immorality..i assure you it will never happen again..please be with me ..i feel alone
“I will never leave you nor forsake you
“(Hebrews 13:5).
Father, through this storm I have doubted you, and I have let that fear weaken me and open the door to temptations that you had freed me from in the past. I let my selfishness and my desires get in the way, and I ruined the relationship that you gave me. I’ve tried to justify everything, and I can’t. I’ve been wrong…but I do know what you have told me. Forgive me for my pride and my fear, my lust, my selfishness, and my willingness to put love aside.
It is far from my ability to heal the relationship that I have destroyed through my sin, but I know that you can. Forgive me for doubting that. Help me to not let what I feel get in the way of what I know. Fill me with your spirit and guard my heart so that I will not sin against you, and so that you will be free to move in our lives and restore that which was lost and broken. I wouldn’t ask if you hadn’t told me that it was your will. So I believe…though I am easily discouraged. I give myself and this storm to you. I lift up this broken relationship that I shattered with my own faults. I am sorry…I want to live out my love for you, not only say it. Let my life worship you, and if you restore the relationship that I tore apart, and the heart that I broke…I promise you, I will give it to you…I dedicate it to you…let it be a courtship and a marriage that serves you as a testimony of your grace and your healing power through love and forgiveness.
You are greater than me, greater than my fall, and greater than the damage that I have done. Thank you for your mercy and your forgiveness. Let it be done in the name of Jesus. Amen.
God, I humbly bow down to You…in this time of need. I have committed a sexual sin and again and again, I am committing the same sin. I really truly am sorry God, for all You did to save me, I am a worthless human being and I am not doing anything to pay it back. I know I have an undeserving grace but, I just want this to stop God. Will you visit me in the time of my need?
Justin I feel you on tis. I am there with you 100% I hear myself speaking the exact word youe spoke. I am amazed at how we find our way after our storm and if we seek God’s face he will reveal his plan for us. I stand with you in agreement with your request and petition and ask that you do the same for me. This was what I needed today and for that I thank God for you.
What a wonderful site! Knowing that i am not alone as a sinner helps a great deal .but knowing that Jesus Christ and god is there for us is a wonderful feeling
Amen God will forgive God will forgive 70 x 7
If you see this, I’d like to thank you for standing in agreement with me. I have seen no change in the circumstance yet, but I know that we will both continue to pray for change in our own lives, even though it looks impossible for things to turn around. And I will most certainly remember you in prayer. Especially with an awesome name like Thad. Thank you for your encouragement. God bless.
God, I am sorry for the way I have hidden my brokenness. Not wanting to deal with it because it hurts so much. I punish myself and don’t like who I am. I hurt my husband a lot. By hitting him, cursing at him and saying I hate him. I don’t hate him. I am just hurt by my own past. I am selfish for not getting my brokenness dealt with. I am in sin. I am asking for you to forgive me. I no longer want to live this way. I am sorry for hurting myself. I get mad and hit myself. I have no excurse. I need you. I don’t want to be alone. Being alone is a huge fear of mine. I just own what I did. Yes, I did this things. I am sorry, God. Will you forgive me? Next time I will come to you and not hide from you. I love you.
Dear god .please help me in my life .please help me to stop taking drug and drink .please forgive me for all my sins .im so sorry for calling and judging people
Am so sorry lord pls forgive me my sin and grant my heart dedire this year 2014
Am so sorry lord pls forgive me my sin and grant my heart dedire this year 2014
Please pray for Christians being persecuted for their faith including one lady in Africa named Mirian
Please For Give and give me a good thoughts and life please control me on your way…please help me please please it don’t happen again I am guilty but please gorgive me thats enough please…please and because of my mistake don’t effect anyone please i will be more may attention to control myself please don’t make it in my life bymistakely too..please its my request and i beg u..please be with me and i am Sorry Sorry…please please be with us
Pray for American Woman and her 20 month old son held in Sudanese Prison in Sudan, Africa. They are being held and sentenced to death only cause they follow The Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Please write and call everyone you in this listening audience everyone to get the drumbeat of public attention. As we all know when the light of truth gets shined on any evil, The Providence of Almighty God of the Universe shines through. Amen
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27
Dear god please forgive me for getting drunk and taking drugs please help me to be a better person ..with all my heart I am sorry .. Please take control of my life
God… I have total faith in you .. I am giving my best ever … help me fight my fears… give me strength and make this world a better place to live in…
I am feeling the same way as you do….!!!!!
