Killed for their faith by Muslims

I just received a letter from a friend and coworker of mine in a Muslim country in the middle east.
“Recently three of our colleagues have been killed in the northern part of our country.
Six others have been abducted including three children. The whereabouts of those missing is not known. …
By Seth Barnes
I just received a letter from a friend and coworker of mine in a Muslim country in the middle east.
“Recently three of our colleagues have been killed in the northern part of our country.Six others have been abducted including three children. The whereabouts of those missing is not known. One of the families that is still missing were our neighbors when lived in our city, and are a blessing to the whole country.Please continue to pray as the search continues for the six missing in this hostile environment. Also please remember the families of the three that were killed, that God would continue to comfort them.In the word God tells us that in the way they persecuted Jesus that we would also be persecuted. We’ve seen in this situation that because of the witness and obedience of these men and women there have been unbelievers that have now put their faith in Jesus, and we will be together with them for eternity!Let us continue to live a life full of Jesus while we are still living here on Earth!”
This is reality. Families are mourning the loss of their loved ones now. I want to take my friend’s advice – choosing to live a full life while still here on earth. That means following Jesus passionately with my whole heart. What about you?
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How true, mourning takes time, rejoicing of a home coming is fullfilling when you embrace it. Sharing with those who care and are willing to reach out to just listen…..priceless!
I have lost track of the number of people who stayed away as my parents generation finally came home to our Father. Afraid of what to say, afraid to feel the hurt, afraid to let the pressure be released. If you have gone thru this you know what I mean.
There is true peace by letting the pressure go, peace in the tears, love in the celebration, joy in accepting the home coming.
They and you are not alone, but joined even closer with your love and sharing of what you can do better. Talk and share….there are so many who are feeling isolated like you and they are your new community.
Blessings to each of you that share this journey, you are not alone. As part of the blog ministry team, I am here for you. Reach out, share, and love.
Patti B.
If I GO and I’m killed by a Muslim, my loved ones may blame me for venturing too far from home. They’ll be dealing with the choice of two “fanatics”, one dead and the other, still wielding his sword or gun, looking for more “fun”.
But what if I escape the Muslims’ bullets but die “in the hands” of Mosquitoes, (Malaria); they amy still blame me for going “there”. If my passion does not lead me to where I could suffer and even die, who/what am I living for?
As I thank God for life today, I pray for all those endangered for Christ’s global cause. May His presence and protection be more real now than ever. In Jesus name! Amen!
If I GO and I’m killed by a Muslim, my loved ones may blame me for venturing too far from home. They’ll be dealing with the choice of two “fanatics”, one dead and the other, still wielding his sword or gun, looking for more “fun”.
But what if I escape the Muslims’ bullets but die “in the hands” of Mosquitoes, (Malaria); they may still blame me for going “there”. If my passion does not lead me to where I could suffer and even die, who/what am I living for?
As I thank God for life today, I pray for all those endangered for Christ’s global cause. May His presence and protection be more real now than ever. In Jesus name! Amen!
Adding to that line of thought my mind for some reasons centered on a portion of a co worker’s report from Bangladesh where he casually reported 2 incidents under the title of Persecution that led to God’s blessings:
#1 While working with community showing community development movies the mission team showed two movies and was going to wrap up with the Jesus Film. 2 Evils as they called them, stood up and protested that Jesus should not be shown. The workers responded that Jesus was about community and about serving others. The 2 Evils said, “We will bite you”. Odd right? But then the 2 Evils left and the film was shown. On the way back to their own village after the film the Jesus Film workers were viciously attacked by a large group of radical Muslims who viciously bit them, scratched them and kicked them. Local police came to their aid when it was reported but they had to be hospitalized due to the viciousness of the bites and attack. Those involved said casually, “They persecuted us however they wanted to but God was glorified”.
#2 A young man from a Muslim background became a Christian and he shared his faith with others. One person, a shop owner was upset when he found that this person had forsaken Islam for Christ. When the young man was walking alone on a street he was attacked by a group of radicals who hung him from an electric pole. For 2 hours no one came to help him. Then a ranking police official came and cut him down. He survived and the policeman said to him. “The work that you and your group are doing is too valuable. Every time that you go out come to the police station and we will assign a police escort to you. The reputation of good works from your group and you are well known.”
No frills, no glaring report…just a quarterly report from ministry partners in Muslim dominated countries. Details buried in the lower middle part of the report. But details that testify to the times that we live in.
Blessed be the name of the Lord and blessings to those who endure till the end.
This reality is hard but a good reminder for me.
I need to be more faithful in prayer as my son
is about to take off to the same region for a year+
Does nobody else see that these people were taken BECAUSE of religion? Is that not reason enough to help the world just by doing good deeds? Not for a God or any other reason other than helping people that need help? People that actually live in this world we all live in?