God wants his family back

God has always been a family man. He loves us with a desperate love and when we were kidnapped and taken away to a far country to be held hostage, he set in motion a plan to get us back.
I always felt compassion for those living in the prisons of pain and despair, but it wasn’t until later in l…
By Seth Barnes
God has always been a family man. He loves us with a desperate love and when we were kidnapped and taken away to a far country to be held hostage, he set in motion a plan to get us back.
I always felt compassion for those living in the prisons of pain and despair, but it wasn’t until later in life that I began to connect the dots and see that what I felt was an echo of the pain and longing that God himself feels for his lost family.
He wants his family back and he has put in place a plan to set free those of us held in the dark dungeons of captivity. The plan is to deputize his sons and daughters and to give them the keys to unlock every jail cell man ever designed.
We call them “missionaries,” a tired, threadbare word that conjures up connotations of women in long dresses and army boots or guys wearing pith helmets, or worse, an ugly American bringing some watered down Sunday school lesson to those living outside his compound.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, we have a mission, but we don’t belong to some poverty-stricken, backward little organization. We serve the Lord of all glory whose heart pounds for his children, and we’ve been given an assignment that entails adventure and risk. We are rescuers and change agents who have been equipped with power to reverse the second law of thermodynamics. Too many of us have lost the plot. We go to our schools and workplaces apologetic. God calls us “more than conquerors,” and his children around the world are living that way.
If you want to hear more about the amazing way in which his church is advancing around the globe order Megashift.
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amen! i just finished megashift.. i highly recommend it to all.. Seems especially her in the US we make God so small. We need to give our children, cities, our town and our nation back to God.
i just ordered it…it is next in line after pagan christianity.
What an inspirational post!
I love this line: “We are rescuers and change agents who have been equipped with power to reverse the second law of thermodynamics.”
Thank you for writing this.
Brilliant post Seth! One of the biggest thing I have noticed when out on the streets is the amount of Gods kids who have been hurt by church and are now back into a life of sin. Some of them going down a dark path of drug abuse and homelessness.There are probably more of Gods kids not in church than there is in them! When you think you have the answers in Christ and then it all goes pear shaped people end up worse off than they did before, all hope ripped out of them.
Pray for the prodicals to come home and love them.All Satan does is “divide and conquor, divide and conquor”. You imagine what an amazing, glorious beautiful bride we should be? One Body, One church, filled to overflowing with His Spirit that we are so drawn to one another instead of putting the walls up.In every church I have gone to I automaticaly get drawn to those whose lives are so overflowing with Jesus. Walking down the corridor at work one day I passed a teacher who I didnt know at the time was a christian and sensed my precious Jesus.
Let Christ live in us to overflowing and love His prodicals home, dont allow Satan to divide. If there is any division go back over old ground until peace comes. Dont quit till Satans work is undone and Gods kids are living peacefuly.
Let the army of God rise up……He didnt give us an armour to put on just to keep it shiny and polished!