Hare rama hare krishna..krishna krishna hare hare…!!!
I never thought I was not only the one…..same happens with me….
Dear god please look after me and forgive me
Dear god .. Thank you for helping me and all the good things in my life I love you so much please look after me and keep me strong
I am Sorry Lord, For not trusting you. And for becoming a SHOW CHRISTIAN Rather then a HUMBLE SERVANT Please TEACH ME AGAIN I WANT TO KEEP LEARNING TO BE JUST LIKE YOU>>>>> Forgive me.
I am Sorry Lord, For not trusting you. And for becoming a SHOW CHRISTIAN Rather then a HUMBLE SERVANT Please TEACH ME AGAIN I WANT TO KEEP LEARNING TO BE JUST LIKE YOU>>>>> Forgive me.
I am Sorry Lord, For not trusting you. And for becoming a SHOW CHRISTIAN Rather then a HUMBLE SERVANT Please TEACH ME AGAIN I WANT TO KEEP LEARNING TO BE JUST LIKE YOU>>>>> Forgive me.
I am Sorry Lord, For not trusting you. And for becoming a SHOW CHRISTIAN Rather then a HUMBLE SERVANT Please TEACH ME AGAIN I WANT TO KEEP LEARNING TO BE JUST LIKE YOU>>>>> Forgive me.
Lord, It is Me again. I know I will never be just like you But I desire to change. I messed up so many things. I am really sorry. Keep teaching me. Your ways so I can lay down my own
Lord…you know, you know with what i struggle oh Lord. Forgive me Lord. I see the messages girls and i have sent and that i sent to them and Lord you know how dirty amd aweful i feel. Lord forgive and have mercy on me oh Lord for you know what I fear most. Help me with my lust God help me over come the temptations that come my way. You are my king, My God, My, Lord, My savior and My Best Friend. Forgive me Lord and guide me in your way and help me be closer to you. In your Holy name i pray in the name of Jesus Christ Lord you know how sorry I am. Amen.
God sure everyone ‘ll hve 2 pay for their sin n one r the odr way..M not scared dat i wuld be punished..I deeply regret for the sins that I had committed n the past..many tyms u tried 2 warn me n helpd me thru various means,but ten evil thngs didn let me 2 follow ur light..please forgive me for everyth and give me another chance 2 lead a successful lyf..
I truly yearn fr ur blessings and forgiveness..I trust u God..
Found your comment today .I needed to hear that .I just let God down again and I feel ashamed.I know he forgives.Why cant I stop letting him down? Pray for me,and I will pray for you.
Oh God my Heavenly Father, i am soo sorry for always being sorry for the same things i do .. God drugs is an evil spirit i wish i never tasted oh Lord, now it has ruined me and still ruining me which i know but can’t seem to do anything about it because i am weak Oh Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.. Lord my destiny was not meant to be a drug dealer,a scam artist, a liar, a thief, for dispurifying my body which is your Holy Temple oh Lord.. Daddy even though i keep saying i am sorry everyday and all the time, i will keep on Asking You to Forgive me cuz you have always been by my side even when nobody was. You died on the cross for my sins so that we could live on to Praise and Honor You Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth .. God i am sooo sorry for my evils doings Oh Lord, Please help me strengthen my faith so that i will fight this spirit that always comes and drag me to doing evil without thinking the consequences .. Lord i am WEAK and Need your Help oh Lord. You said ‘Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for You are with me’ .. Daddy i surrender my body, soul, mind and everything about me to You and Only You . Do to me as You please my Lord.. I am sorry for my sins, Please forgive me… :'(
Please forgive me Lord for seeing bad things…..
Please forgive god I have messed up again please take care of me I love u so much
Dear god please help to stop taking drugs and getting drunk .please forgive me for all my sins that I keep doing .help me be a better person .please take control of my life .i love you so much .thank you for all the good things in my life and the people who love and care for me.
please do not use your comments and pass them off as Jesus’.
You cannot speak for Our Lord and that is a sin in itself. You foolishly pride yourself by thinking you know what He would say but you fail to realize what He would be saying to you because of your haughtiness. I suggest you go to Him and repent for this error in your response. If you are truly God’s servant, you will humble yourself before Him and ask His forgiveness.
You cannot speak for Our Lord, Jesus. To do so is to insult Him.
Your pride condemns your speech. Ask Him to forgive you for being so ignorant as to assume you can speak for Him. You exalt yourself in His name and therefore destroy your credibility.
Put God first, not yourself.
You are a fool to think God won’t punish you for using His name in vain. You who put yourself above and before Him but using His name in jest and folly will soon realize that you fool no one but yourself. No one can mock God; yet you think you are above His law. You are a fool and will be dealt with by God Himself.
I pray Jesus will have mercy upon your ignorance.
May Our Lord deal with you for your ignorance and foolishness.
You are an ignorant oaf and Our Lord shall not be mocked.
You speak from your own need to be recognized for the poor manifestation of wisdom you so sorely lack.
Joke all you want and perverse the words in your own, pathetic tongue for you will have to answer for your insolence to the very Jesus you insult
Dear Lord Jesus, I am so sorry for not accepting the final chance You gave me. You were so angry that You told me how I was to die!. Please give me another chance to love You Give me back the Joy and Peace that I once had. Allow me to forefill the work You have for me to do. Jesus I need your Mercy and Forgiveness.
Dear god please forgive me for my sins and give me strength to face myself and the world once again, I plead you..!!!
Dear god I’m sorry sorry for taken drugs please forgive me and take care of me
Dear god I’m so sorry for failing you all the time. Please giv me strength to keep off drugs I need you to look after me and help me I ask for your forgiveness with all my heart I love you so much
Dear god thanks for looking after me today.
God I’m Sorry For The Things I Have Done God I Am Sorry For Fighting God I’m Just Sosososososoososososososo Sorey There Proubly millions of Things I Cans Say But One Of Them Are Sorry🙏🙏🙌
Dear lord , bhagwan, allah, almighty sometimes I move away from the right path and every time I find different things that are not right the very next day thank you for signalling me each time I get diverted from my destination. I have full faith in you that you will always keep my back.
There is a difference in being a human and understanding the worth of BEING HUMAN.
Dear Lord, please forgive me .I’ve done all the horrible sexual sins after salvation. I’m so ashamed and sorry. I was filthy . I don’t know what to do. I’ll never do those things again. I sinned against You Dear Lord Jesus , Heaven and my husband. Every verse I read reminds me of my sin. My husband has forgiven me. Then, I didn’t heed the confiction of you my dear Holy Spirit . I lied to the doctor ‘s when they asked me if I had hit my head because I wanted to stay in the hospital. I’m the worst sinner that has ever been. Please Holy Spirit come back to me. I believe that you have left me. I can’t live without you. I’m scared, I need you. Please forgive me. I put everything on the cross and alter. My heart got hard because of my sin. Oh my Savior please forgive me . I don’t know what to do. Every sermon is making me see my sin. Please forgive me. I can’t keep being reminded. I want to start over with my dear husband. I did these sins years ago .
My Lord, i humble myself before you and express my gratitude for loving me as if i were a saint. Even in the midst of my pride, arrogance, doubt and hatred for others; you have kept your love for me and consistently reminded me of the open door of grace that you’ve set before me. Therefore, i pray that you may forgive me and help me start afreash with your Holy spirit as my guide. Help me to be a better father to my daughters, a better husbdand to my wife and a better friend to those in need. Help me not to judge others nor hold other account for even the wrong that they may do to me. Let me be a living sacrifice unto you and represent your love and righteousness even in the midst of all the chaos and sins of this world. Amen
i am sorry for my mess ups i am sorry for failing at fighting sexual temptation, and i am sorry for making my OWN self depressed. But lord i also thank you for the failures, because i am more mentally tougher against guilt, sadness etc. then before i was saved. Lord i am thankful for changing me and helping me loving myself and others. So today i leave my dread and guilt at the almighty lords throne today and move on,
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You that we can come to You in prayer through Our Savior Jesus Christ. Father let each one of these people come to know just how much the blood of Jesus cost. Let us realize how much You love us. Forgive my sins. I cant think of any sin that I have not committted. I’m guilty and without excuse. I even threw my bibles & devotions in the trash. In my attempt to find escape and justify my sins, I didnt think Jesus was your Son. I didnt believe in Heaven or Hell. All my attempts to find evidence against You led me right back to You. I’ve commited every sin imaginable and still I hear You calling. I’m afraid I’ll die and then it will be to late! Forgive me for not beliving that You love me. I am so stubborn and selfish. I want to say I love You and not just love bc of the times Youve picked me up and blessed me. How do I love You when things arent ok? Help me Father bc I am powerless. Thank You for showing how depraived I am and why Jesus had to die for Our shamful deeds. Help me to love. Help me to obey. I bless everyone on here.
In Jesus Name
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You that we can come to You in prayer through Our Savior Jesus Christ. Father let each one of these people come to know just how much the blood of Jesus cost. Let us realize how much You love us. Forgive my sins. I cant think of any sin that I have not committted. I’m guilty and without excuse. I even threw my bibles & devotions in the trash. In my attempt to find escape and justify my sins, I didnt think Jesus was your Son. I didnt believe in Heaven or Hell. All my attempts to find evidence against You led me right back to You. I’ve commited every sin imaginable and still I hear You calling. I’m afraid I’ll die and then it will be to late! Forgive me for not beliving that You love me. I am so stubborn and selfish. I want to say I love You and not just love bc of the times Youve picked me up and blessed me. How do I love You when things arent ok? Help me Father bc I am powerless. Thank You for showing how depraived I am and why Jesus had to die for Our shamful deeds. Help me to love. Help me to obey. I bless everyone on here.
In Jesus Name
Please remember me in prayer Brandy. I’m hurting.
I need Jesus and to start fresh with Jesus, please fill me again and come back to me.
Dear god I love you so much please look after me . I am sorry
Dear god I love you so much please look after me . I am sorry
Lord I’m sorry for putting my family and myself in thin ice due to the evil things I have done. I’m sorry that I can’t stop what I’m doing, I do what I don’t want and don’t do what I want. I hope and ask to be cleanse of all my sins even if they were cleanse. I want to stop crucifying you again and again. I’m sorry.
Dear Father God, please let me have the joy of my salvation back.I’m sorry for all my sins. Please forgive me. I need you.Please come back to me. I love you.
I hurt so bad inside, would you please take it away? I’ll give you all the praise and glory forever
Dear Jim, I’m praying for you.
Oooh God am so sorry for the worst things i did that keep on haunting me.please forgive me and restore peace in my life.please God bless my family
Dear god please forgive me
Dear god please forgive me
Good Morning Father, Good Morning Jesus,
You always wanted me to be truthful when we come before you in prayer. My head is soooooo full of stuff that I can’t even at this time get out. It is such a battle in my mind. Father, my head hurts sooooo bad.
I’m so hurt and disappointed that I find myself going back to porn and the urge to want to satisfy myself takes over and then I stop and bring myself back to reality ONLY to want to go back into the whole thing all over again.
I’m depressed Father, and I carry soooooo much weight and guilt and concern, I look around me and I feel that I have no right to feel this way because other people are worse off.
I want just for THIS MOMENT Father ask you to help me take my mind off everything right now and please focus on me. I’m in a desperate situation and my depression is steadily eating away at me this very minute.
Father in the Name of Jesus, I don’t’ want to overlook anyone I know in my life or don’t know. I NEED YOU TO HELP ME RIGHT NOW. I feel that there is no hope to break free from male porn. Why is it now so strong in my NOW than before? Everywhere I look, everywhere I go. I gave my life to you Father, 2 years ago going thru the wonderful Seeking God studies, prayer, church and finally baptism. I struggle more today than I did before two years ago.
I am grateful for the guilt in my life and not going all the way thru my desire not to satify my flesh. I stopped moments ago looking at porn and got on my knees to pray to YOU.
I’m lonely and I see all others around me soooo happy and carefree, working and doing things.
I have been praying for employment for soooooo long I can’t even remember, and everytime it seems that I may have something promising it goes to someone else. Father how am I suppose to eat and live and pay bills. I have prayed and prayed asking YOU to please help me get back to work only to continue to be turned down.
I really want to understand, and I pray for forgiveness everyday, I’m living here in this basement not knowing what to do next. So scriptures are comforting, some are not.
I’m being as honest as I can right now Father, and I’m am TRULY sorry from my heart if this appears to come from a bitter heart. I’m depressed and sometimes I have felt like “it’s just not worth it.” God may or may not hear me. I can’t stop the tears and I know that I’m a guy.
Oh Father, I feel that I may hurt myself, not kill myself, the enemy has tried to put those thoughts in my head, but Father I have wondered why you didn’t make me an angel instead of a person.
I know what Jer. 29:11-12 says, sometimes I know I have to just hang on as some folk would say. I’m borrowing money, just getting by, but I should be grateful, I guess. I cant’ pay my tithes, other offerings, I pray for my family’s health and safety, my parents are getting much older and I have seen them in 2 years.
Yeah I know that other people have it worse than me, but Father in the Name of Jesus, just this one time let me help clear my own head and have peace in my mind and heart.
My head hurts so bad I feel like there is something really wrong with me. I wake up with horrible headaches, and You remember just over a week ago, when I woke up, I cried so much on how my head ache. I had to lay back down, and it was Sunday as I was going to get myself together for church.
Please Father, In The Name Of JESUS, forgive me for my bad behavior this morning and help me to find myself back to you. I hate feeling like this and I’m jealous of those around me who show off and have money and go out to eat, buy things for their family and so on. I truly feel that I’m being punished for sins of my past and present. I’ve begged for forgiveness yet I struggle to find proper employment.
I keep praying and I do my best to not make my prayers all about me, I do pray for others, even those folk I see standing on the highways asking for money. I don’t look the other way. You gave me a gift of being able to relate to most people I come into contact with in my life. I have a heart of compassion, I just wished I could come out of this situation and In a better environment. I NEED EMPLOYMENT FATHER…..I have no steady income.
I know that’s not the answer to all of my needs but Father when I was working I was able to take care of myself and pay my tithes and bills.
You tell me, what am I supposed to do from here? I’m trying here. WHAT IS YOUR WILL FOR ME? PLEASE FATHER IN THE NAME OF JESUS,FORGIVE ME.
i m sorry god for watching porn
Dear God please forgive me for hurting those I love, for loving selfishly, for ignoring you, and repeating my same tragic cycle now. I am sorry God, I love you I don’t know if I have any chances left. Please forgive me for quenching the Holy Spirit and not working harder on my walk. I am sorry please give me another chance.
:), Need the DR
praying for you. Really know that God loves you so very much. Don’t let go.
Dear god please forgive me for all my mistakes i am so sorry with all my heart please look after me and make me a stronger and better person .i love you with all my heart
Lord I am so sorry for turning my back on you am sorry for running from You instead of running to You. I come before You with all my sins, please Father forgive me. I have done things that I am not proud of, I have hurt people that love me and from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry. I am tired of living my life in circles please grant me stability. You know the desires of my heart, I want to be close to You more than anything else. Help me correct my mistakes, let me live in a way that pleases You.
I love You.
Precious Heanenly Father, I am so sorry for the constant battle and falling that happens with giving into my flesh. I’m tired of the constant cycle, and think that I got it, and then fall right back into it. Here I am 42 years old which You already know, and You also know that this has been a 27 year habit. I’ve been in your kingdom now for going on 4 years, and I have struggled everyday since to break this habit. Father I know that sexual immorality, is a sin and You don’t dwell where there is sin present. Father I’m thankful, because of Your word and the conviction you lay on my heart that I have gone from doing it every night to maybe once every two weeks that I am slowly getting there. But I want to be totally free from this burden. Father again it’s not so much the sexual immorality that hurts me, it’s when it involves other poor souls that have no knowledge of your greatness that I am really sorry for. Father please forgive me and save me completely from this burden. Your word in first john says if we confess our sins You are faithful to forgive us. I’m thankful. Father, my deepest desire is to be FREE once and for all. I pray for your mercy and forgiveness and trust that you already have shown me such. Please have mercy on those that contributed to my falling into temptation. Father, I love you with my whole heart and mean to live for You the rest of my life. I believe it’s Job 31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes, to not look upon a maiden with lust” Father again, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, and help me to keep the enemy at bay, as we please help me to stop punishing myself for things in the past. I’m thankful for Your word, and all the many blessings that You have bestowed on me. I’m very unworthy. Thank you for the truth and a beautiful congregation. I trust you, with my heart and soul. Again PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND WASH ME CLEAN, In Jesus name, Amen!!
Precious Heanenly Father, I am so sorry for the constant battle and falling that happens with giving into my flesh. I’m tired of the constant cycle, and think that I got it, and then fall right back into it. Here I am 42 years old which You already know, and You also know that this has been a 27 year habit. I’ve been in your kingdom now for going on 4 years, and I have struggled everyday since to break this habit. Father I know that sexual immorality, is a sin and You don’t dwell where there is sin present. Father I’m thankful, because of Your word and the conviction you lay on my heart that I have gone from doing it every night to maybe once every two weeks that I am slowly getting there. But I want to be totally free from this burden. Father again it’s not so much the sexual immorality that hurts me, it’s when it involves other poor souls that have no knowledge of your greatness that I am really sorry for. Father please forgive me and save me completely from this burden. Your word in first john says if we confess our sins You are faithful to forgive us. I’m thankful. Father, my deepest desire is to be FREE once and for all. I pray for your mercy and forgiveness and trust that you already have shown me such. Please have mercy on those that contributed to my falling into temptation. Father, I love you with my whole heart and mean to live for You the rest of my life. I believe it’s Job 31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes, to not look upon a maiden with lust” Father again, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, and help me to keep the enemy at bay, as we please help me to stop punishing myself for things in the past. I’m thankful for Your word, and all the many blessings that You have bestowed on me. I’m very unworthy. Thank you for the truth and a beautiful congregation. I trust you, with my heart and soul. Again PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND WASH ME CLEAN, In Jesus name, Amen!!
Jesus Christ, it’s me again.. I’m really sorry coz i fail u again tonight.. I masturbate yet again… But i have faith.. That You had forgiven me even before i write this.. Jesus.. I want to promise to You.. That i will always trying to stop masturbating.. In fact, i always feel that i can stop even now.. Please Jesus give me Your guidance.. So i can stop from this sin.. I love You so much.. In the name of Jesus… Amen
Jesus Christ, it’s me again.. I’m really sorry coz i fail u again tonight.. I masturbate yet again… But i have faith.. That You had forgiven me even before i write this.. Jesus.. I want to promise to You.. That i will always trying to stop masturbating.. In fact, i always feel that i can stop even now.. Please Jesus give me Your guidance.. So i can stop from this sin.. I love You so much.. In the name of Jesus… Amen
I’m so sorry God for continuing to make the same sin over and over again I ask you to help get over this hard spot in my life again I’m sorry for letting you down every time I say I’m going to stop I’m really trying to get over this and I ask for your help I love you with all my heart amen.
Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, here I am again, again 1million times over again. I wish I could say I hate my sin. As long as I have been watching pornography and masturbating, I feel like it will never end. I could say I hate my sin, but as often as I do these things I think I would be a liar. The lust in my flesh is driving me insane. Please Father in Jesus name, give me new desires, new passion, make me new in you. Lead me into self control. I am desperate and I don’t know why my flesh over comes me, 98% of the time. I repent God, I am so sorry, I constantly am sorry. Please lead me to truly repent and over come. I wish, I want to hate my sin like I hate the consequences of my sin. God, I hate this lust in my heart and eyes. I feel so wretched, I feel so fake. I feel a lot and very desperate. God, please have mercy and give me the grace to overcome. I want to over come, I desire to have that desire to be pure and Holy and righteous before you. Please oh Lord, I hate my life, I hate myself, I need you desperately Lord Jesus Christ. Let me walk and live as you have called me too in your written word by Faith. I can’t go on like this.
Jesus, I want change and I desire change. I pray for every person confessing their sins on this board, that you would answer the genuine in heart and those that have placed their hope in you. Please Lord, hear their prayers and pleas, even the disengeuine which mine feels like so often, may their hearts become become raidiant and hopeful and pure and right in your eyes alone Oh God in Christ. Please let a song rise from our souls, renewing our hearts in you. Please hear us Jesus, amen. I love you. Wretched in need of desperate change in this flesh.
Oh God, Jesus who will we have, if we don’t have you? Please heal those confessing their sins and lead them too you, complete and full in you! Jesus let revival lead us, we need you !!! Take back our nation! AMEN
God, i don’t know what to say.I have said am sorry before, and many times you have forgiven me and told me so.Yet,when the times comes,roughly after a week,when faced with the choice,between obeying you and obeying my fleshly,selfish desire i keep choosing the latter.And two days ago, i did the same.Now its become like a pattern and it both scares and distracts me.My work,family and spiritual life has suffered setbacks as a result of that.I am stagnated.Period.I am stuck.Everything seems to be stuck.I make virtually no money.I live in my mind.I loathe my wife,and i can’t seem to stop it.
Yet,in me i know,lies a calling.To write,work in the media for your glory.Please God.Help me.Forgive me.Help me forgive myself.Dissolve my shame,fear,guilt through the blood of your son Jesus.Detach me from Satan and his covenants.From ancestral bondage’s that hold me back.From hatred that springs from within.In short God,create me afresh today.I AM SORRY FOR ALL THE SEXUAL SINS I HAVE COMMITTED FOR THE LAST THREE DECADES.Set me free today,God.Now.Speak it ,and my heart will dissolve into you.I want to be where you intended for me to be.Place me there,God.Clean all the dirt inside me,of all the demons that numb my emotions and confuse my thoughts.Deliver me from lust.Chance my financial situation.I am thankful for what i have,but i know i should be far more prosperous if i didn’t disobey you so much.Please God….FORGIVE ME.HELP ME OUT OF THIS HOLE.IN JESUS NAME,Amen.
LOrd please forgive me again again and again same sin for years I need deliverance breakthrew healing, salvation to really truly know you and believe that you LOVE Me. I feel like I am the worst person in the world I feel so lose and confused give me clarity of mind and thoughts… I need you LORD my soul my mind body and spirit needs your healing touch from all these emotional tramas that has happened in my life. LORD my sins are in my heart so deep and its against you and you only have I sinned I need your peace your forgiveness these habitual wrong thinking lack of faith and trust ..I know LORD I scream out loud LORD I DON”T TRUST YOU and it came from my heart and since then I haven’t been the same. Please help me teach me guide me on how to walk this walk in faith and help me to trust and believe you save me LORD save me please and my household
Dear Lord,
PLEASE forgive me for the outburst yesterday reg. both my father and brother who have long lacked understanding and compassion towards me. I stand behind the content, but I regret the manner in which I chose to address the situation.
Dear God, please forgive me for putting my own selfish thoughts and desires above and before you and everyone else in my life. I feel like I have driven you away please forgive me for my destructive pattern that only destroys things around me, please have mercy on me God. Please restore the peace and joy that only you can give, all good things come from above, and you are everywhere around us, how can we feel we don’t see you.. thank you have mercy on me
Unfortunately, people are always going to judge because in my opinion I think it makes them feel better about themselves. Just hold your head up , girl you are trying and it is hard I know. You will make it because the Lord is with you.
I don’t even know where to begin with the magnitude of sins on my plate. Let’s just say that I have seen things from the dark side and smelled the pit of what I think is hell. For some reason I was so drawn to try to learn what I could and gather information to protect the world. I was plagued with this for about 6 years. I have had near death experiences but for some reason the Lord has brought me back. I went about everything in reverse . I did learn through out all it that there is indeed a beautiful God and I have to struggle against those horrible demons everyday. I finally decided one day that God had been with me the whole time. These crazy people told me they were from another planet and then the woman turned demonic and screamed that I need to go pray to her husband who was God and I turned my back on him in total defiance and prayed to Jesus . I was thinking that this was the end of the world I was so scared and it was like I was under some black magic spell as was the officer who called the ambulance when I was calm and fine walking down the sidewalk and the EMS guys knocked me so hard to ground that the chipped my front tooth. They gave me two huge shots of I guess tranquilizers and when I awoke my clothes were gone , I was wearing a purple Hesus Saves T-shirt and my True Religion jeans. Well aparently they had to cut my clothes off of me and I had urinated all over my clothes because I looked at them in the trash. The Dr said he had to work on me all through the night. I do not understand because I was perfectly fine. A little shaken up by the crazy family on my sons side that I met for the first time. I was merely walking down the sidewalk and had to endure that emotional and physical torture. I never stopped praying and sacrificed my life to Jesus so no one else would go through this and Jesus did test me because I thought I was dying. I am not a crazy person at all. I have a 7 yr old son and we say our prayers together every night. I have had other ordeals like that as well and I don’t know why. Why me? I never hear of anyone else having crazy stories as that. I just want to know why. Then the demons get you to blasphemy yourself by making me think I am special and must be a heavenly being. I am just a normal person and I am so sorry my Lord for the part I played in this and even though I went backwards to find you Lord I found you. I am so sorry and scared that you may not be able to forgive me for all of this. There are truly dark forces that attack us everyday and we must be strong and never turn our backs on God just because we are afraid. That is the one thing I did right. I will never be perfect and I still get angry for not knowing the answer and I am so sick of people telling me I am crazy when I know I have never been crazy nor will ever be. Someone except for that fake person who is trying to talk for Jesus give me some advice. I need to know this is not an uncommon thing. I need to know my purpose.
Heavenly Father…Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit…I stand before and the sadness in me is do great that tears automatically flow…Lord you know what I have been through…my marriage…my divorce…my financial crisis…I have sinned greatly against you…as a woman with nothing left I ask that you forgive me…please restore me…please take away all my pain…my troubles…help me please…there is no one else I can ask for help…you are my God…you are Almighty..please God…I don’t know what to do…I failed…I don’t blame you for my failures…I blame myself…please have mercy…I love yoh
Dear god please forgive me
Forgive me..??
God I am so sorry for all the things I have done
Truly very sorry My Lord says a broken me. You have always been by my side and yet i forgot you. SORRY Lord!! Amen
Lord, it`s me. I don`by think saying “I`m sorry” would even seem right at the moment. I just…I don’t know. I’m sorghum not better. I’m sorry I keep taking y